Hammock Lifestyle

Hammock lifestyle


Taking it easy,

taking it slow,

Hammock lifestyle,

Tucked away from the go.


Hammock view


The view from the hammock.

Cool crisp babbling ponds- just enough to put you to sleep,

surrounded by overgrown plants and stone walls.


Archway terrace

Pass the babbling ponds, the arched ways, the stone terrace,

Swing low, sweet chariot…

John Powell's house is beautiful and calm.


On the streets in Merida


After a siesta, 

After the hammock,

Pushing nine in the evening, the street outside came alive with families, horses, laughter, music… straight out of a set from a movie.

Merida, Mexico

Chelsea arrives tonight.

A horse gallops pass the window as I typed.

French Husband poured a glass of red wine.

Frogs hopped around after the cooling rain, croaking:

"Who are you? Where do you come from? And can you change your pace?"


  Mexican pottery


Books you might like about Mexico Style and Color:

The Spirit of Mexican Design

Mexican Counry Style

Mexicana Casa

Incidents of Travel in Yucatan


17 responses to “Hammock Lifestyle”

  1. The village looks like a scene from a movie! Lovely. Say hi to Seniorita Chelsea for me and have a great, relaxing time.

  2. Some gals have all the luck! 🙂
    Looks like paradise. Enjoy your vacation and time with Chelsea.
    More photos please.

  3. Massilianana

    It all looks very promising……

  4. !Bienvenida! (My ! is American and is not upside down, but you get the idea)

  5. Brenda L. from TN.

    AHHHHHH! Enjoy!

  6. La Contessa

    I keep saying this but it is so true!YOU know how to LIVE!

  7. Marie-Noëlle

    Les pieds en éventail …!!!

  8. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    So envious, Corey! Have a wonderful time and keep those photos rolling!

  9. Yes, I agree you do know how to live. This looks like the kind of place I could just relax and melt into the siesta life style.

  10. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Enjoy your visit and adventures in Mexico! Hopefully the weather will not be too hot and humid this time of year. You are sooo close to the Gulf of Mexico where you are located; head for the beaches!

  11. pam in oregon

    Is this place for real? It looks like a dream that I’d never want to wake from!
    Enjoy your time with Chelsea in Mexico.

  12. Franca Bollo

    Effing A. That’s all I have to say …

  13. I love hammocks, hope the three of you enjoy yourselves.

  14. The Pliers

    Alors, bienvenue à Mérida!
    Ça fait longtemps que je vous attends!
    Votre hamac ressemble bien le mien!
    J’espère que vous vous amusez bien. Pensez-vous aller à l’Hacienda Sotuta de Peón? Çela vaut bien l’effort. C’est exquise!
    J’aurai bien bu un café avec vous où un verre de vin à l’honneur de la France.
    Bon voyage au Yucatán!

  15. Mmd. Tortoise

    Hi Corey….have to agree with Franca…..so nice to see you with feet up and relaxing while taking in the peaceful nature of your surroundings.
    Have a great reunion with chelsea and Happy Easter to all.
    I can’t wait to chat once you get home.
    Miss you….

  16. Beatnheart

    If I didn’t luv ya so much I would be jealous as hell…

  17. Awwww!! It looks like the life…relaxation, rest, hammock-nothing more to be said!

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