Friday Fille

Friday Fille



On March 18th I am flying to California to visit my family and attend my Godchild's wedding.

The "Who Has the Longest Hair" amongst my nieces and I is still going strong. I just trimmed my hair today.. I don't think I am going to win if I keep trimming my hair.

My Godchild, or I should "our" Godchild as Yann is the Godfather planned a white wedding in the snow…. but from what I hear there isn't much snow in Tahoe.



Friday Fille


Thank you for your many loving comments yesterday regarding my friend Rose. Yann met her on our wedding day as we went by her house in our wedding clothes to give her a kiss.

Thank you Julie and Mat for your comments too… it was a fun summer, and my cousin Julie did so much for Rose… pies, cakes, salads…plus much much more.

Spending time with Rose in her home was like being a kid in a candy shop. I peeked into all her drawers, and pulled out all kinds of stuff to use. Rose liked that.

But most of all Rose like to write religious poems.

Unfortunately, I don't have a single poem of hers to share. You see after my boyfriend (John died suddenly when I was twenty five years old.) I burned everything…Journals, letters, photos, poems.

Crazy what sadness can lead one to do.




Friday Fille

My friend Mimi has a necklace full of old medals, so I started one too.

Hopefully my chain won't break.


Did you notice that Friday Fille is a random thought post.


Do you want some old medals to start your own chain?

Tell me some of your random thoughts of today and I will pick someone and send a necklace.

(I'll pick someone tomorrow.)

Annie has a necklace too, she started hers years ago.




Friday Fille



I need to change my glasses.


On another note, after our Godchild's wedding we are going to go visit Chelsea is Mexico.

When I came to France one of the things I missed the most was Mexican food. And as my family will agree when I am home I have Mexican food everyday.

So can you imagine what a Happy Camper I am going to be in Mexico?

Seeing Chelsea, Mexican Food, and staying here but that is another story for another day.




Friday Fille

I am packing items that many of you bought from my online shop. I don't like the packing part so much, I love the buying part, the going to the flea market part, the taking photo part, but not the writing codes (paypal buttons) and packing and posting part.

Is there any job that is 100 percent perfect? I thought wallpaper was that job until I the ladder broke!


Tell me some random thoughts, and you might have some medals coming your way.


75 responses to “Friday Fille”

  1. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Nice…Love the necklace

  2. love the necklace! Have a great weekend!

  3. everton terrace

    I have two after reading your post.
    #1 As an Arizona girl, I don’t think I could live without Mexican food.
    #2 I’m reminded I MUST get some new glasses as well. My new puppy got hold of mine and the lenses have scratches and teeth marks all over them now.

  4. Random thought: Is it too soon to hear the frog chorus of spring from the pond down in the woods?
    Random thought 2: Do we re-stack the woodpile that fell over two nights ago? Don’t know why it fell, perhaps there’s a critter buried under all that wood. Sigh.

  5. splendid

    The only job I have found that is 100% perfect, is parenting…because by the time you find out how you have done, you either have forgiven yourself or you have the luxury of commenting on their parenting! Isn’t it amazing all the little things we collect over the years! Love your hair, you definitely should win!

  6. cathy smith

    Love yout blog &the the necklace is fab. I am still collecting to make one. Here’s my random thought, as I stand in line waiting for an estate/garage sale to open, why do we stand in line to buy stuff other people don’t want? Oh &there are about 50 other crazy peeuips in line w/the me……happy junking everyone!

  7. Rochambeau

    Hi Corey,
    I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, Rose. It is beautiful to hear the way you described her and the world she created to live in.
    It is nice to hear you will be visiting your family and Chelsea in Mexico.
    I popped by to find out how your wrist is feeling. Also, I like your beautiful hair and new glasses.
    Ramdom thoughts:
    I am looking forward to altering some clothes and working on puppets today. It is a day that I can do what I want, and that is rare and cherished.
    It is already hot, and I like cold, but that is alright.
    There are wonderful things (events)I am looking forward to and that is a treasure, as I live for the next part.
    All for now sugar babes!

