A Lion on the Stairs

Lion on stairs


Annie came over yesterday.

She said if she stayed in her house any longer she was going to go crazy.

I told her I was nursing a headache.

She said she never had one in her life.

God I wish I could say that.

Instead I said, "I never had high blood pressure, long legs, a little nose, a single chin, nor bronchitis which shouldn't be confused with brocanting, which I have the bug badly."

"What! You have beautiful thighs. And well we all have our weak spots." Annie replied lovingly.





corey amaro photo,wax blossoms in an urn



 My headache is gone, how I wish forever…

But if I had a wish really would I wish for that?





Angel on corner



How are you today?


And why did I title this post: A lion on the Stairs?

I don't know, and it doesn't matter….


A lion, a blue urn, an angel, you, me, today and hopefully tomorrow.





32 responses to “A Lion on the Stairs”

  1. i hope you are back to yourself-today is grey and damp here in phila(philly) and i have the beginnings of a headache…i must proceed with caution or it could go to a 3 dayer-otherwise i am happy today-tired-and hopeful-just in the general sense about life about back burner issues and stuff in general-yeah i am content today– happy for the status quo-

  2. I’m really tired today, although it comes from working hard at what I love.
    Corey, the conference I attended in Paris last May is finally putting together an electronic journal of the proceedings, so one of your photos from the 2008 Princeton, CA., Holy Ghost Festival — with full attribution to you, of course! — will be appearing in my paper, as well as quoted excerpts from your accompanying blog post!
    Also due in a few days is my abstract for consideration to give a paper on an entirely different translation for a conference in the Azores; sure hope they accept it 😉
    Am gonna take a nap in a little while, before dinner.

  3. Jill Flory

    And why not call it a lion on the stairs?! Sounds good to me:)

  4. I’m sad today,baby June went back home.

  5. I am about to take a nice walk on a beautiful sunny California day. Here’s hoping those headaches stay away. Annie sounds very lovely! xxoo

  6. C, it’s grey and dreary here outside of DC, but at least the temp is a warm 50 degrees. I’m OK; still looking for a job, although I have 2 part time positions. Lost truly a great friend, a courageous friend last week. I feel the loss everyday so deeply. She loved France and everything French just like me.
    Hope your headache is still at bay – what are you planning for your birthday?

  7. Chris Wittmann

    Hey Corey if you have beautiful thighs you’re one of the lucky few!!! 🙂 🙂
    I’ve been cleaning out my workshop…what a nightmare, and feeling very tired all day but it has to be done. Now it’s time for a long hot relaxing bath!

  8. Could the headache be the lion on the stairs? I hope you are completely well.
    It’s dreary here, also.
    I have barometric headaches so I can relate.
    Happy weekend to you. SAS

  9. I have a “Mother in the neck.” which has led to one of those horrid headaches you speak of.
    Which is why I find release in browsing my favourite blogs, and France, and visits from Annie -even if they aren’t with me. I find solace here.
    I am hoping your headaches don’t linger.

  10. Oh how I love hearing from Annie!
    I’m a bit happy, a bit melancholy, a bit out-of-sorts today. Not unlike many many day, I am always trying to figure out balancing motherhood with responsibility, leisure, and being true to myself. After nearly 8 years I’m still working on it. I probably will be until the day my youngest moves out…but something tells me it will go on for my entire life. I think that is just what happens when you have kids and separate yourself into so many different selves!
    Have a great day, Corey! I love your blog!

  11. I had a bad headache on Wednesday. Hope Warsaw is far enough from Provence so that my headache didn’t travel to you. And as for the lion..
    There was a lion on stairs in Provence
    That liked brocanting whenever the chance.
    Be rainy or sunny
    He was quite uncanny
    In what he could find for a song and a dance.

  12. I slept poorly last night and woke with a headache. It was very hard to get up and going. However after work today went to a thrift shop ($2.00 for new Ann Taylor jeans!), the local independent bookstore (a how to knit book and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)and finished errands stopping at a upscale deli and getting prosciutto and cheese for happy hour tonight. Thankfully I don’t get severe headaches like you do. Give Annie a hug from us next time you see her please.

  13. I worked today, need that paycheck! Morning started out with a traffic backup for MILES. But all in all, blue skies, feel good and got home safe.
    Love hearing about Annie…tell her we love her.
    Glad you feel better.

