Last night I watched a video (linked below) called: The Birth of a Word. I was amazed and moved. Amazed that someone could imagine how to capture the birth of a word, and amazed at that implications of what that means.
Imagine capturing the birth of a word?!
While watching the video I realized in a more profound way that the gift, or trouble our words can have on one another. That what we say does matter. That our prayers are heard, that our life song can lead others to move. Our words have, whether we believe it or not, whether spoken outloud or in our hearts, an energy, a vibration, a rich source that can be given to one another as a healing balm and or as a tool to move forward… Depending on how we use our words of course.
If we see our words as tools then what we think and say should not be taken lightly. If we add our words to actions, then we can be encouraging vessels of love, goodness and hope.
The power of words spoken out loud, and in ones heart… it is a gift I want to embrace.
In the video "The Birth of a Word" I was struck by the graphics Deb Roy created to explain his point. While listening to Mr. Roy sharing how he collected information regarding television programming, then matched those words to a massive collections of words being said at the same time regarding the televised program they were watching. I was awestruck by the avenues that Mr. Roy's thoughts lead me.
Where two or three are gathered…
One of the avenues my thoughts went to was about prayer: How words spoken in prayers do resound, move through space and time such as Mr. Roy's graphics showed, creating a mass, one voice. It made me believe even more in the power of prayer.
I thought of my cousin Lynn and how last night over a hundred people gathered as one outside her hospital window and prayed…
For healing, for acceptance, for a miracle, many prayers said a unison voice of love.
Another thing Mr. Roy made me think about was how he was able to collect/record the words said over five years in his home, then trace them (by video) to where in his home they were said, and then showed, for example that the word "water" was said more often in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Not that I expected the word water, being said by his child, would take place anymore in any other place. But the thought that stirred strongly in me was, "What word circles around me? What word or words, represents me? If the word "water" in Mr. Roy's description was heard, spoken and helped learned by being in the kitchen and or bathroom, then what word is thought of when it comes to me, or any of us as individuals?
What do we offer others by our being who we are? If words are learned by being around you or me then what would they be?
A helping hand?
I better stop swearing today.
Words, prayer, good intentions may ours be ones that lead to all that is good and worthy, and less towards prickly bits.
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