  8. Rochambeau

    Meant I live for the next PARTY!!!!
    Woo hoo

  9. DEar Corey,
    haven’t posted in awhile but reading daily. so many folks write what I think and feel….such a bonus from
    your blog….
    random thots….It has been 20 degrees above normal for almost 3 weeks…early spring is such a gift.
    Will work in my art journal later today and mention to
    myself i was a ‘post-er’ today not just a silent reader.
    missy from the bayou

  10. Random thought inspired by Hair:
    “Gliddy gloop gloopy
    Nibby nobby nooby
    La la la lo lo
    Sabba sibby sabba
    Nooby abba dabba
    Le le lo lo
    dooby ooby walla
    dooby abba dabba
    Early morning singing song”

  11. Eva Comeaux

    Hmmm. Random thoughts. That’s right up my alley.
    My cat just jumped on my laptop. She has thoughts too.
    I wonder if I’ll regret my sugary breakfast.
    Why did we move all the way to Montana from Texas, only to decide to move to Oklahoma before the next Montana winter comes?
    Things I need to do today…wash the dog, give my pets flea treatment, take my son to baseball sign-ups, buy ingredients for tonight’s Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas…we miss good mexican food too. Montanans don’t have a clue how to make it.
    Thanks for your lovely posts every day. I always look forward to reading them.

  12. I have collected things that I wear together on a necklace for years. Adding more medals would be wonderful! You can never have too many. Well, I guess you can if you have so many you can’t stand up straight. 🙂 You and Yann are some of the nicest people I have ever met and I treasure the day we, the Kansas girls, spent with you in France. Have a wonderful trip!

  13. Random it too early to prune the rosebushes? Daylight savings time starts a week from Sunday! Must learn more about Photoshop.I only have one medal but would love to make a necklace like you showed.

  14. Susan young

    Random thoughts:
    How is Peg handling chemo today?
    Will I be affected by the altitude at Machu Picchu?
    Did I make enough copies for the art class project?
    Ouch that hurts
    I love my daughter
    I miss my husband
    Cannot wait to be on the beach
    Breathe… Breathe…

  15. Random thoughts today…
    How wonderful that there are two new lives in the world!
    What are the odds of fraternal twins being born on February 29th? (a colleague answered this: 1 in 121750)
    Need to: do laundry, clean fridge, launder hockey equipment, remove remaining outdoor greens from Christmas (getting embarrassing)
    Licorice All-Sorts are not a food group
    So much more can be done to enrich the lives of our young people – What have I done today?

  16. Annie Freitas

    What an adventuresome life you live! I am within 10 pounds of my drivers license weight – without even trying and it started as a big fib too. I’m turning 42 next Friday and finally having my 40th bday party with girlfriends. all my thoughts are random but somehow connected – one taking me to the next. It all makes sense to me. Safe travels – Lake Tahoe is my favorite place on the planet – gorgeous anytime of year wish I could drive up and join you.

  17. I was thinking about my grandmother and how I wished I had asked her certain questions that I can no longer ask and spend time with her. I am wondering how the man who fell 350 ft. down the side of a mountain up at our local wilderness park and his dog are doing today. I hope the weather is nice tomorrow night for the astronomy program I am going to. I need to get resin poured for my charm necklaces in the next day or so.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story of Rose. An elderly neighbor lived across the street from me when I was growing up and became like a second grandmother to me and my brother. We loved her like family. We took care of her and when she passed, I rented her house for about a year. I loved living in that home, built by her husband and brother. I miss her too…

  18. Amy Kortuem – Mankato, Minnesota

    Your hair is gorgeous, Corey. Whether you win the contest or not! And I love your random thoughts. It’s like chatting with you over coffee on a lazy afternoon…whatever comes up is an important topic!
    My random thoughts for the day…why are velvet cupcakes so much better than plain chocolate cupcakes…does it hurt my cat’s feelings when I tell him he’s stinky…why can’t I get eyeshadow to stay on my eyelids…if all the rain we got that’s now standing several inches deep in my backyard freezes solid and I have an ice skating party, would anybody come?
    I’m there with you. Must be a Friday thing!

