Dejeuner in Aix en Provence

Dejeuner in Aix en Provence


The sun called out enjoy the day.

French Husband and I hopped in the car,

lunch in Aix.

Sounds so glamourous, but it is just the town next door.




La Mado In Aix


Lunch in France, don't be intimidated by the linen tablecloth

and napkins… that is just how it is in France.

Eating is dining even at McDonald's.

Rarely, do you see anyone walking around eating or carrying a cup, and when you do it most likely is a tourist, or Corey Amaro eating a pain au chocolat at the brocante.









Dejeuner in Aix en Provence



Dig or not dig the short hair.


In France, you do not need a clock to tell the time. Just see what the French are eating or not eating. Then you will know the time.

I would say never, but that would be too extreme, so I'll say:

Rarely do the French eat in between meals… Quelle scandale!!


Breakfast before 9, and breakfast is not hash browns and scrambled eggs.

So don't bother looking for a breakfast menu unless you are in a hotel.

Zero until lunch.

Lunch 12:30 until 2:00pm,

Coffee at 2ish,

Goutee (a snack) tea, Hot chocolate, a pastry…. 4ish until 6pm,

Aperitif 6ish until 8pm

Dinner is served after 8pm.


When I first lived in France, the best time to go shopping, to avoid the lines, was between noon and 3pm.




Dejeuner in Aix en Provence


Blurry iPhone photo!

Those flowers were fake, I couldn't believe it. I asked the waiter, "Who is the florist?"

He replied, "They are fake."

"Wow! Fooled me! Okay, who is the florist?" I asked again.

He looked at me like I was oddily…."FaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKe."

I took a photo anyway.





Dejeuner in Aix en Provence



We arrived at 12:15, without a reservation.

We had a seat by the window. Lovely.

By 12:30 the three floor restaurant was packed.

(Irina, do you remember having lunch here when you were in France?)



Dejeuner in Aix en Provence


In France the formule is a pre selected menu by the chef.

Better price. It is also called, "The Menu" or "Fixe Prix"

If you are in France and go out to eat look for it, often it is at the back of the menu.

Tips are included.


La Mado In Aix



Aix en Provence.

By the open market.


 Must have:

Creme Brulee!

You know how in the States when you eat an Oreo cookie (as kids) you split it apart and scrap the white frosting out with your teeth? Well in France when before you bite into a Creme Brulee you tap it with your spoon and listen for the crack.


Sorry I didn't save you a bite.




45 responses to “Dejeuner in Aix en Provence”

  1. bon app….. 🙂
    Your man looks like a younger (much younger) version of my Ex-boss at a French language school in England…. I did like his queue de cheval better but of course it’s probably his heart which is the most beautiful of the whole man!
    I’m going to prepare my lunch now (at home, in my own kitchen!)

  2. as much as I prefer longs cheveux, your Yann looks very chic with short

  3. Beatnheart

    Yann is a hunka hunka long or short.

  4. Bought a shovel – digging the short hair 😉

  5. Love, love love Yann’s hair and glasses. Please tell him I said so.

  6. Brenda L. from TN.

    Well, Corey,your FH would look dreamy with ANY haircut!!…even BALD!
    Thanks for the info about the French eating habits and times. I love it when you give info like that. Makes me feel positively Eurpoean knowing all that.

  7. Paula S In New Mexico

    Fabulous hair.

  8. Laurie SF

    Cool head of hair. A ’10’ on the macho-meter!

  9. Ditto on FH’s hair and glasses.
    I just love your description of meals in France. I will come back one day!!
    We’re off to San Francisco tomorrow and we’re very much looking forward to it. This will be my British husband’s first trip to California and I think he’s going to love it.
    Cheers, Corey.

  10. Chris Wittmann

    NO snacks between meals?? Ahhh..that is the secret to the French staying slim! Very hard for me to stick to that rule given our super COLD temps and so much physical work here in northern New England, like stacking the latest wood delivery 🙂 It was 7 degrees this morning but at least the sun is shining here too!

  11. Kathie B

    Corey, the other side of the meals coin is the way my très Californian father ate, so as to control his hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and also stay(!) trim successfully: 3 small nutritious meals + 3 healthful between-meal snacks. This meant if he was even just going out to run errands, he always took along at least a piece of fresh fruit. Till near the end, he did his own home maintenance, mowing etc., and walked daily. A lot.

  12. Amy Kortuem – Mankato, Minnesota

    Oh yum. Beats my heated-up-soup-out-of-a-can lunch.
    And I like the short hair! He looks a little less “motorcycle” and a lot more “distinguished Renaissance man”. (But we all know the motorcycle is still in there…)

  13. Love Creme Brulee! I do remember the fixed price menu when we were there and most often that is what we ordered. Yummmm!

  14. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Creme Brulee….my favorite along with chocolate mousse 🙂 Now that hair on French husband…he looks like a musician or conductor of an orchestra!! Thick wavy hair…will never be bald ;-)Love it!!!

