Month: February 2012
Saturday Art Saves, Creative Inspiration: Postcards from Provence
(Photo of painting: Lemon and jar of olive oil) Each Saturday I dedicate my blog to an artist(s) that inspire me to be creative, to see life as a canvas to explore my creativity, to honor those who lead…
Dare to Live the Dream
Photo Chelsea in Mexico. Dare to live the dream you hold true in your heart. Dare to look at yourself and change if need be. Dare to feel the seasons of emotions, and not control…
French Letter Dating 1811…Giveaway
Yes a giveaway… This old French letter dating 1811 is the prize. Click the photo to enlarge. Two hundred and one years old. It has been around, and hasn't worried about being delicate,…
How Cold is Cold Enough? When Brocanting seems Impossible?
Sacha called to say that he was cold, bitter cold, and that with his heater on full blast his studio was only at 42 degrees Fahrenheit. Provence has been a imitating Siberia this last week. Snow remains on the…
Five Things that Have Happened in the Last Five Days
1) It has been beyond cold these last five days… 10f to 15f degrees, and colder at night. This is Provence not Alaska! Our house is heated by a fireplace… which means I am Cinderella with thick…
Sealing it with a Kiss
Fallen berries on a marble plaque. Some of them cried, "What a waste why didn't we fall on fertile ground! We will never grow into a mighty tree on this cold hard surface!" A few others calculated that life…