


This photo always puts a smile on my face: Chelsea and Sacha at our old house in the country. The cherry tree was loaded, the glass tall and the Provencal colors exploding around us.

Today, at this very moment Sacha is having his four impacted wisdom teeth pulled.

Looking back at photos of Sacha, few of them show his pearly whites. Mind you when he was a child his dental structure was less than perfect, far less. I am certain when the dentist saw Sacha's teeth (when he went for braces years ago) he rubbed his hands in glee thinking to himself, "Cha-Ching make that a Bugatti Veyron, with an Aston Martin V12, Vanquish on the side please!"

As soon as he comes home, even in his stupor state from the anesthesia, I am going to tell him he has to start SHOWING that SMILE of his with TEETH.

BTW I checked Sacha's FACEBOOK photos too, thinking maybe just my photos were without pearly whites, as I tend to prefer portraits of people not smiling ear to ear… geez, is that mean I have been in France too long? French people tend not to show their teeth when they smile. French Husband says, "It is because you only show your teeth when something is funny. A nonsmile is a natural look, it is your natural face." He hasn't meant my cousin Johnny, but that is another story, I only wrote that to have Francabolla smile with teeth included.

Anyway, 99 percent of Sacha's photos are without his teeth showing. He called that his "Non American Smile Photos".

Have you had your wisdom teeth pulled? What is your story? Chipmunk Cheeks?



42 responses to “Smile”

  1. jend’isère

    worked for me, with that blast of colourful joy!

  2. Believe it or not..I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. I should have had braces but then it was not as important as now. Poor Sacha…it is not fun to have that done.
    He’s young and will be right as rain in a few days.

  3. Holy smokes……all four at once???
    I had the two right ones pulled back in college and couldn’t even shove even one half of a grape between the front teeth of my swollen jaws! But then, they all were wrapped around my jawbone and had to be chiseled away. I had the other two removed, one at a time. Give Sacha my DEEP condolences and sincere understanding of the pain.
    Plus, pain killers make me sick 🙁 Poor lad.

  4. He’ll soon give new meaning to the phrase “Chipmunk Cheeks.” I advise getting bags of frozen peas and/or corn, a long piece of fabric, straws, ice cream and milk. Wrap the fabric around his head and stuff the bags of frozen corn and peas inside. Make sure you have lots of bags, you’ll have to change them often. Make milkshakes with the ice cream and use the straws to drink them. Good Luck Sacha!

  5. everton terrace

    Yes, I had all four yanked out at once as well – years ago now. I remember my face my Dad took me out for a milkshake. At one point he looked over and laughed because it was running down my face and I had no idea because my face was still so numb. Good Luck.

  6. The only two I had were yanked out by a Brazilian dentist wearing high heels and a mini skirt while I prayed and prayed. I still have one of them in my jewelry box. It’s long and ugly.

  7. I had two done in high school – only two because the dentist couldn’t find the uppers on the x-ray. A few years later I needed oral surgery to correct receeding gums. The oral surgeon found that the other two had grown in, so he did those at the same time. Let’s just say with the gaping wound from the skin graft from the roof of my mouth he took to fix my gums I didn’t even notice those two little holes where my wisdom teeth had been!!! Ouch!
    Funny, Japanese don’t smile showing teeth for photos either. In fact, most women cover their mouths when they laugh in person as well. It’s not dignified to show too much teeth. I always crack up at the photos of my Japanese husband where he’s trying to smile American style. His smile looks so fake (it’s really cute)!

  8. Wisdom teeth out. A right of passage. Other than feeling a little loopy from the anesthesia it wasn’t too bad. Same for my kids. Ice, ice, ice!!!

  9. Our son had four impacted wisdom teeth removed at about your son’s age. Home from college for Christmas. Oral surgeon knew Matt was a music major so hummed and whistled “76 trombones” throught the procedure! Fast recovery time with milkshakes sustaining.

  10. Hope we heals quickly and can give us an American smile.

  11. Marie-Noëlle

    Both my kids had their wisdom teeth pulled a few years ago.
    All four at once, at the hospital. All the teenagers seem to have their wisdom teeth pulled nowadays. Orthodontics has become very popular and, somehow, a very good business !!!
    In France, Chi pmunks cheeks are said to be “des joues de hamster”, which is very similar, actually …
    I want a picture of your chipmunk !!!

