Oysters and the Baguette

Oysters and the Baguette

Oysters and the Baguette

Oysters and the Baguette

Oysters and the Baguette

Right around the corner,

My Belle Mere lives in the center of Rennes.

Everything is at her fingertips.

The best bread, the best butter, the best oysters, the best wine…

Oh my.

French Husband opened the oysters, my Belle Mere made a vinaigrette: Red wine vinegar and diced shallots, touch of salt.

Next door to the Fish Market, was an Italian traiteur, I bought a serving of Risotto with truffles. My mouth waters still.

Oysters less than a dollar each, and they were the size of my hand.

Risotto… Four dollars for 12 ounces.

A baguette… 90 cents

Incredible Haut Medoc wine, 2002… 18 dollars.

A meal divine.


19 responses to “Oysters and the Baguette”

  1. they look just like how my mom used to fix them.. other than onions and vinaigre… what else is in the little dish? And a real baguette.. I must make bread again! thank you for awakening my senses this morning!! xo marlis

  2. Meg Mitchell

    Be still my heart. One of my favorite lunches.

  3. Jill Flory

    MMMM. I need to find a recipe for making an authentic baguette!

  4. Personally, when I look at raw oysters, I’m glad to be a stricter vegetarian than a pescatarian 😉
    Of course, somebody needs to cite the famous quote, so I suppose I shall:
    “Twas a brave man indeed that ‘et the first oyster.”
    — Jonathan Swift

  5. hummmmmmmm Corey !! J’adore !!!!
    un pur BONHEUR avec du bon pain de chez nous
    des bizous

  6. something for everyone….I LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!!!

  7. Not sure I could do the oysters, but I sure would love bread and butter and wine. A meal for queens and kings!

  8. A meal divine… priceless!!

  9. Now you have my mouth watering too! I am just recently learning to appreciate oysters, delicious!

  10. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Pass the wine and bread….someone else eat the oysters please!!

  11. I missed lunch and now I’m salivating… j.

  12. cynthia wolff

    only you can make oysters sound delicious.

  13. I would eat the baguette..it looks divine..the oysters, I’m afraid, to me, they do not appeal much. 🙂

  14. littlebadwolf

    and what did i find at my brocante yesterday? a pair of size 17 basketball sneakers and a double figurine of two drunks in black tie, about eight inches high, which would make one go-to-hell cake topper at the right wedding…….

  15. Tongue in Cheek


  16. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    You made brussels sprouts look downright sexy the other day, and now you’re doing the same for oysters! Yum yum, please can I join you for dinner 🙂

  17. could I ask how the sauce is made…in the Carolinas we eat them with a “hell fire red sauce” that my father in law makes back behind the barn !

  18. Jill me too.. when you find one would you share?

  19. Marie-Noëlle

    I love oysters !!! They could make my lunch or my dinner on their own !
    Could have a couple of them or dozens… either with a vinaigrette or with a mere squeeze of lemon… Be sure they would easily go !!!

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