  19. Amy Kortuem – Mankato, Minnesota

    P.S. I love religious medals, too! I often wear my St. Cecilia medal – she’s the patron saint of musci and is oftn depicted playing – you guessed it – the harp!

  20. Kathie B

    “Is there any job that is 100 percent perfect?”
    Translating is — except when there’s a deadline looming and I’m nowhere done, so go into full flop-sweat panic mode because I need to finish. It happened again this week on an essay, I got a one-day extension from the author, and still just barely made it. I needed a full day to recuperate, and am now on my next short-deadline essay translation for the same author. After that, I still have to write my talk for a conference later this month — at least I have my PowerPoint display for it largely completed. Come April, I may just take a few days off to be indolent!

  21. Random thought(s)…In the path of bad storms, tornadoes, will one sit down near my home?
    Love your rememberances of Rosie. What a lovely time you had with her.
    Looking at estate sales in my area. One has beautiful dishes, glassware, and a lot of collectibles. Hope the weather clears up tomorrow.I would love to go to an estate sale.

  22. Random thought: I probably shouldn’t have eaten ice cream for dinner but oh well.
    AP and I are leaving for California on Wednesday!! He’s never seen the west coast of the US and I’m going to show him San Francisco, the drive down Hwy 1 and Yosemite. I wonder if he’ll want to immigrate when he sees California?
    When we return from our trip, it will be spring!

  23. Today is a little off for me. I am packed and ready to head to my annual retreat at Christ the King retreat center in Citrus Heights Ca, I have been attending this yearly event for about 15 years. I have learned so much about myself and my faith, that every year as the 1st weekend in March approaches I get the feeling of going home!?! Anyway, went to bed last night with head and stomache aching and am sure I have some kind of BUG! So I am hoping for a miracle! I can’t go there like this! My friend with whom I am sharing a room, and the ride there, was very understanding this morning…we could probably go another weekend…this weekend is reserved every year for St. Monica’s women. I’m a little sad…I really needed the getaway….in a peaceful, loving, enviorment with all the amenities of a fine hotel, chef included 🙁

  24. Hey Corey! I have to change my glasses too. I am thinking of letting my hair go gray. What do you think?
    Love those chandelier crystals, I have been working with these but I think that the antique papers are the best background.
    How is that for random thoughts! I know you will have a great trip! Have a Corono for me in Mexico…hola!

  25. Random thoughts for this Friday afternoon:
    My mind keeps coming back to my cousins and my aunt as they care for my uncle in his final days of a long battle with cancer. As I go through this day and run my errands and plan my weekend, my heart is aching for them. I look outside and see the beautiful snow like frosting on the branches of the trees and feel sad he will never see these things again. God’s arms are open, goodbye uncle.

  26. natalie thiele

    Thinking about…
    Taking the new light fixtures up to our (recently crushed) cabin. Trying out paint colors on the cabinets. Figure out a trade with contractor for our sideboard he wants.
    Want him to make a foosball machine. I’ll make clay players. Good idea, bad idea?
    Grandaughter’s 13th birthday today. How did the time fly?
    Chocolate (always on my mind)
    Sunny skies today, YAY!

  27. Chris M.

    Random thoughts…..why can’t I sleep at night?, dark chocolate, which cocktail shall I have tonite?, regular or decaf, does my butt make these jeans look big?…..
    Your story brought me to tears. It was so touching to read about Rose. You have a tremendous gift. What a rut we get into doing the same ole – same ole, just ‘cuz it’s easy. With a little effort, our attitudes and surrounds can change dramatically, and we are transported into elegance.

  28. at least your eyebrows aren’t gray! Now, I have to color them when I color my roots. It really frightens my children.