  12. According to a scientist friend of mine, how one smiles depends on the genetic predisposition. Your are either a toothy smiler (I am!) or not. You can’t really change that. 😉
    (Sorry, was ready this morning, only I forgot to send it.)

  13. Still have them. Dentist said if they aren’t a bother, to leave them in. Of course others have said the longer you have your wisdom teeth, the more it will hurt when they do get removed.


    I have never had wisdom teeth. None show up in the xrays either. I guess I am not very wise. Hummmmmmmmmmmmm.
    Gives me something to ponder.

  15. Paula S In New Mexico

    I only remember crying.

  16. I love the photo of the children! They look just as children should, happy and innocent.
    I always have my teeth showing, it is a natural state for me . Must remember to keep mouth shut when in France!

  17. Lindy in TX

    I looked and felt lke a car had run over my head. My eyes were black and blue, my face was swollen like the elephant man, and my mouth was VERY sore. I wouldn’t do it again as it wasn’t necessary but just a suggestion.

  18. cynthia wolff

    pain pills for two weeks…in a stupor …when they ran out it still hurt.

  19. Over the years, my father had had all four of his wisdom teeth pulled, one at a time. Then at one of his dental appointments (in middle age), the dentist informed him that he needed to have his wisdom tooth pulled. My dad replied that that was impossible, because he’d already had all four out. The dentist informed him that a minority of people — although it’s not all that rare — have TWO sets of wisdom teeth!!!
    Gosh, I sure hope it’s not hereditary, because I’ve only had four pulled (so far) 🙂

  20. as a kid, anything to do with a doctor had me scared me blankness. an appt. was made to have my wisdom teeth extracted. my mother offered that i could have any meal i wanted. i choose chow mein. we were eatting supper and as i was chewing i jammed a noodle up one of the holes. i groaned and moanned,mother wanted to know what the matter was? i told that i jammed a noodle up one of the holes. she said, that she never gave that a thought. ugh! Bestest,Denise

  21. When I lived in New York for a few years I also developed what I called my American Smile, and yes, it showed all my teeth and I felt like such a faker doing it as I had to force my mouth wide and it wasn’t a natural smile, but the photos turned out great, the best I’d ever had, and the smile looked natural…hmmm..why are only Americans taught that growing up?;)

  22. and I forgot to say I do hope Sacha is not in too much pain. My younger son has had all his wisdom teeth out now..not a nice experience.

  23. I have a huge smile (I’ve a big mouth too!) – so you won’t like me…. (lol)
    But hey – Kiki, think again – I haven’t got a toothy smile either…. so, hurray, Corey loves me! I only show my teeth when I laugh out loud like Lynn on that other photo! But I definitely will never be taken for a French woman; I smile far too much and intend fully to keep it that way!
    AND I had my wisdom teeth out, but only one at the time. Yes, it was absolutely awful – I was ill for at least 3 days and swollen up for a week; but afterwards I was glad to have them out!
    Funny to have teeth pulled as if we wouldn’t need them; and pouff, there goes our wisdom forever… (smiles!)

  24. American Wife smiles with teeth flashing, French Husband (sorta) with lips closed:

  25. P.S. Had 2 wisdom teeth out at a time (same side) under general anesthesia each time, so at least had one good side of my mouth to lie on in bed, and to eat soft food and suck through a straw without risk of pulling the scabs off the sockets on the other side. Applied the ice-pack a lot (nowadays I believe folks use bags of frozen peas).
    Only needed 5 out of the 10 aspirin-codeine pills the first time, only 3 out of 10 the second time. Each time was back to my regular life after 48 hours, albeit still a bit swollen — class registration in college the first time, taking the bus downtown to Oakland to go shopping at Capwell’s (big sale at huge department store) the other time. Also, the second time was just before my birthday, so I remember that evening lying in bed watching the première of a newfangled TV show whose concept no one thought would last: “60 Minutes”!!!

  26. Yes, I had my wisdom teeth pulled. It was the summer I turned 16. I was “helping” my dad fix up my old 1965 Mustang at the time and there is a picture of me by it, the engine hanging over the engine compartment by chains from a crane. I’m there pointing at it, with my big chipmunk cheeks!

