Sacha and Chelsea say Goodbye


Sacha says Goodbye



Brother and sister.

Sacha goes back to school today, so he said goodbye to Chelsea who leaves for Mexico later this week.




Sacha says Goodbye

Sacha says Goodbye



They teased one another in front of the camera,


felt those happy/sad pangs and parted.

Chelsea will be away for eight months.





Sacha says Goodbye



Oh! Goodbyes should never be.



32 responses to “Sacha and Chelsea say Goodbye”

  1. Chelsea is one lucky girl! I wish I went to school in France! I would have been all over the world too! You learn so much about life, the world, and yourself when you travel. It really does put perspective on things when you return home. What does she want to be when she graduates?

  2. Brenda L. from TN.

    Good-bye, Chealsea! Good-bye, Sacha! Take care!

  3. That made me weepy, and I don’t have a brother or kids to relate that to. Perhaps you will take a little trip to Mexico by summer?

  4. ***Sigh***
    Beautiful kids. What are you going to do when the nest is empty again?

  5. Sweet! Brother and sister love is so special and you can definitely see it here. The next year will be quite an adventure for both of them and I wish them well.

  6. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    We just said goodbye to our boy on the 29th. He will probably not be back home. We were all sobbing in the car on the way from the airport. His brother was visibly torn and my mother’s heart felt like it was breaking and simultaneously, I was grateful that the bond between my boys has been and is so strong.
    Goodbyes should never be…

  7. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Farewell again. Blessings be upon them and their journey.

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    After every goodbye, there is a wonderful hello !!!

  9. Blessings for your family in 2012.
    We truly give our children roots and wings don’t we?
    Love you

  10. Franca Bollo

    Not always.

  11. All the best to both of them and their respective projects.

  12. Oh, this makes me weepy. Too many goodbyes these days.
    But it is a precious gift to have those in our lives that we don’t want to say goodbye to, right? (I’ll keep telling myself that.)

  13. Sadly true, Franca. There are goodbyes we know will be forever, and those we can’t imagine at the time will be. It’s hard to know which kind is worse, although the lesson may be always to make every goodbye meaningful, just in case.

  14. cynthia wolff

    golly, your family is tre men dous.

  15. Chris Wittmann

    Very touching photos. I hope Chelsea will enjoy her travels. It seems as though your family is always moving around the globe!

  16. Partings are such sweet sorrows

  17. Sacha, love the Giants cap!

  18. Bon Voyage!

  19. Corey. I love your blog and often read it sitting in bed with a cup of tea in the morning.
    I need to tell you that having me burst into tears at that time if the day scares my husband and leaves him wondering whether to call the men in white coats!

  20. Aww, it’s so great that your daughter and son have such a close relationship. And that they are not afraid to travel on their own! Good for them! Btw, Chelsea looks absolutely beautiful in these photos.

  21. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    Reading, catching up, after working a lot….These pictures alone made me have a lump in my throat, so sweet!

  22. quiltmom anna

    I am learning to say ” Until next time- it feels less like goodbye” . I loved your recent posts about your children. It has been a different Christmas as our son has moved to the other side of the country( 4000 miles from here) We miss his laughter and his energy in our home. We know that he has made a good choice for him but we still miss him.
    The photos of your children are beautiful and touching.
    Happy New Year to you and yours,
    Warmest regards,

  23. Oh Corey that is so sad…I hate goodbyes. None of my family live here in the States so when ever we get together it’s always hard to say goodbye. My Sister Janet lives in England….I haven’t seen her since 1999 and we only found each other in 1991. If we ever see each other again they will have to tear us apart. I feel your children’s pain…and yours. 🙁

  24. Christine Lewis

    I’m diggin Sacha’s hat!!


    Have truly enjoyed your posts of late. Have only had
    Time to take a peek and dash out. Your children’s
    Is due in part to your parenting. You foster closeness!
    Lotta love in your house. What a beautiful family!

  26. Marie-Claude

    Oh, Corey, comme il est bon d’avoir un mari et des enfants qu’on aime, et de les voir vivre!
    Il faut se réjouir et célébrer chaque seconde de cette vie!
    Merci pour tout cela, je viendrai bientôt vous voir, après notre rendez-vous manqué de la brocante!
    Je vous embrasse.

  27. You’ve made me cry….
    Love you both <3

  28. Just Plain Jane

    “Goodbyes should never be”. Ain’t it the truth!!!
    We have a 27 year old developmentally delayed grandson who forthrightly says, “Goodbyes are very hard for me.” I try to remember that happiness, to be happiness, must come to an end, but goodbyes are still heart wrenching.

  29. Such beautiful love between these siblings..I envy them..It must have been so hard for you to see Corey..Why do they have to grow so fast?

  30. I am looking into my magic crystal ball and see a trip to Mexico in your future.
    xoxo Gail

  31. rockpaperscissors

    It is hard to see our little chicks leave the nest. My 4 checks are all gone and we now have to say our goodbyes often. Your children are beautiful as are their parents. God bless and Happy New Year to your family

  32. Au revoir Sachinga!

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