  14. How to get rid of a headache: Smile, even if your heart is breaking; give all your troubles to God; ask for hugs; give yourself a treat; sleep it off; take three ibuprofin and eat lots of chocolate. There – headache gone!
    Today I am fantastic! Nothing special… just another lovely day in sunny Arizona (in the 70’s). Came home from work and DH and I discussed the day…good music playing in the background. He is so good at keeping me balanced. Got our new dishwasher and it is wonderful… matches other appliances perfectly. Life is good.

  15. Is it because you are hauling a concrete lion up the stairs…..be careful.
    My neurologist put me on high blood pressure meds to control my migraines….
    It’s helping…..I hate migraines. Cannot imagine not ever having them.

  16. Glad you headache is gone. Mine too. I shouldn’t complain, cause life is good.
    I’m missing my kid’s. My baby girl is turning 18 tomorrow, and I want to hug her soo bad. She is away at college in NY. Too far. Alex in Germany till August, Sigh. I get to see Matthew in March!! Count my blessings, and they are many. Lion on the stairs, keeping watch over you.

  17. my day was good and now it is time to go to bed,but C.C. and Chevy (our best feline friends) are having trouble are getting worse with their breathing and producing more pfhlem. this is making me very unhappy. i have such tender feelings for them. if they are mean’t to go, i hope they do not prolong too long. loosing a pet is one of the worst.sleep in piece our dear kitties. Bestest,Denise

  18. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    I do see a lion statue on your very steep stairsteps 😉 Be careful climbing those stairs…no rail. Yikes! that would make me dizzy as I tend to trip UP stairsteps. Annie probably gets bored living alone; I know I would. The crazy weather here…warm dry air and winds…everyone has sinus headaches!

  19. Amy Kortuem

    Oh Corey – I think we have twin relationships with our neighbors! My neighbor Ethel is 92. She was complaining today that she’s suffering from cabin fever – being stuck inside her house because it’s winter and too icy for her to go out.
    AND when I tell her I have a headache (I get migraines, too), she says…”I’ve never had a headache in my life.”
    !!!!!!!!! We’re both so blessed! (though she’s never commented on my thighs, except to say that i shouldn’t be jogging so much)

  20. I am trying to smile. My heart is breaking and my head is aching. Glad yours is gone, send Annie my way

  21. I had oral surgery two days ago, my head is still splitting and my eyes are sore. My only daughter is breaking my heart, and I am feeling all alone. Please, God, let me have a better day tomorrow!!!!

  22. Tongue in Cheek

    Home as is heaven?
    Or home as in back with her parents?
    I hope with her parents.

  23. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you Kathie!

  24. Laurie SF

    Today, tomorrow and a little pick me up for you and all the readers. http://youtu.be/SeHKllOVo9E

  25. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Hmmm…it’s fitting, as a headache roars and you have to take steps to get rid of it. I hope it’s feeling happy now as I write. I am well, thank you. I just ate a Pop Tart. It was cherry.
    : )
    Julie M.

  26. littlebadwolf

    a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and my feet hurt and i still have a headache!
    (what’s annie’s secret?) m

  27. Loved to read your post this morning after a just two hours sleep this night. Gives me a little smile and comfort that I’m not alone with a lion on the stairs. Restless legs and terrible medication, awake at night and everybody else sleeping in the south of Holland.
    Hope you doing well now

  28. mamaproudarts@gmail.com

    Everyone needs an Annie.

  29. Hope you are feeling better and you and Annie can have a fun day together:)
    Snowing out here as I enjoy reading your blog. I will soon head over to my neighbours for my daily coffee in her sunporch…..Juanita is like a second Mom to me …..I am so blessed to have her in my life.
    Wishing everyone a day filled with happiness, love and laughter:)

  30. Thankful that I do not get headaches but stopping to say a prayer for all of you who do – for God’s healing hand on whatever causes your headache.
    Reading a most wonderful book – One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Thankful for relaxing and reading after big rain storm and now sunshine.

  31. barbara woods

    you are beautiful inside and out love your blog

  32. Laurie – that was so….can’t find the words…the more I watched the more I laughed! Thanks for sharing.

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