Santa’s Helpers

Santa's lovebirds sharing secrets

One of my Mother's clever tools of disciplining, my four brothers and I as children, was telling us that the birds that sat on the telephone wires were Santa's helpers. During the year (not just in December,) she would point up to them and say, "They are watching you! You better behave, or they will fly back and tell Santa!" If we did something devious, she would look out the window and say, "Oh, I see one of the birds flying away, look, there it goes to the North pole!"

I believed her. I remember seeing hundreds of birds lined up on the telephone wires and wondering why soooooooooooooooo many of them seem to hang out by our house?

Being Catholic had nothing to do with guilt compared to those damn birds.                            






22 responses to “Santa’s Helpers”

  1. Your mother is a very smart person. With that many kids you have to do something to keep them in line. Well, it worked for you didn’t it? LOL~!

  2. My mom used to tell me that the uniformed bus driver was a policeman also, so I’d behave on the bus.

  3. Parents always have a trick, don’t they?
    My sister-in-law came from a large family. She remembers her parents telling the kids if they couldn’t behave when they were in the car they wouldn’t get to go to their planned destination. She said someone invariably started fighting and they always turned around and went home. She swears her parents counted on that happening before they made any plans 🙂

  4. My Slovenian friend said when she was a child she was told that if she lied, smoke would come from her nose… you can just imagine all the little ones covering their noses….

  5. jend’isère

    After using the police as a threat to my young son, he’d scream at passport controls and pilots on airplanes, who looked too authoritave for his comfort.

  6. what a clever mother you have.

  7. Amy Kortuem

    Oh wow. At least you could hide from the birds. My mom told us that Santa was everywhere at all times, and could even hear our thoughts.

  8. Brenda L. from TN.

    Your Mom is very smart…..

  9. I love your mother, Corey. And Alan…that is a brilliant idea for naughty boys.

  10. When I discovered I was tall enough to see myself in the mirror over the dresser., my mother told me that if I looked n the mirror too long the devil would POP out of it. I believed her….

  11. Hmmm, was I the only kid who used logic to call BS on a parent (in my case, my mother, because my dad didn’t patronize me that way)?

  12. *smile*
    My mother’s helpers were angels. There is no hiding anything from them. 😉

  13. Both my kids have bright red hair. I told them if they were ever in a group or alone and did anything bad they would be the first to be nabbed and identified. They believed me (and it was true) so they were pretty careful. Come to think of it they probably resorted to wigs or hats when push came to shove. They are in their thirties now and have to contend with their own children. What goes around, comes around.

  14. When I was little and my mother suspected me of fibbing she would frown and stare at my forehead and say there was a black cross on my forehead…then if I still would not admit to my fib..she then would say a set of horns were starting to show on my head..Now that freaked me out and I admitted my fib..Till I wised up and ran to the mirror or felt the top of my head..:)
    Ah the joys of childhood..and you know what? I would give anything to hear my dear late Mom said this to me again..

  15. In the States now there is a new way to help young kids behave, especially at Christmas. It’s called Elf On A Shelf. He/She comes in the mail (usually from grandmothers) with a book right after Thanksgiving. The child gets to name the elf and it hangs around the house through the Christmas season and reports back to Santa when the kids are sleeping. Every morning they look for the elf in a different place. Really “wise” parents put him in the background of photos all year long just as a reminder that Santa knows all year if you’re naughty or nice:)

  16. Your clever mom! I think I will borrow that one for use with my own kids!!

  17. cynthia wolff

    us Catholic Girls have a weird way of lookin at things.

  18. Great story and memories! Love the wallpaper (?) image of the birds and apple tree!

  19. Thank You, I am gonna use this on my grandchildren. I like the way your Mom thinks.
    Enjoyed reading your post.

  20. Violet Cadburry

    Yep, my mom said the same thing. Worked for a couple years until my brothers got BB guns for Christmas. What do you think was the first thing they shot at? I have three sons and we have a no gun rule. But, air-soft guns aren’t the old school. Gee, they don’t fire weapons, just small plastic pellets that can main and kill. Everything became a target, including my hanging plants, the birdhouses, and each other’s eyes. I confiscated those weapons and was so pissed I smashed them on the ground and chucked them in the trash. Now our family is in therapy for violence. Go figure.

  21. Love the idea ….I think I will use it. The birds made me think of my Dad and how he would spat over his left shoulder if he saw one crow. One crow sorrow two crow joy , three crow a letter etc. I keep telling myself it is only a superstition but I keep spatting over my left shoulder 🙂

  22. Sue at Naperville Now

    lol, Corey! thanks for sharing your sweet memory.

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