Venice Carnival Masks

Venice carnival golden



Mask: Golden Sunlight.

The carnival in Venice has to be seen to be believed. Eye candy galore. The beautiful backdrop of Venice sets a stunning stage for the artistic and glorious costumes.

San Marco Square becomes one amazing Masked Ball.

Even if there is standing room only on the San Marco Square, even if you cannot walk one step without bumping into someone, or gasp in delight at a mask ahead of you, even if you cannot see two inches beyond your eyeballs… it is worth coming to the carnival. 

Venice is calm, it is not a riot, not rude, nor aggressive, not at all a disco be-bopping scene…it is beauitful, romantic, artistic…. glorious.

It is beyond ones imagination…and for the record my imagination is far too big.





Venice red rose


Mask: Red Glitter Lips.

You do not need to have a costume to attend the carnival. If you want to join in the fun there are plenty of masks and costumes to buy, from five Euros to thousands of Euros.

If you don't want to dress up, don't worry, half the sight-seers are not dressed up, nr wearing a mask.

There are as many photogrpahers as there are costumed people.







Double Faced Mask.


Most the costumes are home made,

They are AMAZING!






Mask: Lady in Red.


I know I am.



Plus I am here for the food.


And the canals.


And whoops… to be with my friend Merisis!!








Mask: Snake – Tongue Man.


Mythology something or other.

I am not going to say I know.

So Green-Scary-Cool-Snaked-Tongue-Guy he is.





Msk: The Devil Not Himself.

Merisi told me that when taking a photo of the Masked people to be sure they are looking at you, because the photos are better that way.

Doesn't it seem this guy has two different eyes?






Mask: Black and White Magician.

One of my favorite mask. His face mask was about three feet long.


It is hard to see that his mask is large in the photo, which is a pity.






Mask: Yellow Jacket.


The costumes are from head to toe… I should show toe too.


I will eventually.


The details are a large part of the appealing beauty.





Mask: Peacocks.


Most of the masked/costume people strike a pose standing still or barely moving for phtographers and sightseers to look at them. People watching at its finest.





 Mask: The Alligator.


Do you see the alligator he is wearing as a hat?





Mask: Blue Eyed.






Mask: Stacked Ribbons and Black Lace Faced.





Peacock again.





Masl: Silver Wonder

There are three kinds of costumes at the carnival.

First, what I expected: The classic Venetian masks with matching outfit.

Then the Halloween type… which are very few, almost a handful. Rarely scary, never vulgar, mostly funny, but very very few are Halloween like, or even comical. It is not the place.

And the third type…. are eleborate, knocked my socks off, orgasimic, simple wonderful especially if you like the Marie-Antoinette 18th Century sort of thing…. Most of the Venetian costumes are 18th century style!!!! I'll show them tomorrow, because OH MY GOD are they fantastic!!

The lace, the shoes, the capes, the hats, the jewels, the feathers, the gloves, the, the, the everything!!



Ciao for now. And a tidbit…..


(Photo by my friend Merisi.)


Merisi caught me doing the food thing, eat and go.

Let's just saying I am preparing a Fat Tuesday Mask.



20 responses to “Venice Carnival Masks”

  1. Stunning! Glad you are having an amazing time!

  2. None of those skimpy Brazilian Carnaval costumes in frosty Venice, I see 😉 Keep warm, enjoy the pastries, take pictures, have fun. Thank you for bringing us along for the vicarious ride.

  3. I am so glad to have popped over here via the marvelous Merisi’s posts. What a time it must be to be in Venice right now.
    My green tinge of envy grows and grows. Let me also say how much I loved your photos, and those prior posts of yours I just glimpsed…the pre-Venice ones.
    I do promise to return. Do continue to have a fabulous carnival!

  4. Incredible masks!! Last summer in Venice I went to a shop where they sell hand painted carnival masks. It was so tempting, I really wanted to buy one and just put it on the wall as an art. They were 300 to 400 Euros, maybe next time I should …

  5. Beatnheart

    How simply wonderful …

  6. Corey, you need to eat to have the stamina to photograph the Carnival and report back to us. Since there is a lot to photograph, you need to eat quite often. Flower in pastries – carbs, whipped cream – protein and dairy, fruit filling – fruits. Just eat a carrot on a side (or a carrot cake) to cover veg and you will be fine :-).
    Looking forward to more gorgeous and imaginative costumes.

  7. OMG they are beautiful!! It would be fun to be there and take in all the wonder. Thanks for posting the pictures and sharing your experiences.
    I may have to go back to Venice now that I am a woman and with the Carnival on
    Have fun and enjoy every minute:)


    Oh Coco, what a wonderful experience ! I would love to be there and I must must see your mask and outfit regardless of how much you have eaten ! I have an Hermes scarf of the Carnivale de Venise framed on my hall wall. I also crave a Murano glass chandelier. Can you get one of those in your bag for me please ? love Jx

  9. so spooky, the eyes looking at you through the masks. Makes me want to write a story…

  10. hmm seems my other post died in cyber space. Oh well, I’ll repeat myself 🙂
    Corey – thanks for these beautiful photographs. So glad to hear that Venice has an elegant and civilized carnivale. We need more of that in this world 🙂
    I do admit, masks are beautiful but at the same time scary – like something macabre is hidden behind. They spook me a bit.
    Keep on munching away – you are eating in our stead. 🙂 🙂

  11. WOW..Can’t wait to see the rest..

  12. Brenda, Walker, La, USA

    Well, I’m from Louisiana, and can say WOW, Venice!

  13. Brenda L. from TN.

    LOL! of you and the “bite”…
    I am soooo jealous! The masks are simply beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing! What a lovely time “we” are having!

  14. One word: WOW!!!

  15. Gorgeous and Amazing! Love that last character too 🙂

  16. The phot of you is too cute! Enjoy the eating! What is vacation without it?
    Darling hat!
    How cool to experience another place!

  17. *photo

  18. I was just reading Marisi’s blog, and I thought that looked like Corey.

  19. The double faced mask is by far the best venetian masquerade mask i have seen so far, simply breathtaking.

  20. Marie-Noëlle

    I’ve been away from the net for quite a while…
    And I’m so pleaed to be back and SEE YOU THERE WITH MERISI !!!
    Good !
    SO good to be back
    I can tell you with no mask !!!

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