A Few of My Favorites at the Carnival in Venice….

  Venice carnival 2012



The carnival in Venice started on the eleventh of February and continued to Mardi Gras.

San Marco Square is the home base, it was packed from sunrise to moon set.





Venice canals carnival


They came, young, small, old, round, full of ruffles and lace, pink lips, buttoned down shoes, smiling, laughing, playing the part…

Taking me away, it was a wonderland of delight.

One after another, each person was a feast for the eyes.





Venetian beauty carnival 2012



Children at the Venetian carnival were beautifully angelic… 





Venice San Marco



San Marco Facade…

sets the tone.

Always dressed for the occasion.

One could never be over dressed with San Marco as the backdrop.





Carnival in Venice 2012


She curled her hair-

Adding a tiny pink hat-

Tied a piece of purple netting for a mask-




Pink hat with feather carnival venice



Grab a mask-

Add a feather-

Tie a lace bow to your shoe and go!



Venetian shoe for the carnivale



one to step out in style…

and if you dare not- A blue rhinestone frog might come along, hop hop hop-

Pushing us to

LEAP into style!





Lace dolled up shoe venice



I looked down at my black boots, I felt like kicking myself!

After being at the carnival I could understand the likes of Katy Perry's blue hair, Lady Gaga's style, and Christian Dior.




Pink candy venice


We are on life's stage, what role do you take?

The Venetian woman was as delicious as a pink candy.

You might say she was a sweeter take on, "A Lady in Red."

Cotton Candy.






Venice 18th century Style


And why not celebrate each moment?

Note the cuffs!

Nothing is too much… does that make sense?




Venetian 18th century style costumes



 It was breath taking-ly beautiful, wherever my eyes looked.

The details, the hours spent on making these costumes.

Not only Venetians came dressed up by also I met many

Americans, French, Japenese, Austrians, Germans, English and of course Italians!





Carnival Venice in blue



Rich details some in royal blue velvet and playful feathers.






Carnival Venice details





Floating around

tempting me to eat more Frittelles than I should

was Marie-Antoinette and her pink satin cape.




Marie antoinette mardi gras 2012




Note the guillotine on top of his hat.






Note the tray of brioche.


โ€œPancia mia fatti capannaโ€

(In Italian that means- "Please tummy, get as big as a hut!")







Venice carnival lace


Lace cuffs are a must. Lacey layers … extra plus.




Carnival venetian lace cuffs


It is in the details.

I stood in awe at the craftmenship of the costumes.

Some of them took over a year to make.

Finding the right button, trim, lace takes time too.



Venetian mask 2012

A classic hand painted Venetian mask.




Venetian mask white cloud


This costume's hat piece was about five feet wide.




Classic venetian masks




A couple at the Venice Carnival, in their hand made costumes.





Venice carnival children


Daily, hourly events happened on San Marco Square-

Costume contests,

Music, animations, floats, children's parade, mask balls, confetti….




Men 18th century style Venetian


Most of those in costumes stand still, strike a pose, allowing photographers to take their photos, and talk to them about their costumes.




  Details of lace ventian carnival


The Venetian costumes details: Trims, lace, buttons, fabric… are often vintage which gives the costumes an authentic look…. More so than not the costumes are antiques….





Venice hats at the carnival

Venice costumes 2012


I felt like I had gone back in time.

I expected to see the classic Venetian masks…. but I didn't expect to see the 18th and 19th century style costumes.

I felt like I was living the brocante!







Carnival Venice red glove



Red gloves… Now that is a splash of color straight from the vaporettos!




  High priest venetian carneval

Carnival Venice Black and White


….High priests to remind you that this is a feast celebrating Christianity.






  Venice carnival on the streets


The back streets of Venice.




I have many photos which I want to share with you….

So without further ado here are some of the elaborate details, and my favorites costumes from: The 2012 Venetian Carnival…..



Cafe Florian Venice


Doses of beauty filled the air.



Cafe Florian Carnival


The woman above came to the carnival from Kansas. I asked her HOW did she manage to bring her costume, that had 79 little statues on it. She told me she stuffed it in a suitcase and had room to spare.

