The Slumber Party


Slumber party scary













I was in the eighth grade when my cousin Bev, Alma and Bern had a slumber party in their family's camping trailer that was parked in their garage. We had tons of food, teen magazines and music. We were cool, by ourselves, staying up all night in our in a home away from home slumber party. I was lovin' every minute of it until Bev started telling "ghost stoires"! How could she! She knew I was afraid of the dark and a child with an over active imagination…


Slumber party gang










This last weekend I hosted a Slumber Party at my brother's Zane's house. Seven of my nieces and nephews came over. We went to the grocery store with a list that Molly had made, it included hyper kid food such as: Pizza, Root Beer, Candy, Chips, Ice Cream, Chocolate Syrup (I could have drank that all by myself!), Whip Cream, Sprinkles, and Cherries. After making the pizza and inhaling the ice cream sundaes… We played bouncing off the walls and running around outside.


Slumber party cousins















We had a blast until we had to go to bed…

Warren (5) asked me, "Do you believe in Monsters Aunt Coco?" The others looked up at me nervously, in which my unexpected answer did not render calm nerves on those little Chicken Poops!

I said, "Yes I do! But I locked the doors, and checked under the beds, don't worry."

One should not announce to a bunch of children that in fact you do believe in Monsters before going to bed. Nor should you should say that you believe in ghosts.

We said a prayer and I thought that settled the fear thing.


Slumber 2012
















We (I should say I) pulled the mattresses from the children's rooms into the main bedroom. Wall to wall mattresses… Then the tricky part came, who would sleep where…

I only have two sides, on my left: Kate (6) The Hug Tight slept,

On my right Warren (5) the Snorer slept,

At my feet: The rest who whispered until three, hung out under the covers, often passing gas and cracking up with laughter over butter cups (and if you don't know the meaning of that slang expression I can only say one thing… I wish I didn't either.)

And yes I would do it again.




20 responses to “The Slumber Party”

  1. Massilianana

    Haaaaa ! I would have been scared too ! And butter cups sounds kind of…poetic , the meaning can’t be that gross,or IS IT ? Anyway, you certainly are a aunt fun to hang out with ! Lucky Chicken Poops !

  2. What a fun way to make long lasting memories!

  3. Mary Marsell

    Slumber parties are unheard of in Spain. How about in France? I’ve tried to explain them to my Spanish husband, but he smiles somewhat disapprovingly still. And when we have visited my teen boys back in CA their version of slumber parties hasn’t endeared him to this tradition any more than my explanations. Now, he’ll have to read your post! Maybe that will help, as I have wonderful slumber party memories during all of my high school years. Those gals and I are still friends.
    Kisses from Spain!

  4. Some of my best memories of growing up are slumber parties on a big country porch with my cousins in the summer. I have lots of aunts that I love but none that slept with us. You are truly a kid at heart, Corey!

  5. I had to look up butter cup…. also wish I didn’t! LOL Ewwwwww 🙂
    Sounds like fun though! I get to spend a week with my nieces and nephews in July at the beach! It should be fun!

  6. What until the day when they all show up at your door in France announcing they are there for a slumber party…Wouldn’t that be the best surprise ever!!! Your nieces and nephews are blessed to have you as their aunt…

  7. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    Aunt Coco, you rock!

  8. Yes, you do rock! And they will never, ever forget Aunt Coco and this slumber party. This is what childhood should be about. How fun! Lucky you! Lucky them!

  9. Having never heard about butter cups, it didn’t take long for the internet search to provide an answer! Eeww! It must be a boy thing… certainly hope the girls aren’t doing that! Personally, I’ll stick with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, thank you very much!

  10. off to look up butter cup..

  11. Kathy Barrick

    What a wonderful Aunt you are! Your nieces and nephews will never forget. I have to go look up buttercup. Not sure I want to know now, but MUST!

  12. Kathy Barrick


  13. Hehehehe…. that was fun… 🙂 Lol

  14. esp. me molly and george!!! on the floor!! lol

  15. Paula S In New Mexico

    OMG, that is just nasty……I can see why the kidletts think it is so funny……..

  16. Merisi in Vienna

    You are one special aunt! xxx
    (Have I read the word “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups” somewhere? Ooooooooh!)

  17. This was lilting and sweet, memories made with sugar and whispers in the dark–sheer magic.

  18. Slumber parties are for partying and slumbering the next day – well done! Many happy returns.

  19. What a party! I’m glad you had such a good time, even with the scary bit. In some ways we never grow up, that’s a good thing.

  20. I love your family – what terrific memories for everyone.

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