Chelsea in Mexico City


Chelsea has been in Mexico City (for two weeks so far) she is doing her internship (for her masters in business degree). She has sent us some photos, messages, videos and most importantly her happiness.
Chelsea's photo: El Angel de la Independencia on Reforma, a monument to commemorate the centennial of the beginning of Mexico's War of Independence.








We were walking around Coyoacan in the South of Mexico City and just like that we found ourselves in the middle of Sunday afternoon dancing…



The music, salsa, the food, the weather, the people. and the language, she is also learning Spanish, her fifth language.


Her goals:

1) Learn Spanish.

2) Find a dance class.

3) Wear more color. Chelsea added that this will be the hardest goal of them all.








Chelsea went on to say:

"… One of the difference, is that in Marseille when it rains, everyone stays in.
Here, no one seemed bothered and everyone kept on going.








We walked around the Old Center and the Zocalo for awhile…



.. but we ended up in a Starbucks with hot cup of coffee !
It was too tempting not to !
Though her favorite drink in Mexico is…..

Agua de Jamaica



Chelsea wrote, " Agua de Jamaica is probably one of the reasons I came back to Mexico… I tried to make it on my own after tasting it two years ago but it just never tasted the same…
You can't just buy it in a bottle, it has to come from a vendor on the street like in the picture above… that makes it taste a million times better.
Well we found one on Sunday and it was the best I've ever had.
About a dollar, less than a euro, for that huge american size cup … made my day.
According to my dear friend Wiki, it's called Hibiscus tea in English and it's "the infusion made from the calyces (sepals) of the Hibiscus sabdariffa flower, an herbal tea drink consumed both hot and cold by people around the world."
 I know that I plan on drinking an unreasonable amount while I'm here." Chelsea wrote.
I am glad my daughter is well, that she is finding deep pockets of happiness in the simple things life has to offer. Moreso, that she is not afraid to discover, venture, and learn a new language.
Mr. Espresso, her boyfriend is also doing an intership in Mexico City. The two of them rented a car this weekend, and headed for the coast.
I am awaiting news and trying not to be nervous…..
Though Chelsea reassures us:
"I am happy here, yep, I like it!"


24 responses to “Chelsea in Mexico City”

  1. This would be so far out of my comfort zone. I’m so glad Chelsea is enjoying all of her travels and studies. Thanks for the update, Corey!

  2. What a wonderful adventure Chelsea and Mr. Espresso are having. Thanks for sharing.

  3. “3) Wear more color.”
    Translation: Mom and Dad, send more money 🙂

  4. Jill Flory

    Looks so fun. I tell ya Corey you live the life most of us just read about in books!!! Someday I will travel too…

  5. I can drink the aqua de Jamaica by the gallon, or the liter. Either hot or cold. But on a hot day nothing is better than a cold glass of it. Well maybe a gin and tonic could rival it.

  6. Brenda L. from TN.

    She looks REALLY Happy! Good for her! I envy her travels…but I am GLAD Mr. Expresso is with her…
    I wouldn’t want her to be alone there…
    What other languages does she speak?…Besides English and French, of course….Spanish should come fairly easy for her.
    Appreciate the pictures she sent…the lady dancing in red dress and man in white suit/hat look like they’ve done that a “time or two”…LOL! They look great!

  7. Brenda L. from TN.

    Also forgot to ask …What’s IN an aqua de Jamaica? besides water? Was the pink drink it? Looks like pink lemonade…

  8. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    LOVE her pics and video! (Lady in red dancing with man in white are just a joy to watch).
    I was truly baffled by the number of your readers who were horrified and alarmed when you first wrote that Chelsea was going to Mexico. The way she embraces new cultures seems to me so right (c’est normale, as the French might say), so positive, and such a credit to her. I like to think and hope that my daughters will have the same approach to life and sense of adventure.
    (And I did LOL to read that her hardest goal to achieve will be to wear more colour – seems you can take the girl out of France but you can’t take France out of the girl!)

  9. Thank you for the scenes on the streets of Mexico City.
    It’s a joy to see the dancing, and the people enjoying themselves outside. So relaxed and at ease!
    Best to Chelsea, and beau, may they be safe and share more of their experiences of life in Mexico !

  10. Lindy in TX

    That is because parts of Mexico have become very dangerous places to be whether you are a foreigner or not. Chelsea is safe where she is..
    Lindy in TX

  11. Ah to have the easy adaptability of youth! Looks like Chelsea and Mr. Espresso are really enjoying their adventure. I look forward to hearing about your visit when you go to see them this spring.

  12. Looks like she is having a ball. One thing that would make me happy being there is that it’s warm! China would be oh so interesting but Mexico is warm and sunny. Maybe you should visit her while she is there?

  13. What a wonderful custom, spontaneous dancing on the street and some people even dress up! Chelsea is looking very happy indeed.

  14. oh thank you for sharing this with us. in this day and age, it is amazing how the world can be so closely connected. i ♥ sharing in Chelsea’s trip. Bestest,Denise

  15. Hello Corey, fais de très très gros bizous à Chelsea et Martin et si tu es encore en Bretagne fais de gros bizous à Mo
    A bientôt

  16. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    It reminds me the best time ever … Did they go to Acapulco ?

  17. What fun to visit Mexico City and surrounding cities. Throughout my undergrad, we spent every spring break in Matzatlan and I have to tell you those were the most fun trips ever. The dancing is a national past-time. I remember at first we would go out to eat at our normal hour 6-7pm and no one would be in the restaurant. They eat very late and stay up to wee hours in the morning dancing – then if you make friends with any of the locals, they will take you to after hour places to continue the party. We would get in at 4-5 am. The hotel maid never got to clean our room since we slept in past their shift. To this day my friend and I look back at those fun, fun times. Chelsea will enjoy every minute. I think there are some dangers in some places but over all, Mexico is a lovely place with some very nice, gracious and fun loving people.

  18. Travelling to other countries and trying out new experiences are what the young women these days seem to do! Our daughter aged 27, has not lived in her home state full-time since she was 19 yrs old, she loves to travel. She has recently informed us that she is applying for a UK 2 yr work visa, but before she starts work there she plans to go to Berlin for a quick visit and then onto Estonia for 2 weeks. We miss her terribly, but as my husband said recently, she is healthy, happy and having the most wonderful experiences!
    Hope Chelsea is having the time of her life. from Jenny (Australia)

  19. freefalling

    Every now and again something comes along and knocks against your head and says “I have something to make you pay attention to – look at me!”.
    Something about your daughter and her approach to life, is giving me a shove (in a good way)!
    Thanks Chelsea.

  20. Yes,it seems as if Chelsea is having a good time there!
    People dancing on the street: How wonderful life can be…
    BTW, the lady in the red dress (also on the third picture) reminds me of Audrey Hepburn (if she were still alive).

  21. labergerebasque

    There are as equally dangerous places to be in the US, but most Americans are only “conscious” of danger outside their borders.

  22. Oh please, more pictures of dancing people…

  23. Mexico is such a wonderful country, rich, scenic, tragic, diverse. Chelsea and Mr. E. should have a wonderful time. Despite the horrific narcotraficante violence of the past few years, millions of Mexicans live in peace.
    Besides French, English and Chinese, what’s Chelsea’s other language? Spanish shouldn’t be too hard for her. She even looks like a beautiful Mexicana.

  24. I know more than one person who visited Mexico City and had a good life changing experience. Romance happens there! Good for Chelsea and her beau for taking chances and enjoying life to the fullest. I can’t get over that she knows – or will know – five languages! Holy moly!

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