Why? It is a Very Good Question without an Answer





He, being the man I married, had his hair cut last night.

I cannot get use to it.

It is not a question if it looks good. He, being the one who had his hair cut, asked me,

"Do you like it?"

I tried to lie, but couldn't and said, "I preferred it long."

Not many men nearing fifty can wear their hair long and have it look good. In the end it is just hair… But I doubt he will ever have it long again. Sadly, I gotta get use to it.



( Waiting for a photo from Sacha. But do I really want to see it?)



On a second note Sacha went skiing last week, and called when he got home, he said,

"I went 114 mph downhill!"

Somethings mothers should not know… This was one of them.




Hair cut.






I spoke to Chelsea on SKYPE. I could have licked her face it seemed so real.

Annie said, "Better faraway happy then near and sad."

But it didn't help.

Faraway, I am happy for her.

Motherhood. Gee, how wrong I was thinking it was going to be peachy keen when it is peachy.

My advice to new mothers, "Hold your baby all day, and night long."

I did, and wish I could now.







The haircut is nothing in the realm of things, either is Sacha's youthful freedom to go faster…

I cannot hold him in my mind's eye when he is going that fast. The umblical cord I felt it snap.


Be  free

be young


go and go and go, and then laugh,

feel it

see it

hold it tight and then toss it as high as you can.

Point to the star, dive to the bottom of the sea, and lick your lips and wipe them off with your sleeve.

Run free little one.

And let your hair grow long.



(Sacha with a camera on his head!)



I called Sacha, "Daddy cut his hair."

"How short is short?" He asked.

"Not too short, but shorter." I moaned.

"I love Dad's hair short, in fact I like it when he wears it really short."

I gulped, "Don't tell him that, promise?"

Out numbered.



Maybe one day I will post French Husband's new short hair do.





41 responses to “Why? It is a Very Good Question without an Answer”

  1. Ohhh, I can’t wait to see the short hair, and how about a video from Sachinga’s head?

  2. Jill Flory

    Oh wow! My husbands hair was long in the back when we were dating. then the barber whacked it off for some unknown reason and my husband has never grown it back no matter how hard I beg:( I loved it. Sigh. You can’t get men to do what they don’t want to do!
    I held my babies all the time too. I did dream of sleeping through the night and I’ll admit to not really totally enjoying all the ‘holding through the night’ when I was so sleep deprived but I did hold them! I would hold them through their naps so many times instead of laying them down and getting something done. They don’t stay little long. Now I’m dealing with teenage issues with my oldest – I think I’d rather stay up all night with an infant!!!

  3. Mรฉlanie Aussandon

    I HOLD MATHIS as much as I can but I’m sure it is not enough

  4. Unanswered questions?
    How strange to see that you baptized today’s post with the phrase “question without an answer” — on the day I should wake up realizing that unanswered questions are just one of the many things to inspire me.
    Maybe it’s Rilke’s urging to – “Live the questions now.” — to that young poet of old that causes me to find life most meaningful and real in the face of unanswered questions.
    Will my relationship with my oldest daughter ever recover from last year’s whatever it was…?
    Is my youngest daughter’s growth on her thyroid benign..?
    What comes after death?
    What’s for supper?
    No matter their weight, the questions themselves inspire us to live. Inch by inch. Day by day. Until we catch the glimmer of an answer.
    But Corey — isn’t it good that we don’t travel toward answers alone — when facing questions that cut too close to life’s quick?

  5. Well, remember when you and Yann took that motorcycle trip and were on that zig-zaggy road? That was pretty scary (but fun) too.

  6. Hi Corey,
    I was a men’s hairstylist at a well known salon in Chicago for many years and I can guarantee you this, French husband will either grow it back to its longer length or cut it much shorter. The length it is in your photo will be very hard to control.
    Please give Annie a thank you kiss from me for that small but very significant statement. I am going to say that to my Mother every chance I get.

  7. It is good to let them fly, but oh so difficult at times. Yes, I agree, hold them tight in your arms as they grow and they will flourish as adults. Can’t wait to see the short haircut.

