Thank You

Rose petal bloom


Thank you for your generous prayers.

We are still waiting, hoping and offering our good intentions towards Lynn.

Thank you for keeping Lynn and her family in your good thoughts and prayers.

My cousin (Lynn's sister, Francabolla is with me, as is our high school friend Mardog.)

Aren't roses symbolic of the journey of love? And isn't love an amazing grace? Those petals, those thorns, that perfume, the stages of blooming… love is a path for the brave and the giving.

Our hearts onced loved are never the same.



30 responses to “Thank You”

  1. I really did not fully understand the saying “love hurts” until I became a mother.
    Your cousin is in my prayers.

  2. Sending big love and hope to you all Corey, hugs. Katie xxx

  3. Vicki Bonne Amie

    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers…..

  4. …and in an instant everything changes. God speed.

  5. yes, love is an amazing grace……sending more prayers
    for ya’ll
    Missy from the bayou

  6. I am keeping your cousin and family in my thoughts and prayers. I was wondering what going away for Q and Q time is?

  7. Yes, if our hearts once loved, they will never be the same. Remember Velveteen Bunny? If we love and are loved, we become real…We are alive because of love.
    Sending our love and prayers…

  8. Claire said it so beautifully, I can only nod.

  9. Brenda L. from TN.

    Oh Corey….I missed reading yeaterday’s blog and only now saw your post about your cousin,Lynn…I am so very sorry to hear about this.
    I will offer up many prayers for her and her family.
    I ask the Lord for healing, strenght and courage for all concerned.

  10. So beautiful Corey.
    Love & Prayers.

  11. Contining to pray that your cousin Lynn will soon be well. May God continue to be with you and give you peace.

  12. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    You and your family are close to my heart. Sending many healing thoughts Lynn’s way and also to her family, and yours. (((((Corey))))))

  13. I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin Lynn. I’m hoping she pulls through and all becomes well again. My thoughts are with you and your family…..

  14. Waiting for news is so hard, and it must be exponentially so for Franca, being so far away from her sister right now. We’re hoping for Lynn’s full and timely recovery. Abraços virtuais.

  15. Roses are indeed a wonderful symbol of life. More prayers send your cousins way. Hugs sent to you all.

  16. Jennifer in SF

    I just went online to catch up on your blog and saw your post about Lynn. My candles were already lit, arch angel incense was burning and so I simply sent a big one up for you and yours. Sending you & your family lots of love and light.

  17. My prayers are with you all.

  18. My heart is with you and yours!

  19. Continuing in prayer for all of you. May God’s peace be with you all.

  20. Just got caught up. Praying now.

  21. Lorretta from NH

    I will continue praying for her and your family as you have so resently done for me. Bless you all.

  22. In Christ’s name we pray for healing and full recovery for Lynn. Peace to you and your family.

  23. Life is so precious. Praying each day.

  24. Lord Have Mercy!
    Lynn is in my prayers. Those of you so far away are in my prayers.

  25. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. May the velvet petals of the rose softly touch Lynn’s check and have her awaken to the beautiful scent knowing that they were sent from you.

  26. Marie-Noëlle

    Lynn has been here with me, in my heart and on my mind ….
    Hope light will come out of dark there.
    Thinking oh her and of you.

  27. Love indeed has the power to change our lives. We feel to a depth not imagined before, both the good and the bad. Will continue to lift Lynn and your family up in prayer.

  28. My prayers go out to you and yours, bearing the gifts of acceptance and grace … the two blessings that give prayer the power to shed new light on His ‘wonders to behold’.
    Let peace and trust guide you through this difficult time.

  29. Hope and blessings for all of you..

  30. Quality and Quantity.

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