Last night Nan and Rick, the owners of Nantucket's, the fabulous shop in Chico, California hosted a party for me. Me!
When they asked if I would come over and share a bit about France and brocanting, I thought to myself, "Why not, my mom, and my brother Marty, who has a shop across the street from Nantucket's will come, we will have a good time catching up."
Boy was I surprised to see over a hundred people show up to hear me speak about France and the brocante…. I wasn't prepared for that! The first words out of my mouth were: "I am nervous, I didn't plan anything to say, do you have any questions that I can answer?"
I twirled my sweater in my hands like a ding dong, nerves have a way of showing up in the weirdest places.
Though I had nothing to be nervous about… the crowd, or should I say friend's of Tongue in Cheek, were so very kind! I melted instantly into my chatting self.
Nan and Rick and their team at Nantucket's went all out …they had Macarons, quiches, wine, sunflowers, lavender, a Deux Chevaux (that I wanted to take home in my pocket) french music, Amelie Poulain, and French flags!
Nantucket's felt so very French that I almost spoke French instead of English!
Yum! Delicious!
A feast for friends.
Amongst those gather were my mom, French Husband, my brother's Marty and Zane, My niece Patti, and my nephew Sam, Cousins Alma, Sara, Kerri, Tina, Renee, Denise, Doug, Dan Julie, Joan, Judy, Kathy, Gene… to name a few, my Godchild Daisy and her parents Tom and Sara, high school friends that I hadn't seen since high school… Mary, family friends Janet, Irene, Donna, Joan, Ed… and readers of Tongue in Cheek that came from Oregon, Berkeley, Napa…. and around the State.
Overwhelming joy!
I felt my laptop, my blog came alive… instead of a screen I saw smiling faces!
Let me tell you I was very touched by everyone's kindness.
This is the car, a Deux Chevaux I wanted to stuff in my pocket!
Wonderful people, who asked me questions that kept the evening lively and helped settle my nerves.
How was it when you first went to France?
Where are the best places to go antiquing in Provence?
Did you ever feel snubbed by the French?
Can you give us tips about blogging?
What is the best time to come brocanting?
Do you find WWII memorabilia?

Thank you Nan and Rick! Thank you all of you who came and encouraged me! Thank you, Thank you , Thank you, Thank you!
Talk about feeling like a million bucks… I am coated with your friendship and it sure feels good.
Design Studio+ Showroom 603 Broadway Chico, CA 95928
Store Hours: M-F 10:00-5:30 Sat 10:00-5:00 Sun 12-4pm
530.895.1038 tel 530.895.0640 fax |
Now if only I could stuff that car in my pocket!
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