Pasta with Asparagus

Pasta with Asparagus

Pasta with Asparagus al dente.

Cook Pasta, a few minutes less than what is written on the box.
While the water is doing its best to boil prepare the sauce.
Saute a hearty handful of pine nuts, and put aside,
Saute strips of smoked salmon,
When the pasta water begins to boil add salt to the water.
Pour cream into a pan and heat,
Cut the steamed asparagus in bite-able sizes.
Before the cream starts to roll and tumble wildly, add the asparagus, pine nuts, smoked salmon and a tad of tarragon to it, let it simmer and thicken.
Drain the pasta, add a touch of olive oil and Parmesan toss, then add the asparagus cream sauce.



Last night I had a Slumber Party with five of my nieces and nephews at my brother Zane's home… Since I am still in Zoombie Land I am re posting a favorite pasta recipe of mine. I'll post about the Sumber Party when I have slumbered some.




11 responses to “Pasta with Asparagus”

  1. Christine

    Corey, you’re so funny!!! Glad you’re having a wonderful time in Willows, etc.!!
    P.S. Love the recipe!

  2. Massilianana

    Pine nuts and asparagus, two of my favorite ingredients ! Your pasta seems delicious ! I’ll give it a try !
    Slumber well…… ;o)

  3. get some sleep honey…

  4. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Sounds delicious…am going to try it. Actually, I copied it and sent it to my sister…she really will try it!
    Have fun with those kids!

  5. Beatnheart

    Food fenchy style… Me wants some. Have a glorious time with yer famille.

  6. We didn’t sleep very much! Only like 3 hours!

  7. I could have joined you, as I wasn’t sleeping either. What fun to share these memories with your nieces and nephews.

  8. Yummers!

  9. Julie M ~ The Little Red Shop

    Welcome back to the West Coast! Happy snoozing,
    : )
    Julie M.

  10. I loved this pasta!!!! You cooked it when I was visiting. Thank you for the recipe, I was actually going to ask you for it 🙂

  11. I love your descriptive recipe! This sounds amazing~
    Thank you 😀

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