I gotta learn how to pack better.







Venice carnival fim maker


Most people who dress up for the carnival have three or four costumes.

This was Marie Antoinette earlier in the day.

He was brilliant as a film diva!





  Red riding hood venice carnival


Litttle Red Riding Hood. Her parents stood her on a marble bench by San Marco. Hundreds of photographers snapped her photo in five seconds, then her parents took her down, because she was scared.




2012 Carnival Venice Large Hats




Walking around San Marco with a big hat.





Lace mask venetian carnival



Walkin around San Marco with a little hat and a lace mask.




The troupe from Paris at the venice carnival


A group of friends from France.




  Man in pink venice carnival


 The Pink Man I loved him.


I have a few more (thousands) to show…. then I will be back to normal life.



44 responses to “A Few of My Favorites at the Carnival in Venice….”

  1. Really spectacular photos, what a fortunate person you are to attend such a fantasy filled holiday. I am putting this on my bucket list for sure.

  2. OMG this just gets better and better.
    Are your eyes red and swollen from eye
    Thank you for sharing all this. I must get out more.

  3. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    What absolutely stunning photos! The detail in the fabrics is exquisite.

  4. Hmmm, I wonder who these people are in real life — just regular folks who live for this one week or so? Do you know whether they wear the same costume annually, or do they get/make a new one each year? I gather that in Rio there are rather poor people who save up all year just for a new costume.

  5. Meg Mitchell

    Your photos are absolutely stunning.

  6. All are WONDERFUL, but my favourite is the red cape in the back streets of Venice.

  7. Corey, these photos are just fantastic!!! I have enjoyed your posts from Venice so much. On another note when you rest up from your trip could you comment on French childrearing? The book Bringing Up Bebe is very popular right now in US. My daughter and daughter in law are reading it. How do you think parenting in France is different than US?

  8. Marie-Noรซlle

    I used to feature masks and hats when thinking about Venice carnivals… Now I will have to add SHOES !!!
    I like that detail !!!

  9. Beautiful! I am wondering what it
    sounded like? Loud? Festive?

  10. Breathtaking photos. I too need to add this to my bucket list. Never heard of it before this so thanks for expanding my tiny little world! Corey, you are such a gift to share all of this with us. Thank you.

  11. Jill Flory

    Amazing. Wow. There just are no words adequate!!

  12. I was sadly oblivious to Carnival in Venice. You captured such extravagant beauty in your photography. Thanks for awakening all of my senses.

  13. everton terrace

    Wow, what a thing, just what a thing. How neat to witness and be a part of it. Celebrations, such a joyous part of life. The little guillotine on the hat and the doll that matched is still making me smile. This is such fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. wonderful corey..i LOVE the pink man….

  15. liesfrit@yahoo.de

    Wonderful pics, Corey! Carnival in Venice seems to have become even more beautiful.

  16. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Fabulous! I am loving seeing all these incredible details through your eyes! Although lucky enough to have visited Venice twice…I have never witnessed this wonderful celebration of Carnival!

  17. I think that wearing costumes is a form of deep play, for adults as well as children. You can assume another persona and it is thrilling.
    Last year, I made V. the costume of a roman emperor for his last year as a principal. You should have seen the 65 year old taking his role very seriously with the posture and the air.
    Costumes are a good thing. Mine, if I ever get it made, is a bawdy mead-serving maid costume from the 18th century.

  18. Amy Kortuem

    THOSE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!! I want several pair to wear when I play my harp. Then, of course, I’d need a fabulous dress. And hat. And some feathers…
    These are gorgeous photos, Corey!

  19. La Contessa

    SO< now you have given me the dates I think I'll go next year!How on earth could you pick a FAVORITE!!!!!!!!I want to see them all!