  29. I was having all sorts of random thoughts today, then I began reading your post – you mentioned Lake Tahoe! That brought back some wonderful random memories of being a kid growing up in California – and spending summers at a cabin my grandparents rented on the North Shore of Tahoe. Oh, those were some glorious times! Love the necklace!
    Jamie V in MT

  30. Random thoughts: I want a peanut butter cookie right now but just plan almonds would be better. Mexican Food – good plan for dinner tonight. Will I every get rid of this cough? Maybe we should take the kids to Disneyland this winter where its 70-75 degrees and snows just before closing. the daphodils are starting to bloom. I should trim down for summer but peanut butter cookie is still calling my name…..

  31. Franca Bollo

    Your car service from SFO to Willows awaits. We have an opening on the 18th.

  32. I keep the vintage perpetual calendar on my desk set to Christmas Eve each year. 2012 it’s on a Monday. Other essentials on the desktop–Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, illustrated by Kalman. Because grammar should be beautiful, too.
    Now I want Mexican food…:)

  33. Random thought; How can I have such a yearning to live in Provence when I have never ever been there? It feels like I lost my way and I now need to go home.

  34. Chris Wittmann

    Random thoughts today were many, after yesterday’s snowstorm we trekked out carefully to buy groceries, and my thoughts turned to the beautiful old metal sap buckets that I know are hanging from the sugar maples now, snow covered from the storm, waiting for me and my camera…but there was no time to turn down one of those snowy, sloppy back roads today. Random thoughts of my dad who passed 35 years ago today, thoughts of how could so many years fly by in so short a time? Random thoughts of the many happy times I spent with my family, so many years ago. How could it have been so long ago when it seems like yesterday?

  35. First thought I have after reading this post is that I’d love to see a picture of Annie’s necklace of medals. Years ago I converted my mom’s 1940’s era sterling hearts charm bracelet to a necklace. So much more wearable for me. Love your blog. Marie

  36. Random Thoughts…
    Middle son called today. Had a short visit together. Talked and laughed … just like old times…
    Son number three called to say “I was thinking of you and want to tell you I love you.”
    Spoke with oldest son. Made plans for a birthday lunch…
    Youngest son calls and asks if Dad and I want to go out to dinner…

  37. Rosemary

    Random thoughts today:
    I’m so glad it’s Friday
    No there are no perfect jobs (I’ve told my kids that for years)
    I wish I had more time to paint – but I have a full time job that interferes
    I ordered some of those vintage fashion magazines from your brocante and they got to me SO fast! Love them.
    I really like your necklace – it’s great! Hope the chain does NOT break.

  38. Annie v.

    collected medals for years from my family baptismal ones, confirmation ones, have them from my GreatGrandmother’s down to mine and a lovely one my father-in-law had made for me, it is a gold envelope with a letter from him inside, a fatma’s hand ,the ” I love you more to day than yesterday” one, they became too many so bought a chain with loops big enough to attach ea. one so they did not get jumbled up,now I can carry all my family next to my heart.
    Have a wondeful time at the wedding.
    Annie v.

  39. Corey, I have decided you can’t be real.
    Your life stories are so full of enchantment, sadness, laughter and beauty – John, Yann, your engagement, Annie, Rose, your family, your passions, your friends, the strangers you meet . . . . and on and on and on.
    But I am so glad you are sharing these things everyday through your blog.
    Today we are going to a Cambodian Buddhist ceremony. A one month blessing for the infant daughter of our son’s best friend.
    There is a long story behind this event too, but we are delighted to have received an invitation to bless this sweet child.

  40. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh Yahoo! Thanks! I will let you know the time I think it is 2 am, or 5 am… hahhaha! Seriously Cousin, I will let you know, xxxxx Thanks!

  41. Random thoughts….When growing up, this elderly women loved to come have coffee with my mother. She would get all dressed up, gloves, hat and a lovely flowery dress. After her visit, I walked her home(one block). She held my arm and I could smell her sweet perfume. For my graduation she gave me a beautiful bracelet which I still have and think of her often.
    I opened a second antique booth…at a new mall….yesterday was opening day. My booth is small but all my lovely antiques didn’t fill it out….looks sparse….I’ll work it this w/e. My other booth (another location) looks sparse because it has been neglected while I worked on the new one!
    Also DH has been neglected…..I’m losing it on all sides.

