Pure Brocante Bliss




Little French Keys


Brocante, I know and you know that I have the brocante bug bad. It is an illness I live with daily. Love it. Every aspect of it. It doesn't matter the side effects it brings: Big, small, tattered, worn, under cover, early mornings… it is worth it.

It doesn't matter what the brocante brings, it fascinates my imagination, makes me giddy, jump out of the car before it even stops giddy!

Or in other words it makes me nutty.


Thankfully I live in France, where my brocante bug can have a daily fix if need be.



French Brocante trivet tray


1900s Trivet Tray

Six sided engraving Puzzle

Six sided engraving Puzzle

Six sided engraving Puzzle

Six sided engraving Puzzle

Puzzle cubes made with old engravings.



French antiques pot de creme

Demi tasse French



French Antique pot de creme.

Chocolate not included.




Mary Statue


French antique statues



French Brocante Religious Statues.

My monastic days inspire what I am drawn too.




1800s Map Engravings

1800s Map Engravings

1800s Map Engravings


1800s French Tinted Map Engravings



Romantic Tinted Images 2

Romantic Tinted Images 2


1800s romantic engravings for yesteryear.



French Antique Heavy Linen Towels

French Antique Heavy Linen Towels

French Antique Heavy Linen Towels


Hand woven linen towels from the 1800s.



Glass Relic Holder with Angel

Glass Relic Holder with Angel

Glass relic holder with angel design top.




Monogram Stamp "A"

Monogram Stamp "A"


Large wooden base, iron stamp to use to print on fabric, to create a monogram.



Watch Case with Chain


Antique pocket watch case with chain.

Not gold, not precious… practical.









1800s French antique hand made fine lace.

Made by loving hands, never used.

Created for the pleasure of creating, not for a purpose.




Crystal Chatons


Pink covered box with folded pieces of paper that have chaton crystals (chaton crystals are used in jewelry making.) stored in them.



Paris Home Journals

Paris Home Journals

Paris Home Journals



Le Mode Journals from the 1920…
Similar to American Home Journals.
My Mother in Law read them on the way home from the brocante.
Sharing different antidotes as we drove.

French Jewel Box


French antique baby pink silk covered jewel box.



French Antique Letters 1833

French Antique Letters 1833



French letters from 1833

Last weekend I found a box that was stuffed silly with documents from one household… a chateau… the documents on the bottom of the box dated 1677 until 1920s.




1850 Prayer Card

1850 Prayer Card


French 1850s prayer card.

That is one long held prayer.

Passed down over and over in one prayer book after another.





1800s fine damask towel.




French Antique Cross with Angels

French Antique Cross with Angels

Holy water bedside font.



Velvet Prayer Book

Velvet Prayer Book


1800 velvet covered prayer book with engravings inside,
Do you think I like religious items?



1800s linen flour sacks. Tight weave helps prevent flour from escaping.



Antique Clay Marbles


French antique clay marbles,



Before cat eyes.


French Clay Garden Pots

French Clay Garden Pots


1900s French terre cuite seedling clay pots.




Five Feather Estampes


Gold metal estampes, used as the latches for Limoges boxes.




French Candy Box

French Candy Box

French Candy Box


1900s candy box.


Just a few of the items I have on my online Brocante Shop, that you can peek into by clicking here….

For those of you who follow my Brocante Shop I will be posting many more throughout the week.

Sad but true I gotta let these sweet things go if I want to keep going to the brocante. The brocante bug strives on give and take. Buy and sell. Seek and find. Happy ever after.


















15 responses to “Pure Brocante Bliss”

  1. I think we have all been breathing the same prayers for eternity – keep my children and family safe, heal us, help me see with new eyes.
    When you think about the chain of prayers whispered like that the prayer card doesn’t seem so old any more!

  2. Paris Luxury Hotels

    Love Paris and wish I could visit often, great blog you have, very French…:)

  3. Corey, you are tormenting me with desire for so many of these items…please share what you kept for yourself too! xox jody

  4. I just visited the shop last night. The OXO mugs have me tempted.

  5. everton terrace

    Nothing like the feeling when you first arrive and all the treasures are out there waiting for you. My heart races with the anticipation of the awaiting adventure.
    Love it love it love it 🙂
    I think I need a goal of coming over there next year!
    I had to race over to your shop and buy those towels with the MM on them because they are my daughter’s initials. I was worried they were gone but I found them near the bottom of page 2 – think I’ll give them to her for Easter. Very excited.

  6. 1. Corey, try to think of selling those brocante goodies as finding loving homes for them!
    2. After a horrendously stressful day yesterday — missing a translating deadline last night, so trying to meet the extension I was granted till tonight (such stress!) — I couldn’t fall asleep even though I didn’t get to bed till well past my midnight. As my mind wandered aimlessly, I realized that if Corey’s brothers Mat and Mark had each been born just one day later, they wouldn’t share a birthday — because the 48-year-old would have been celebrating only his 12th true birthday this year. At least Mark managed to dodge THAT bullet!

  7. Amy Kortuem – Mankato, Minnesota

    Oh, WOW, Corey! I love your eye for treasure. I also love old religious statuary, prayer cards, rosaries, prints.
    Probably because I lived in a convent for a year when I was in college. It’s true.

  8. I was feeling light headed as I drooled over the photos and then I saw the flour sacks – heart racing! Then – seed pots!!! Oh my!!!

  9. Jill Flory

    Oh corey, i want those linens!! Someday I’m going to have to buy a stack of those from you. I would love to be making some stuff out of the real deal!!
    did the valentines make it to you??

  10. I would love to hear some of the anecdotes from Belle Mere

  11. Brenda L. from TN.

    What wonderfuls treasures you find!! Wish I could go with you sometime…
    I, too, love religious things…the smaller the better. I once bought a St. Christophers medal at an antique sale at a jewerly store. It was 18kt gold and when I turned it over there was a CAR on the back with a mountain ridge in the background! I actually laughed outloud…and immediatly bought it! I couldn’t believe it had a CAR on the back!!
    I also have 2 small childrens Catholic prayer books that I couldn’t resist from an Estate Sale many years ago. I just love them.
    The glass box with the angel on it is so sweet. You really do find the best “treasures”.

  12. Love the religious items especially that prayer card!

  13. Shelley Noble

    Sen-saw-shon-awl! Everything! Tout! J’aurai tout !

  14. Minodora

    The damask towels and the book,have my letter,on them:D

  15. “Created for the pleasure of creating, not for a purpose.” Corey, this is the
    definition of creativity, the purpose of artful living. Thank you for putting it into words for me.

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