  20. Chris Wittmann

    I can’t imagine creating a costume like that, what workmanship! And how do they all manage to walk in them comfortably? Thanks for sharing this fantastic journey with us, and also for including some of the costumed men! Even under all that makeup I can see some very handsome faces ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Wow, Corey! I cannot believe I did not know about this celebration. Thank you so much for these fantastic images. I want to go see for myself someday…

  22. Brenda L. from TN.

    These phots are absolutely the most stunning pictures I’ve ever seen!
    The lace masks, the hand-painted ones, the shoes are to die for and the coustumes are simply marvelous but the children are just breathtaking!
    Thank you so much for showing and sharing…I had a wonderful time!

  23. Corey… I am in awe of each and every photo! What a dream! Just as you said, it is like a look into the past… in vivid glorious color! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. Jean(ne) P in MN

    Thank you so much for sharing these stupendous photos. It really has been a treat to brighten our winter days.

  25. I am truly amazed at the details in these costumes. They are beautiful. Now more than ever, I would love to be there in Venice for the Carnival. What a delightful time you must have had seeing this beauty all around you.

  26. denisesolsrud@hotmail.com

    Ahhhhh! only with you,do we see the world thru your photos. we are so lucky. thank you. Bestest,Denise

  27. julieannevins@googlemail.com

    Just awesome, Jx

  28. My gosh! As a seamstress I am looking and looking, wanting to look under the dresses and into the vests. The fabric, lace, embelishments – swoon! Thank you Corey! I would give up Halloween for this in a second.

  29. Enchanting
    Love you

  30. Fabulous. Thank you so much for your astute eye for the perfect photo. We have all been to Carnival in Venice with you and I thank you for this opportunity.

  31. Gretchen Seibert

    Gorgeous! Wondering how some of these managed to fit out the doorway!

  32. A Box of Chocolates

    oh my goodnes how amazing i was in Venezia in 2009 so want to go back, wish we had been there for this extravaganza amazing

  33. I have always wanted to visit Venice. Now I know when I should plan a trip there! How I long to dress up in costume and step into another world. Perhaps I’d never come back.

  34. Beatnheart

    Yes I didn’t know about this either. What a spectacular event.

  35. Slightly sinister.

  36. natalie thiele

    Simply unbelievable! I had no idea. I loved the Pink man, the enormous green cuffs, stunning brocade shoes, it was all beyond belief!
    What a commitment, working for years on a costume! I would love to participate.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos.

  37. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Whew! I’m exhausted just browsing through the various photos! The colors and costumes…fabulous!

  38. Jennie@clusternavigators.com

    Such colours, textures and layers! I have visited Venice twice, never managed to coincide with the Carnival, but I did see the masks and costumes for sale.
    I particularly love the two children at the beginning of your images. Such beautiful faces framed by their costumes.
    Venice is my number one destination….just have to get back there again some time.
    Thanks for the lovely images…

  39. LoVE these gorgeous photos of the costumes! Thank you so much for taking them and posting them!

  40. Corey, I live in Mobile, AL where we have a HUGE Mardi Gras. The Carnival court here have costumes to rival Venice, even a coronation to crown the king and queen of Mardi Gras which is always made up of old Mobile families.
    I’ve been to many Carnivals in New Orleans and Mobile, but the costumes in Venice are beyond compare. They are exquisite. Literally eye candy. Aren’t you SO GLAD you went? Thanks for sharing he beautiful pictures.

  41. Cynthia in NC

    If you were to write a book with your beautiful photographs, I would buy it. I bet I’m in good company in that wish. Thanks you for sharing the beauty that you see.

  42. Brenda, Walker, LA, USA

    Awesome, Corey!
    To Jude: I live in Louisiana, but have stayed in Mobile for 6 months, I can see in antiqueing that the city has had some elaborate Mardi gras celebrations …You are right, Venice seems to take on another level!

  43. I had to wander through your pictures again, revisit through your eyes. And what delight it is, I am so happy you were there too, let me enjoy the whole chose so much more. I feel so enriched. Work hard, live hard, enjoy life, cease the moment.
    So grateful for all,

  44. I love it! I wish i could be there Coco ๐Ÿ™‚
    I liked anything that was pink or lace ๐Ÿ™‚

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