  15. Creme brulee! Wonderful long hair on men. you made my day

  16. OMG, your making my mouth water, I can even see the little luscious specks of valilla bean in the photo. Yummm. French Husband looks great, and love the glasses!
    I really MUST come see you and enjoy a creme brûlée with you!

  17. Love FH’s new “BOUFFANT”!

  18. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    God, that lunch looks delicieux. Liking the shorter hair too. Are those Varionets Yann is wearing? Super stylish.

  19. I seem to be the only one who does not like the ‘hair’
    now if I could find a shampoo to ‘lift’ my hair like that I would be pleased. ( I preferred the ‘pony-tail’)
    Creme Brulee – yum yum – agghhh you ate the lot!

  20. Seriously dig the hair. If he was mine, I would be running my fingers through it all day long. This is coming from a girl who only gets to kiss her sweet husbands bald head. No go and enjoy that hair!

  21. Yann looks like a lady (albeit a pretty lady.) The creme brulee looks wonderful-what??? no bite pour moi?????

  22. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Karen
    Yes the glasses are—

  23. LauraInSeattle

    Does Yann know his hair is up for debate here in the open?
    My favorite “Yann-do” was SHORT pre-longhair days. I think I like the long hair better than the “mid-length” here in the photo, though….as if he even cares about our opinions.

  24. Sorry but I don’t think the haircut is his best….something not right about the top part…but it has potential. I gained 10 lbs just looking at your lunch! How do you do it?

  25. I could live in France if I could live on Creme Brûlée. But only if I could snack on it too!
    No snacks? I’d waste away to nothing.! Well at least my jeans might zip up a little easier.
    I’m sitting in a cafe in Australia indulging in a cappuccino with real melted chocolate drizzled over the foam. I’m hoping for the endorphine rush to kick in and raise my spirits a little. Now if only they sold Creme Brûlée…..

  26. La Contessa

    The hair is PERFECT!AS are you!I love how you think and what you post!

  27. Liz in Oregon

    Mostly I don’t comment, Corey, but I read your blog every day. I did want to weigh in on the FH hair debate and all I can say is that man is absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous always – long hair, pony tail, short fluffy hair, no hair. AND he’s French! Doesn’t get much better than that, does it? 😉

  28. Aix, not quite next door but an hour’s flight and a half hour by bus. Ah, it was so near while I holidayed in Provence last year, but we missed out on calling there. I’ve planned my autumn birthday trip to Marseille this year with a day visit to Aix. I’ve made a lunch date there already. Creme brulee! My fave dessert of all time. Who cares about the sugary crust being bad for you! I won’t weigh in on the hair debate!

  29. parisbreakfast

    LOVE how the French eat.
    This trip I will be eating la formule, not just taking pictures of all the blackboards.
    I want to try it!

  30. Mmm. Thanks for lunch. Still living vicariously

  31. Cory, first of all I LOVE GREY HAIR on men..He is VERY handsome. And love that I am getting grey too…have earned it.
    Yes, that dessert is the BEST… of any.

  32. I’ll take creme brule any day but funny you should mention the oreo cookie. March 6 was its 100 birthday. Oh and I liked the long hair pony tail better:)

  33. Well I certainly will be stopping there for lunch!!!!

  34. I will certainly be stopping here for lunch!

  35. Brother Mathew

    Hair. Hairy. Harold. Harriet.

  36. The dessert looks fab, so does everything else. I saw someone put a fork through the cream filling of an oreo and dip it into the milk. He was a genius I tell ya.

  37. Gypsy Threads

    How civilized! I love the hair – and I did not think I would! Creme Brûlée is my favorite dessert! As a matter of fact, last weekend at the Alameda Flea Market there was a vender selling Creme Brûlée from a cart! He had chocolate as well as vanilla. I wanted both, but, alas took only one, sat on a milk crate in a sliver of shade and entered the gates of bliss.

  38. Lorraine

    Hello Corey,
    French Husband looks like a French philosopher with the glasses and the hair cut!

  39. Corey, you did something very right if you were rewarded with THAT FH!!! Goodness me. You lucky girl!! OK that’s all I’m saying.
    The food looks so good. I really wish we were civilized about eating here and we got to enjoy wonderful meals like those. Lunch for me usually involves leftovers at my desk while working. How sad.

  40. Chris M.



    The hair looks very suave….liked the pony tail too…which is not always the case when men go for that look….liked it short too….FH can carry off many looks and still remain tasty….very much like the creme brulee…although I have to buck the system and say I prefer pannacotta! Creme Brulee too rich for moi! Cheers from New Zealand

  42. i think the Mister looks much more sophisticated with this new haircut and i wouldn’t call it “short” by any means. he matches with you now, two very attractive and stylish people who are ‘over 30′(but only a little). 🙂

  43. violet cadburry

    Less mousse and more gel.

  44. v.j. kohout

    French Husband looks like a conductor (of symphony orchestra that is). I like it better longer when he looks more like a biker.

  45. Victoria Ramos

    I think I like his hair even shorter…..if opinions are being given. He looks a bit too…foofy…. but really, he should revel in that full head of hair…so ‘foof’ on! Most men his age would die for that hair!!!!

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