DIY Creative Ideas for Art Saves Saturday

Photo Source Fellow Fellow



One of my New Year's blogging resolutions was to feature artists, designers, crafters, and or bloggers who create and share their talent (DIY= Do It Yourself) on the web and link to them on my blog every Saturday.

This week the ideas shown are ones that are easy to do, and when I saw them I thought… Why didn't I think of that! How clever, how sweet! I love when an idea can be accomplished without alot of blood, sweat and tears.

Click on any link under each photo and it will direct you to a different artist and blog.



Photo Source: Fellow/Fellow's, "Houses at Night" and how to do them yourself.





Engravings cut out, then illuminated by electrical tea lights.

If you want to do these, I have old engravings that would be perfect for the project …. if you are interested let me know.








Photo Source for Do it Yourself Garland



 Paper garlands sewn together over at Cocoa Daisy, plus many ideas for Scrapbooking and where to buy supplies.




Photo Source for Do it Yourself Garland


The variety of colors and mixed papers. Such a sweet idea. An easy fun project to create.




Do it Yourself Mercury Glass Imitation.





Old mercury glass is a favorite of mine, especially candlesticks. But they are not easy to find and hyper fragile… I love this idea, Mercury glass and how to do it yourself.

If you try it send me a photo, and I will add it to this post.
My friend Pascale over at VOX POPULI added mercury to large clear old wine bottles, the effect was beautiful!





Photo Source The White Bench





Roses out of coffee filters!? Who would have thought it? So don't toss out the filter… just the coffee grounds! Viola (as they say in French) the perfect tint and shadowing for a faded rose. The White Bench gives easy to follow step by step how to make them yourself.





Photo source The Sweetest Occasion.


Plastic children's toy animals. I love this idea! Isn't it charming.?

My mother made our birthday cakes, she would ask us what theme we wanted, and what type of cake. I remember my brother wanting a motorcycle race track, my mom added plastic motorcycles on the black pavement frosting. My brother was thrilled so much that he asked my mom if he could keep it and not eat it. We didn't have cake that day.



Plastic children toys candle holders, sprayed painted in gold and drilled on top to add a candle holder.

Dang clever!





Photo Source White Life


Do you have old CDs that you do not listen to them because you have them downloaded everywhere? 


Photo Source: White Life Photographed Lifestyle and Decoration



Small clocks, by adding a battery operated clock to the backside.

Artist touch.

I am tickled by this idea. Make your own clock face.

>CD clocks. Blogger White Life has free printables for you to use to make your own CD clocks, How generous is that! Now only if we can figure out how to have those clock face be musical as well.









DIY dixie cup lampshade garland.









Photo Source All Things Heart and Home


How to make your own ruffled tee shirt. I wonder if the body comes with the step by step DIY details too?


Photo Source: Artmind.

Make your own scratch off lottery tickets. Artmind gives step by step DIY on her blog. Lottery ticket gifts. Or Valentine hopeful choclates, massages, and kisses.

Pretty cute.







17 responses to “DIY Creative Ideas for Art Saves Saturday”

  1. Thanks for these. Love the coffee roses and the CD clocks. Have a great weekend!

  2. Love this new feature, such creative folks out there. But I miss Friday Fille…off to make some scratch-off valentines, thanks!

  3. If the body comes with the ruffled t-shirt, I am so trying that project!
    The clock coasters are so great!

  4. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    I’m going to try the clock faces on old CD’s project with some BFFs!! One of my very BFFs makes fabulous wreaths using stained coffee filters. You can see one by going to my webshop at
    She made a lovely large pink one that can be seen on my FB also!

  5. Susan young

    I especially love the clock faces!!!!!!!!merci beaucoup!

  6. Corey,
    Great ideas. I have already downloaded the clock faces, and I think I will figure out a way to incorporate a scatch off thingy at a shower I will be giving for my future daughter-in-law! Such fun.
    This Saturday feature is a favorite.

  7. Thanks, Corey!! These all look so cool. Love the “houses at night”. I’m in such an arts and crafts mood and these all seem so doable.

  8. I’m a craftaholic and really love all the clever people you are finding. Exploring their sites I find even more things to make. The trouble is I like to look as much as I like to do. Thank you for finding all of this and if the body came with the t-shirt, I’d put you in my will. lol.

  9. HOLY CARP those are fabulous ideas…thank you for sharing these. I love the first one so much I’m doing it right now. 🙂

  10. Shelley Noble

    Your fine taste runs to the DIY as well, Corey! You’ve made a wonderfully curated list here. So much goodness in one post. You could be paid to find this level of fabulous. Is your blog monetized? aka; do you take ads?

  11. Dottie Eberhart

    Oh I love the art Saturday blogs!!But I love all of your blogs. I can’t wait to try the clocks and the flowers and the tea light castles and ….

  12. Melinda Alexander

    Corey: I have made the coffee filter roses, the animal candle holder and now I am on to the mercury glass. I have not had this much fun in weeks!!! Thank you, what a great idea for your blog. I never miss reading it but I must say you did yourself proud!!! Melinda, The House of Tuscany

  13. Remember a few years ago you had that idea of taking sticky back opaque printer paper, printing a black and white image on it and putting it on a clear glass vase? I’ve done that at least three times. Just two weeks ago did one using a black and white photo transfer of my great grandfather’s store circa 1908!

  14. Thanks for the creative ideas Corey – there are some beauties in there!

  15. Corey, wonderful ideas, thanks for sharing them. I am interested in your engravings. Please let me know how to obtain them. Pat

  16. Such wonderful ideas Corey..Thanks for sharing..

  17. Christine

    What wonderfully creative ideas! Thanks so much Corey!!

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