Saturday Art Saves: Platanitis

Photo Source Platanitis

Each Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may.



Photo Source Platanitis


About Garret, "Situated between San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, Garrett inspires others with ways of incorporating vintage home and garden finds into a modern lifestyle through design services, including those special events centered around holidays and entertaining.
Here you will find a daily site devoted to creative living, our happenings, and inspiration."


Photo Source Platanitis and Robin

I discovered Garret when I was back home in my Mother's and her partner Holly's shop. They had Garret's handpicked softened and treated vintage men's flannel work shirts. If you feel one of Garret's creations you will have to have one… or two.
Photo Source Platanitis and Robin
How many shades of pastels are in an Easter bouquet?
Garret finds the best shades of vintage flannel work shirts, that it is nearly impossible to pick just one to take home.
Mine wass lavender with cream and pink. And softer than a baby's bottom.

Photo Source Platanitis

The art of collecting.

The art of the brocante bug.

The art of putting it together just so

that it seems inspiringly fresh.

The art of living with old things.

Garret has that artful touch.


Photo Source Platanitis

Garret just returned from Marburger in Texas with many old treasures!

Robin Laws for Photo Source Platanitis
Garret's Shop is located at:
The Antique Trove
236 Harding Boulevard
Roseville, California



15 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: Platanitis”

  1. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    I’m in love with these terrific shirts. I went to his blog, what a sense of art, I love everything

  2. Now I want one of those shirts! Gorgeous!

  3. Gorgeous shirts, perhaps you should pick Chelsea up one, they seem perfect for studying in.

  4. anita rivera

    Mon Dieu, vous photos sont absolutement incroyables! Virginia, I am familiar with your wonderful blog from my sister-in-law Nancy from Fête et Fleur. I thank you kindly for visiting today with such powerful comments. May that Amazing Grace be in your life every single day.
    Castles Crowns and Cottages

  5. Virginia

    The colours so lush. The fabrics so touchable. One just wants to wrap oneself in a dozen of these shirts. It would be like wrapping yourself in love. Virginia

  6. Delphine

    Apart from the shirts (I would like one of each), the chairs, the chairs. I wish I could throw everything out of my house and start all over again with all the lovely flea market/brocante/beautiful things I see all the time on the intenet. (sigh)

  7. A Circle of Quiet

    How exciting — a shop in my area. I look forward to seeing those beautiful things in person.

  8. Oooh! Antique Trove is just about 40 minutes away. I’m going to go check out his shirts– they look soooo soft.

  9. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Thanks for sharing his blog and creations, and you put it so well, Corey when you said~
    “The art of putting it together just so
    that it seems inspiringly fresh.
    The art of living with old things.”
    Now I want to make soft flannel shirts part of my look too!

  10. Happy Easter

  11. Thank you Corey for the fabulous post!

  12. Pati Mitchell

    Help…I called Treasure Trove and they said you came and picked up the shirts. Tell me they are not gone forever. My heart lept when I saw your picture of them. I would love to buy a few. They are just my style and I have used up my supply of flannels.
    Warm regards,
    Fayetteville Arkansas

  13. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Pati
    My Mother and her partner Holly, have Garret’s flannel shirt at their shop “Gatherings” in Willows:
    Dolores Amaro
    Holly Myers
    211 W Sycamore Street
    Willows CA 95988
    530 934-3664
    10:00 AM to 5:30 PM
    Tuesday – Saturday

  14. Love this!

  15. Angelina Maben

    I like this shirts a lot… and the colors are very nice pretty….

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