  42. Franca Bollo

    Hahahahaha! And then there’s the train! Hahahahahaha! Ha!
    xoxoxo, CC

  43. Franca Bollo

    Poo … that was supposed to be a reply your reply. Oh, well … la la la la la laaaa …

  44. Love the blog and love the necklace!

  45. Marilyn from Chico, Ca

    My thoughts are usually random. There’s rarely any order to them. They flit from subject to subject like a moth around a flame. It’s never dull inside my head. There’s a world of adventure in there. I may look like I’m sitting quietly, but that’s deceiving. 😉

  46. Laurie SF

    Hi Kim,
    When in SF make sure to stop at the Baker & Bailey Bakery on the corner of Octavia and Bush. Ask for the killer banana bread pudding or a burnt butter cinnamon roll.
    Divine goodness!

  47. Kimberly

    Random thoughts are running rampant through my mind lately. Why oh why did I tear out all the carpeting in the living room and dining room yesterday? I don’t even have a material to replace that old worn out carpet yet! What time do I pick up my youngest son tonight from the party? My husband wants me to come where to take pictures of a job he is working on and oh don’t forget to bring him a peanut butter extra sweet triple shot mocha. And how do I pick up not one but 2 trucks at the glass shop getting new windshields in today! Crazy I tell ya! But blessings always to you Corey! Kimberly

  48. Laurie SF

    ***Baker & Banker 😉

  49. Laurie SF

    Closing my eyes and clicking my heels. Random thoughts..
    France in 5 more weeks.
    France in 5 more weeks.
    France in 5 more weeks.
    Pinching myself..:-)

  50. Random…
    I’m running low on iced tea…better go make some more…
    I think I’ll color my hair tomorrow…should I get hi-lights?
    Roosters sure do have some pretty feathers, but their legs are scrawny…
    My corner could us some hanging butterflies, but not spiderwebs…
    The small couch is comfy, it’s no wonder the cat is always on it…
    I wonder who decided that the short hand on a clock is for the hours?
    Cory is awesome, I wonder why she loves Mexican food so much?
    I am low on tea…oh ya, well…I’d better get up and get it made…have a sweet tea kind of day!

  51. I shopped for the first time in your brocante this week & I wished the site gave me a shopping basket instead of a one purchase or I would have bought 2 other things that you would be boxing up. (lazy, I don’t have a PayPal acct) looking forward to my beautiful prize!
    A guy that I despised at work (& sat next to me) resigned today. Thank you God.
    I made my hubby’s sandwich for work today & forgot it was lent. He forgot too & ate it. Ham & cheese. Sorry. Repenting.
    Read a hilarious book & talked about it hilariously with a friend.
    Listening to some lovely Melody Gardot.

  52. I think I have a perfect job. I am an Independent Consultant with Premier Designs Jewelry and I get to give away free and 1/2 price jewelry and get paid very well to do it. It doesn’t get any better than that. I have random thoughts everyday not just on Friday. My mind just doesn’t stay still. Love this blog and all your stories. I would love to live in France part of the year and you sure have traveled a lot this past year. How wonderful for you and your family.

  53. My daughter and I started a necklace like this a few years back while she was going to school in Italy. When I would visit her we would go the little shops around St.Peters Basilica and buy new medals to add to our chains. Such beautiful memories I am reminded of everytime I wear it. Each medal has a special meaning. And it never fails, that someone will comment on how pretty it is, when I wear it. I would love to have some more medals to add to it, and the story behind it. Maybe you could help?

