Sacha called to say that he was cold, bitter cold, and that with his heater on full blast his studio was only at 42 degrees Fahrenheit.
Provence has been a imitating Siberia this last week. Snow remains on the roof and mountain tops, the Mistral (wind) adds an extra chill factor. The weather reports (6 Celsius) 12 degrees Fahrenheit this morning but feels like 2.
I tell you snow gear never looked so beautiful.
In the photo above of my son Sacha I asked, "Do you have every single item of your wardrobe on?" I could see he had on his two jackets. He had left his ski gear at his Grandmother's apartment last weekend.
Blue skies– that is one of the beauties of Provence. Very deceiving these days. As I look out my window the sun is shining, the skies are crystal blue, snow is stacked on the roofs and when I walk outside to gather wood for the fireplace I am instantly frozen in place.
French Husband like a Prince in shining armour, his armour being the heater he grabbed, drove late last night to rescue our son from turning into a popsicle!
I am really glad that I am not so caught up in brocante that we own heaters and not just coal carrying buckets. Our house is heated by a fireplace and I am Cinderella with thick socks and a wool scarf.
How cold is it Chez vous?
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