On March 18th I am flying to California to visit my family and attend my Godchild's wedding.
The "Who Has the Longest Hair" amongst my nieces and I is still going strong. I just trimmed my hair today.. I don't think I am going to win if I keep trimming my hair.
My Godchild, or I should "our" Godchild as Yann is the Godfather planned a white wedding in the snow…. but from what I hear there isn't much snow in Tahoe.
Thank you for your many loving comments yesterday regarding my friend Rose. Yann met her on our wedding day as we went by her house in our wedding clothes to give her a kiss.
Thank you Julie and Mat for your comments too… it was a fun summer, and my cousin Julie did so much for Rose… pies, cakes, salads…plus much much more.
Spending time with Rose in her home was like being a kid in a candy shop. I peeked into all her drawers, and pulled out all kinds of stuff to use. Rose liked that.
But most of all Rose like to write religious poems.
Unfortunately, I don't have a single poem of hers to share. You see after my boyfriend (John died suddenly when I was twenty five years old.) I burned everything…Journals, letters, photos, poems.
Crazy what sadness can lead one to do.
My friend Mimi has a necklace full of old medals, so I started one too.
Hopefully my chain won't break.
Did you notice that Friday Fille is a random thought post.
Do you want some old medals to start your own chain?
Tell me some of your random thoughts of today and I will pick someone and send a necklace.
(I'll pick someone tomorrow.)
Annie has a necklace too, she started hers years ago.
I need to change my glasses.
On another note, after our Godchild's wedding we are going to go visit Chelsea is Mexico.
When I came to France one of the things I missed the most was Mexican food. And as my family will agree when I am home I have Mexican food everyday.
So can you imagine what a Happy Camper I am going to be in Mexico?
Seeing Chelsea, Mexican Food, and staying here but that is another story for another day.
I am packing items that many of you bought from my online shop. I don't like the packing part so much, I love the buying part, the going to the flea market part, the taking photo part, but not the writing codes (paypal buttons) and packing and posting part.
Is there any job that is 100 percent perfect? I thought wallpaper was that job until I the ladder broke!
Tell me some random thoughts, and you might have some medals coming your way.
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