  54. Oh and by the way…my random thought was…If Corey likes Mexican food, she would love Houston Texas. We have the best Mexican food restaurants, and so many to choose from…Hmmmmm, maybe one day! Muy Bueno…

  55. Wish I was with my sister, cousins, and kids at the UM hockey game tonight instead of 1700 miles away! Going to beaucoup yarn shops tomorrow with my best friend – YAY! Have to take the dog for a walk and then brush her teeth because my husband, the usual dog-caretaker, is off fishing for the weekend. I miss him – he’s the best husband! Spring is coming! I love my job but I am SO HAPPY today is Friday!


    coming home to the u.s.a. and then to mexico. and you always fill us in on the goodies that are tasty. well, this is what i do not understand. how can you eat so much as you say and stay the size you are? it is not fair,cuz i know you love the job of different foods and so do i but, this body will show what i have done. my one thought today was i always do something to the computer and me not being to savvy with the computer to adjust it is my one problem.(well,almost) today was one of those days,but i was grateful i could find you without too much trouble. i did not have access to my favorite sites. this disturbs me. i stew about it till it’s fixed. so this was my main thoughts today. so, put my name in as i probably should be wearing a medal’s necklace. used to always wear a scapuler. even it did get lopsided and get tangled. Bestest,Denise

  57. Jillayne

    Random thoughts huh?
    Sometimes I wonder about things… I wonder why it is that when I have a needle in my hand I can’t be cranky? And when I quilt, how odd it is to take fabric, cut it up and sew it back together when it was lovely to start with?
    And why on some days after work I want salty chips and other days it’s sweet cookies?
    Why did France get the Brocante?

  58. Dana Smith

    My flowers are blooming and it’s not even Spring yet. I need to make up my mind whether I’m going to the DC Big Flea(not a flea market but a huge Antique Show) tomorrow. I need to cut my hair. What shall I fix for dinner tomorrow night? Think I’ll go stitch on my needlepoint stocking for my granddaughter…….

  59. The mountains around me were snow covered last weekend but are now brown and gray from the leaves and mud and the trees. I can’t wait to see the first buds of green which shout Spring Is Here. Chipmunks have nested under my back porch this winter. I share bird seed and oats with them. They are safe there. God sends me signs of joy (in color)- a brillant red cardinal darting across the street, a hazy yellow sun in the winter sky, blue skies and white dreamy clouds. What sounds better than birdsong? I would think a cooing happy baby, a story being told by a grandmother, the happy sighs of settling in for the night next to the one you love. Happy thoughts, Corey!

  60. On my walk late this afternoon, it smelled like spring. I could see the Pacific Ocean so clearly. I briefly talked to two friendly people. I felt so happy. I love life.

  61. Carole K

    Strange how you can meet a stranger, spend time together, share your past, your dreams, your art, your heart; yet when they leave, the pink cupcake is there under the glass as a reminder of laughter shared…the taste of that frosting; sweet, buttery on the tongue, with an iridescence of friendship’s promise….and you wonder, why, of all the miraculous colors in this universe, would your mother choose beige? And barns? For wallpaper? There has got to be a way into the art class; for you feel it- your time is now! But be patient–all things arrive in perfect time.
    It’s a perfect time for another cupcake.

  62. Random thoughts…you inspired me with your stories…to help my heal. You have shared so much of yourself…, as to help strangers in this world find strength to go on after loss. There have been many this last few years…my identical mirror twin was the last so far 10-20-2010….I see & feel her everywhere I go…I try to watch over her daughter & granddaughter…My family & I cared for her until death, unexpectedly..massive heart attack. Such is the life of a mortal. Me & she loved many of the same Frenchy things….Thank You for the comfort…

  63. My random thoughts from today (this will show you how all over the map my mind wanders ;D) The goldfinches aren’t turning yellow yet – we need to decide if green eyes will stay -vet appointment, do not want kittens-I keep thinking of things I want to learn, but procrastinate – I’d better get busy, my age is 2 years from 60 – why does my mind think that I am 35? – the gray is really starting to take over the dirty blonde should I go red?- the heron at the river posed so beautifully – Mexican food for diner, sounds better than left over soup – I need to call Betty, I worry about her since Bill has passed – this little goldfinch is so cute, watching me type – I wonder whose name Corey will pick? – sunshine, I need sunshine ……..

  64. Merisi in V

    You looking gorgeous, kiddo! 🙂
    Random thoughts? These lines keep churning in my head since yesterday, Wordsworth’s, though, not mine:
    “I wandered lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”
    The birds are up since before dawn, singing of spring.
    I’ll be in the countryside today, looking for daffodils.
    A wonderful weekend to you all,

  65. Merisi in V

    I miss Tex-Mex like crazy.
    Dreaming of Ancho Chile Peppers.
    I still keep a can of adobe peppers, as insurance.
    I also miss Muir Glen® organic fire roasted tomatoes, they make the best tortilla soup.

