The Beginning… Friday Fille in Venice

venice corey amaro

Photo by Corey Amaro




The beginning: The entrance to San Marco Square.

Nothing can prepare your senses for the wonder of Venice except an enormous heart, strong legs, an empty stomach and ears ready to the sound of no cars.

Venice is just another word for Beauty.

You cannot walk one itty bitty inch without mouthing: "Oh my God."

I am worried that God is wondering why I keep saying his name out loud. So I keep reassuring him I am just in awe.




Photo by Corey Amaro San Marco on the Square.


Utter awe.

What creative minds, hearts, and hands to create such wonders.

I want to be Italian.

I miss John when I am here…. Oh Biale, this is you.




Photo by Merisi.


Merisi took photos of me standing hopelessly in awe…

She would remind me, "Take photos!"

She took 600 in six seconds.

While I sighed, "Oh my God."

And licked every single thing in sight with delicious wonder.





Photo by Merisi


Merisi knows Venice like I know the French brocante.

So she took me to a brocante shop…. Hello!!!  I mean… "Bon Giorno!"








Merisi knows everyone in Veniceat the antique shop they offered us a glass of champagne… it was before noon… Of course I drank every single drop, and ate every single item in their shop… poor poor suitcase why are you sooooooooo small? Why are their soooooooo many steps in Venice?









Oh Venice.

I'll follow you anywhere.

Can you imagine: No cars, not mopeds, no bikes, no skateboards, no wheels… just feet and paddles….morning, noon and night.





Photo by Merisis


And one pastry shop after another serving Fritelle di Carnevale, with the pastry chefs' calling out, "Merisis! Come on in! Come! Taste this! Drink! Bon Giorno!"

Fritelle… with cream, white chocolate, dried saturated in liquor… "Oh my God, how many of these can I possible eat in one day?"

God shakes his head at me, "Dang girl, slow down, you are in Venice for a week, and Merisi knows everyone…. five a day is plenty don't you think?" Then he adds, "Don't forget, Tiramisu at night."

Poor poor hips.





venice corey amaro


Venice, glorious Venice… more much more to come… gee I wish I could speak Italian!




Will have to do… for now.


26 responses to “The Beginning… Friday Fille in Venice”

  1. somepinkflowers

    ~~Venice is just another word for Beauty.~~
    {{ i have to ask:
    is this your first time in Venice? }}
    the photos are lovely, BTW!
    HINT: walk up & down,
    up & down ALL steps U see
    & hips won’t mind
    so much

  2. corey-such a way with words …and pictures too!!

  3. Mélanie Aussandon

    I’m dreaming , I am in Venice with you

  4. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Let’s see….Venice….
    Just wrote it down on my Bucket List!!! hahaha
    Keep snapping pic’s and eating and describing every little morsel.

  5. Barbara Snow

    May I offer a suggestion to you? Try to be on the second level of San Marco between 11:30a.m. and 12:30p.m. when they turn on all the lights in the church. The golden mosaics are so beautiful they will break your heart.
    I think Venice is the most beautiful city in the world. Enjoy.
    Barb in Minnesota

  6. Oh my, you make me want to fly off to Venice right now. Please send me one of those pastry’s-I don’t care if it is stale, I think it will still taste yummy…

  7. Chris Wittmann

    Wow, what a beautiful city! I would be in awe too, and my camera would get quite a work out too! At least you can do alot of walking, so never mind the pastries…enjoy!

  8. I’m glad that you are having a wonderful time!

  9. hilary cooper-Kenny

    You have totally made me lust for Venice.

  10. Marilyn from Chico, Ca

    You live an enchanted life. You are so blessed !

  11. I love listening to my Italian grandmother and I do love being Italian. I didn’t have enough children to give them all the names I love. So I gave all my dogs Italian names. Bella, Bacaio, Enzo and Sophia.

  12. Corey, I’m also proud of my Portuguese heritage. I’m blessed to have both.

  13. What a treat! And especially having Merisi for your guide and friend. Enjoy and savor every moment!

  14. Veni, vidi, but not vici – Venice cannot be conquered. It conquers everyone with the power of its beauty. Enjoy Venice and time with your friend.

  15. All those steps and all that walking will melt the pounds away!! Enjoy!

  16. coreyamaroTica

    Thank you Barbara! i said a prayer for you.

  17. coreyamaroTica

    Hi SF
    No it is my second time.

  18. somepinkflowers

    you have The Best Guide!

  19. It sounds like a dream…lovely and tasty! Forget the hips!!

  20. Kristin McNamara Freeman

    Corey…thanks for the lovely morning visit to Venice! Beautiful, and what a treat to have an Italian speaker to make the explorations even more exciting. The pictures she captured of you are lovely! You added delight to my Saturday.

  21. Forgive my ignorance, but are there places in Shakespeare’s “Othello” and “The Merchant of Venice” that one can see there today?

  22. sigh, sounds divine. Oh, forget the calories and hips. Lent is coming up soon enough and we’ll have to fast, so you’ll lose all the extra weight in no time.
    Thanks for the photos – quite beautiful. My sister and I went to Venice years ago and took the gondola ride. We didn’t care how much it cost- it was worth every penny. LOVE the outfits worn by the gondoliers – have you noticed they are all quite handsome???
    Ciao and have a wonderful time.
    By the way, you are very bella in all your photos!!!

  23. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    Oh… you went to Venice with Merisi. I want to go to Venice with Merisi!

  24. Loved Venice (been there several times, but the last was “heaven” and will NEVER forget it). Went in the Fall! Thank you for the RE-visit!!!

  25. Marie-Noëlle

    NICE to actually SEE you there !!!
    Please, take a few shots of Merisi, in your turn, please !!!
    Enjoy yourselves !!!

  26. Marie-Noëlle

    PS :
    Shouting to you cheerfully:
    “Hip hip hip … Hourra !!!”

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