  8. it’s not nice to tease us. are we gonna see the new haircut? and how long will that be? Bestest,Denise

  9. Lieselotte

    Strangely, Dieter had his hair cut short 2 weeks ago. Before he went into the shop, he told me he was gonna have it SHAVED dead short, but I begged him not to because it just dosenยดt look good on him. He ended up with a neat looking short hair cut, and I was so glad I kissed him right in front of the hairdresser. He has had it grow long – cut short -long – short for years now – who cares ? Take it easy, Yannยดs hair will grow again.
    Hugs, Lieselotte

  10. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi L
    OH MY GOSH!!
    Yann’s brother!
    They are so alike!

  11. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    Aww, I liked the ponytail too! But maybe you will love the change in time. And it is a good thing I never had boys – I don’t think my nerves/my heart could cope with 114 mph!

  12. Would appreciate a picture!! You don’t write about anything really but it becomes something with your talent for putting words together! That’s what keeps me visiting! :^) A wonderfully blessed new year to you and your family! Patsy from HeARTworks

  13. cynthia wolff

    awww yeah long…I sometimes watch Top Gear (english version) those guys had short hair in the beginning, let it grow later, and what a difference..! They look so much cuter and sexier with it longer. Of course they are pretty cute to begin with.

  14. Corey, as you know first-hand, hair grows back ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Christine

    Okay, seriously, without a picture I can only say why on earth would hot FH cut his ponytail? Very few men (young, old or in-between) can pull that look off and he did it so well. As I said, without an “after” picture, I can only guess if it looks good or not. I remember when the man I was married to shaved off his mustache. Some things just should not be removed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Corey,
    I like it better short, real short like Sacha.
    Sorry! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Chris Wittmann

    I agree with you Corey. Some older men look ghastly with long hair, but not your hubby. I felt the same when my hubby cut his hair too. For his job, he felt it was more respectable looking.
    Oh well ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Marilyn from Chico, Ca

    I normally prefer short hair on a man…but French Husband is an exception !

  19. Long hair, short hair…. Or like my dear hubby – no hair! You know you love him all ways… Do you mind all of us ogling him? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. I held my babies all day and all night and wish i still could. When other mothers complained I grew confused. Who wouldn’t want that? Why, after all, did I have them. Now, as they Elgin to leave, I would redo every minute and hold them tighter, but know I send them into the world filled with more love than one could ever imagine. That is a gift

  21. quiltmom anna

    I so can relate to missing a child- my football player sized man lives far away- they grow so fast don’t they? Life is ever changing – rich with joys and sorrows..My boy is living across the country and it sometimes feels like my heart is broken into a million pieces. Other days we talk or I am just getting on with life and I am fine… Such a strange phenomena…
    As always a beautiful post…

  22. sue tinker

    I’m sure Yann would look good with no hair.

  23. Laurie in SF

    Short is sexy.

  24. Oh, Corey! That iconic ponytail. Does this mean “Sampson” has lost his “power”? And he was one of the few that could wear it well.
    My heart is breaking for you, not just for FH and his hair but for letting go of children.
    My youngest had a severe knee injury in early December and had surgery 10 days later.
    He also had a 3 week o/seas trip booked on NY day.
    Only you would understand the mental to-ing and fro-ing that went on between him, his father and me about the risks of air travel so soon after surgery and being away from home in a full leg brace intended to keep his leg immobile.
    Especially when both his GP and his surgeon said (in full aussie vernacular) “She’ll be right, mate.” (every aussie problem is a ‘she’) “Just needs some blood thinning injections”
    I was the vocal one that said “NOOOOOO, you cannot travel.”
    His father was the placid one, waiting for our son to realise his limitations and then said to me 1 week before his travel that he did NOT want him to go.
    Anyway, said 20yr old son is now in a third world country with 14 other 20yr old males – 4 of whom will celebrate birthdays – and a box of 10 blood thinning injections to be self administered prior to and following each flight.
    and . . .
    and . . .
    NOTHING has gone wrong!
    Who saw that???? Only my clairvoyant son, who said to me in the midst of many heated discussions prior to his trip. “Mum, have you even thought of the possibility that perhaps I will go away and have a great time and NOTHING will go wrong?”
    Forget about FH’s short hair. Is that Sacha with a BEARD????

  25. And here is an embroidery verse I stitched when my babies were small.
    Cleaning and scrubbing can wait ’til tomorrow,
    For babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow.
    So, quiet down, cobwebs,
    Dust, go to sleep.
    I’m holding my baby,
    And babies don’t keep.