  66. I’m a day late but wanted to comment regarding yesterday’s beautiful post. I immediately called my son (sr. in high school) to come to the computer and read your post. I told him to live life fully and beautifully. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. You make us want to live a full and loving life, Corey.
    Random thoughts, I should be in bed, baseball tournament tomorrow; I am so thankful the tornadoes didn’t hit my parents; I wish I had washed the baseball uniforms earlier; keep up with treasured friends.

  67. p.s. Casa Ermita and Mexican Food – no wonder you are a happy camper! What a lovely place!

  68. Oh a wedding, combined with seeing your family and your best girl in the same trip. Soak it all in.
    Your hair looks fantastic, but I don’t think you’ll win, some of your nieces have some pretty long hair. It’s worth it to look good at the wedding, yes?

  69. Kristin McNamara Freeman

    Corey I love the Friday random thoughts! I am reading this on Saturday morning, early here in Montana…thinking about Rose, memories, treasures…those bits and pieces that come together to make our journey alive, significant…filled with story and always the warm loving heart feeling that comes when we remember.
    Mexican food…oh how my mouth waters for some of the real stuff…perhaps a road trip to Colorado or Utah this summer will find a roadside treasure….when in the years back I would travel from Newport Beach to my parent’s home on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, there was a restaurant with an attached dance hall in Gilroy and always I planned my trip to allow for a stop there to eat some truly wonderful authentic Mexican cooking…the taste memories arise as I write. Time with Chelsea – yes mother daughter time is so sweet, savor the goodness of this for sure.
    Now my last random drifting thoughts go to the medals I have collected…just a few, but they would make a nice necklace, and more to add to that new piece of jewelry, oh how sweet that would be.
    Thanks for visiting me every day! Kristin, who has so many random thoughts

  70. Paula S In New Mexico

    random thoughts…………
    i would wear a medal necklace every single day
    life is so random
    i feel better today
    grief is so painful
    cold, cold, cold
    i love that i am using a garden chair in my bedroom
    spring buds are starting to peek up
    there should be some better way to heat a house
    reading corey in bed with coffee is wonderful
    i feel like i might live, finally
    yeah, life is random…..
    well, maybe not,
    if only i knew then what i know now
    my husbands bed hair is so cute
    make the most of today it is a gift
    look for the miracle
    get more coffee

  71. Joyous Gatherings

    Red chile
    Green chile
    Santos, Retablos
    Traditional finery
    Prized, coveted, possessions, our connection.
    To the South, Mexico, a historic
    mission church,
    To the West, California,
    dusk, cliff dwellings, family.
    To the North, Colorado, the Green Corn Dance.
    To the East, home. A double rainbow.

  72. margaret christine

    There’s a whole lot of random going on here. But,then again, what a fab necklace that would be.
    I’m waiting for a first time goat doe to kid. It could be as long as three more weeks. or three hours. It’s worse than being pregnant myself.
    I’m making orange scented chocolate pie today. If my husband doesn’t hurry home, I may eat the whole thing and he’ll never be the wiser.
    This place is a wreck. What the heck am I doing on the web?
    I can’t think of one useful thing to post today. I’m burned out.
    Mom’s 70th birthday on Tuesday. Hope I get to chat with her even if just a little.

  73. Guess what? Tahoe just had a huge snow storm!!! Haven’t read all your other comments, they probably tell you the same thing 🙂
    Is Rose, Rose from Willows? The Rose that always went to mass and was always in Dr. Fleming’s waiting room whenever I was there? I swear we always had our appointments on the same day!!!!!
    Enjoy the wedding, and Tahoe♥

  74. Diane Merrick

    I believe the small silver bottle was used for perfume.

  75. Diane Merrick

    I have a second guess, I think this small silver model may have contained eyeliner.

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