Friday Fille


Friday Fille


Daring myself to take a photo of mySELF every Friday.

Who knew that something so little and pointless could be so hard.

Does anyone like their photo taken?



33 responses to “Friday Fille”

  1. everton terrace

    I do not but I love to take them and portraits are my favorite. I remember decades ago, back when I was getting my photography degree, everyone used each other as models and even then, skinny as a rail and in my 20’s, I never wanted to pose for anyone.
    I like today’s portrait very much.

  2. no-hate it always did!

  3. Ed in Willows

    I think all photographers would rather stay behind the camera but we all love you so come out, come out, where ever you are.

  4. Cynthia wolff

    Good morning pretty lady… These oh no not! I use the editing tool on the Mac lots!

  5. No, no, no. There is a genetic anomaly in my family. Women are very photogenic until they turn about 45 years old. After that, point a camera in their direction and a strange response occurs which results in strange faces. I can hear my kids say, “Take another one. Mom has the face.”

  6. No no no.. !! Not in the least. You are gorgeous.. so enjoy the discovery!

  7. I hate that, since I was 13….:)
    (still teenager maybe)
    Usually photographers don’t like their pictures taken, kind of contradictory isn’t it.
    Your selfies are GREAT!)

  8. You have the most beautiful eyes! I’ve never liked my photo being taken.

  9. no, then I have to face my flaws.

  10. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Agree with Marilyn….just reminds me of all my skin flaws and that I need to lose some pounds!!

  11. no no no. Used to like it but not anymore.

  12. When I was a preschooler, my mother would periodically grab her ancient camera, march me out into the back yard, make me stand in front of the mock-orange bush so the sun was in my eyes — then incongruously tell me to stop squinting so she could take a picture (yeah, like I really want to singe my retinas)! Ever since, I’ve loathed getting my picture taken.
    One tip for women: If you’re have to get a photo taken for, say, a driver’s license or passport (reminder to self: must renew soon) or yearbook, be sure to wear about 3X your normal amount of makeup, including eyeliner, blusher and a darker lipstick than usual, so your features are less likely to “fade” into the background.

  13. Merisi in Vienna

    That is such a beautiful image, revealing just enough of you to be able to imagine the rest. Great job and wonderful project, Corey! And yes, these kind of assignments only look easy at the outset, but conquering the difficulties is truly rewarding. And your pictures are proof of that!
    I have received my share of collages lovingly put together by those who managed to capture me while I was shooting some other subjects. *enoughsaid*

  14. Merisi in Vienna

    Upon further reflection:
    “Wow!” What a picture!!!

  15. I have never liked having my picture taken, even as a child. I love the Friday series you are doing though!

  16. no, i never like it with the exception of photos from my childhood. Bestest,Denise

  17. Thinning hair, washed out, dark circles, wrinkles, age spots. Photogenic I am not……but, I still love to have my photo taken.

  18. Violet Cadburry

    I used to hate it but now I don’t care. Too many other things to worry about than my face landsliding. Love your pic! You are more than just a face and a portrait can be whatever you want it to be.

  19. Jill Flory

    Sure I like my picture taken. IF I look skinny and beautiful. Which I don’t. so I guess I don’t usually like my picture taken!

  20. Kathy Barrick

    NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!! But you look wonderful!!!

  21. Chris Wittmann

    Up until I was 40 I was thin enough that I didn’t mind. All hell broke loose after the age of 45, then I got skinny again at 50, then fat again at 55…oh dear. I’ve hated cameras ever since!! 🙂

  22. Natalie Thiele

    It was at about age 38 when all-of-a-sudden every photo of me was hideous. It has been very touch and go since then. oh well…

  23. littlebadwolf

    from this half moon of a face, corey, do we assume that friday is a half-holiday in provence? m

  24. Nope, no, nyet, no how no way, sûrement pas,
    ingen måte,とんでもない,alcun modo, never ever again!!! First I had horrid teeth, then braces, okay for a while, now it would take me 5 hours to get ready – not worth it.

  25. i do worry that when eventually i depart this world my girls will forget what i looked like… photos. maybe i should just get over it and be bold!….well done

  26. I’m right in the middle of the crowd here. I was once very photogenic, then I had surgery to remove a tumor on my face (not cancer thank god) and everything changed. My face is wonky, the 2 sides sort of operate independent of one another, One side of my face smiles and the other doesn’t, that sort of thing. So far my face has not made babies or young children cry, my toes have (one looks like a cashew) but not my face…yet.

  27. I HATE getting my photo taken! I’m the one who wants to be in the back as I very rarely like the way I look in photo’s. It’s probably all in my head but it’s how I feel. You however look wonderful in your photo’s…you have such style and you can see your personality through your eyes. I look forward to seeing more of you on Fridays!

  28. At least I have Photoshop to help some with my pictures. Since I take all the pictures, I am never in them. HA.

  29. I am soooo not photogenic.
    Wish I had a few more shots of myself when I was younger. Very few of those, since I was the one always taking the photos.
    I like this one, Corey!

  30. I don’t mind my picture being taken, but I am usually the one behind the camera. When I see pictures of big group events I attended, I am always disappointed that I am not in them. It’s like I am invisible, was I really there?

  31. barbara woods

    thats what i was doing when i got on your blog for my blog wont-to-bequiltor and they were all sad but i am a whole lot older then u you look good

  32. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    It stresses me!

  33. NO!!! Every time I see a recent picture of myself I think, “Who’s that? OMG, I look so old.” Then, days and/or years pass, and I look at that picture again and I think, wow I didn’t look so bad . . .now, I am seriously thinking I hope some money comes down the pike for a few adjustments. Gravity just ain’t fair.

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