  26. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Karen,
    “Mum, have you even thought of the possibility that perhaps I will go away and have a great time and NOTHING will go wrong?”
    I like that… confidence against the odds.
    And Yes that is Sacha with a beard!

  27. Tongue in Cheek

    HI ST
    Please do not encourage him.

  28. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi K
    Yes but it takes sooooooooooooo long.

  29. Corey, I seem to remember that FH’s hair drove you crazy when he was growing it out, and you just wished he would cut it! LOL I predict that you will fall in love with it short again, and then he will want to grow it long – just to spice up life and keep you guessing ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Dottie Eberhart

    My “babies” are 35 and 32. I love the fun we have together now, but I so miss those sweet little ones. Sometimes when I look at them, I see a sweet child looking back at me. And, oh my goodness, we never stop worrying and hurting for them. The joy of being a mother. I now have my first grandson and he too has stolen my heart and once again filled it with love.


    OH BOY, I’m there with you on the kids ordeal!Italian husband doesnot have long hair but the SON does!He too asked for a helmet camera for Christmas!Hard to see them leave and go far far away!I find myself walking in circles thinking what now?I remember those older Italian ladies at market saying enjoy this time it goes so fast……….they were right of course.Am certain FH will look DEEEVINE>>>>>>NO worries,he is the same man you married and he isnot going far far away!I hope.My sons are 24 and 22…….yesterday was the 22’s first day of his last semester at college!Every year on the first day of school I would walk into their room or call them as time went on to sing “School day ,school day time to get up and go to school today!”I forgot yesterday about his first day of school………..I was desperate because it would be the last time EVER I would sing that tune!How could I have forgotten?!!!

  32. Corey, You can’t post this post and not share a pic of the haircut! FH is gorgeous with long hair I agree, I’m sure he still is with short hair!
    The French Hutch

  33. Paula S In New Mexico

    How dare you not post a photo of the haircut! You are making us crazy! (and enjoying every moment of it I bet)….you stinker.

  34. Brenda L. from TN.

    As a rule I don’t like men with ponytails but your Yann truly WAS the exception! I think it’s because he had a FULL head of hair….not bald on top and a ponytail in back. (UGH!) I think that’s what makes the difference.
    He REALLY did look good with his “tail” and sexy to boot! But I bet he’d look good with any kind of haircut! Let’s see it! Let’s see it!
    I agree with what you’re saying about your children…especially boys…but it’s what boys/men like about fast cars/motorcycles/airplanes/roller coaster rides/ski slopes, etc,etc…they love the adrenaline rush. It’s just the way they are made/wired.

  35. :))))) WONDERFUL POST
    you crack me up – hold on to your happy bunch. I wanted my Hero Husband to grow his hair but frankly, he would have rather died than doing that and now (well for a long time already!!!!) I love his shortly shorn veuches (verlan for cheveux)just as much as I would have loved his pony tail…. and so will you my love!
    Like you, my son also told me things I would have preferred not to know – and didn’t tell me stuff I thought I needed to know…
    Happy day to you and yours!

  36. Brother Mathew

    Is that a Willows Track warm up that Sacha is wearing? Good to see.

  37. Cousin Chris

    Corey, your words….who does this sound like???? Maybe…..
    YOUR DAD!!!!
    Be free
    be young
    go and go and go, and then laugh,
    feel it
    see it
    hold it tight and then toss it as high as you can.
    Point to the star, dive to the bottom of the sea, and lick your lips and wipe them off with your sleeve.
    Run free little one.
    And let your hair grow long.

  38. Tongue in Cheek

    Ah Cousin Chris,
    You made me cry.
    Yes, my dad.
    Why, yes.
    Happy now,

  39. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Brother!
    Yep, that be the WHS Honker sweatshirt!

  40. Diane Dainis

    I understand about your daughter, my daughter is going on interviews to grad schools in California tomorrow. We live in Massachusetts ๐Ÿ™ I am going to keep Annie’s comment close to me.
    Hubby can always grow his hair back but even if he doesn’t he’s still the sweet handsome man you married.

  41. Oh NO! He was the last man in the world who looks good in long hair!

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