  27. My English husband (I’m an Aussie) always complains that I do not show my teeth when smiling for a photo (or any other time). I also close my eyes when having my photo taken. I don’t do it on purpose it just happens. Still have my wisdom teeth. They are sleeping sideways underneath my other teeth and probably will never erupt – I hope. I encouraged my daughter to have her wisdom teeth out all at once, to get it over and done with. She still hasn’t forgiven me, but her chipmunk cheeks sure looked cute and she was okay in a couple of days. She lived on icecream and noodles – her favourite foods. Hope Sacha recovers quickly.

  28. Franca Bollo

    One word: Percodan. Mmmm … made my wisdom teeth extraction blissful. Until I was cut off … then it hurt.
    Franca and her family have revealed their pearly whites many times over the past days. The human ability to cope is an amazing process to behold.
    A heartfelt “thank you” to Corey and her readers for their support.

  29. Yes, I have. All 4 of them at the same time – I was put to sleep for that for 40 minutes. Later on I looked like Marlon Brando in Godfather (I have a photo). I remember bags of frozen peas and not much more because I was given Tylenol 3 with Codeine for pain and it knocked me right out. I slept almost constantly for 24 hours after the surgery once we got home.

  30. Chris Wittmann

    Had one pulled that had broken through the gum and was bad. Not a problem. The other 3 are “impacted” I’m told and they should be pulled. I say…”But, why??” They don’t bother me, God put them there for a reason, and let’s leave them alone until for now! I do recall having that one pulled left quite a hole which still feels like a crater all these years later.

  31. I had all four removed. They were impacted and there was just not enough room for them. I looked like the Godfather’s daughter during my tennis tournament. Funny, I don’t think that I have ever played better. Thank you for the post. I am wearing my big American smile just for you.:D

  32. Brenda, Walker, LA

    After paying for Kid’s education, and recovering from Husbands bad business adventure, It was time for me to “catch up” with the dental needs: deep cleaning, a few cavities and 4 wisdom teeth, crown bridges, all done same day under a dreamy sedation! I woke up that night in my bed, never remembering how I got there. I loved this dentist and am still grateful, hugs him every 6 months when I go for cleaning. I have some straight white teeth now and flash them proudly, they cost enough for sure!

  33. “….He hasn’t meant my cousin Johnny, but that is…”.
    I probably haven’t seen Johnny “Smiley” Amaro since 1972 but don’t think I’ve ever met anyone since then with such a never-ending smile!

  34. labergerebasque

    OMG…all these horror stories. When I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth pulled (age 20),
    I slept all day the first day (drugs) and then was just a wee bit sore the next.
    Not too difficult at all.
    Maybe I was lucky or had a great dentist?

  35. Tongue in Cheek

    You know my cousin? You got it right his smile is constant and wonderful!

  36. Lisa DeNunzio

    My first wisdom tooth was pulled not long after I arrived in Miami from New York. I had moved here to marry my now husband of 35 years. The tooth was impacted and necessitated emergency surgery as my face was quite swollen. Very attractive…and great way to make an impression on new family. Ahhhh…..

  37. I was blessed . . .my daughter was born without them! Now, for her two younger brothers.
    But, I’m afraid the French will hate me when I get there . . .my teeth show most of the time . . .it’s a horrible defect.

  38. amylia grace

    I miss seeing Annie and her smile. How is she doing, Corey?

  39. amylia grace

    Still have two; had two pulled when I was Sacha’s age.
    I miss seeing Annie’s smile on your blog; how is she?
    Note: I am infamous for my smirk. I rarely smiled with teeth ad a child and young adult.

  40. Lemon Verbena Lady

    I had Novocaine with two (would not recommend this to anyone) and IV sedation with the other two. With one of the ones with Novocaine, I had a dry socket and screamed so loudly when the packing came out it alarmed the other patients! But the pain was unbelievable. I would recommend never be awake with wisdom teeth. Hope it goes better for your son. Unaware is best!

  41. At age 53 Ihave just finished my first week of braces… It is so funny that this is your topic…. 18 months to go for lovely teeth…..

  42. Diana Dickert

    Perhaps Sacha can still flash his trademark smile after the procedure, maybe even have a wider smile. =) I haven’t had my wisdom tooth pulled out by my dentist, but my mom already went through one. I’ve seen her applying hot compress near her teeth to ease the swelling.

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