Living in France Encore

French poppies Spring


As soon as Spring flings open her arms in France, I keep a look out for the first poppy. Usually I see my first red poppy along the road between our village and the main highway which is about a ten minute drive. It winds down from the foot of the mountain, along side the foot hills, through vineyards, seasonal crops, a windmill, a castle, small old olive orchards and tiled roof houses.

Yes it is a century old postcard. 




When the red poppies first appear I know that within a few weeks a field of red will soon spread out its coat somewhere along the roadside.

A French tradition is that when you eat the first strawberry, or cherry, or fig, of the season you make a wish. (Of course it only works and has meaning in a country where fruits and vegetable are appreciated and grown locally, verses being imported from another place to another often out of season.) In France you will hear a French person say, "This is my first strawberry of the season, I'm going to make a wish." It is a way of honoring the season, a way to celebrate renewal, rebirth, to connects us to the past with the present.


Red poppy wish

I love to make my first Spring wish on a red poppy. 


LaurieThe other day I saw my first red poppy with my childhood friend Laurie.

Laurie lives in San Francisco, with her husband. Some of you might know her as she writes a blog (fantastic photos) and often leaves comments on my blog… the funny thing is she feels like she knows some of you as she too reads the comments.

Laurie came with her Aunt Anna and stayed with us for a few days.

As she is a artist at heart, we had many of awestruck moments in the French countryside- cause it is so dang pretty right now.






Lambs on the roadside


Driving in the Mountains of Saint Baume we came across a Shepard and her flock of lambs.

Though Shepards and flock of lambs still exist in France, it is not often that you see them as they are deep in the countryside either in the French Alps, during Spring and Summer, or in the Provence during Autumn and Winter. 

Laurie, her Aunt and I were pleased to catch the moment that some lambs were crossing the road.


Sheep crossing

Of course we jumped out of the car to take some photos. Laurie said, "France unexpected!" 


French countryside

If you are in Paris you expect to see the Eiffel Tower, if you are in Normandy you expect to see the D-Day Beaches, if you are in Lyon you expect to have a good meal, when you are in Provence you expect to see blue shutters, the Mediterranean sea and anywhere in France you expect to see cafes, chic women and a cigarette or two. 


Sheep in the French countryside


But sheep crossing the road is an unexpected surprise.


Blue shutters provence

Often I am asked when is the best time to come to France. 

If you want to see fields of red poppies come in May.

If you want to see rows of lavender come at the end of June first part of July.

If you want to eat at an outside cafe late at night come in August.

If you want to beat the tourist don't come in August.

If you want to go to the brocante come anytime.

If you want a tour of France come visit me now.


French Pastry Sign


French coffeeMy friend Laurie was amazed that during her three week holiday in France, she was never served coffee in a paper cup. Like most Americans when they come to France they think the French are on one big slow paced feast. In some way they are. But as I have said before, for the French, enjoying a meal is not about eating it, it is about dining. Coffee in a paper cup? Eating on the go? Grab something to eat? Rarely in France.





France Unexpected

France is a land full of pleasure, beauty, unexpected delights, good food, history and for me what is the absolute best (outside of my family, health and the French Brocante) is that friends and family like you come over.

Because in the end life is more beautiful when shared.


Laurie on the cliff of Cassis


Just know that if you come to see me you will have to stand on the cliff of Cassis.

Laurie, Ben, Bonnie, Ladelle, Gene, Kathy, Ellen, My Mom and Dad, Judy, Chris, Joan, Robin, Julie, Julia, Shannon, Becky, Frank… to name a handful have.



Books, Blogs and Tidbits about France you Might Enjoy:

The Cook and The Gardener a year of recipes and writings of the French Countryside (Award Winning Book).


The Cost of Living in France by blogger LouLou. If you ever thought about living in France check out Lou-Lou's blog.


In Case you don't know David. 


Madame Goes to Paris (a vintage clip)



C'est L'amour, French Music



43 responses to “Living in France Encore”

  1. Paulita

    Thanks, Corey. I love your France, and it looks like six more years before I can visit again (That’s when all the kids will be finished with college. I still have one in high school.) So I’ll be living vicariously for the next six years. Oh, but I can make a wish on a strawberry. The strawberry patch we have in our backyard already has some turning red. Maybe I’ll wish to come to France.

  2. I have enjoyed your blog for a few years now and am especially enjoying your little series on your wonderful slice of France! Thank you Corey for sharing it with us…it is my dream to sometime visit Europe and France is a big part of it so I am eating up everything you write about! Hugs! karen….

  3. Amy Kortuem

    So beautiful, Corey!

  4. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Paulita,
    Wish on France! You won’t regret it!

  5. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Karen
    From your blog I can see you have the Brocante Bug too?! So when you come to France I will race you to it!

  6. Heather Lindstrom

    Hello Corey,
    I absolutely adore your photography and the poppies are lovely. I have only been to Provence in the summer when it’s all about the lavender. Thanks for sharing this little slice of spring to get my day started right in Chico.
    Merci, Heather

  7. Beatnheart

    I have a lovely and generous persimmon tree… My wish as I tak emu first bite of one in September? To be added to that list of people who have visited you in your glorious world in France.

  8. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi BH
    When you come to France we are going to celebrate!

  9. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Heather!
    I met Heather when I was back home while giving a talk at Nantucket’s.
    Heather has started a blog, take a peek!

  10. kathleen

    Beautiful photos of the fields of poppies!Delighted to read that your Mom and your late Dad came to visit you in France ,I have wondered if they made the long journey over to see where your home in France is,what did they think of your little piece of paradise?

  11. jend’isère

    You’ve defined why Encore is a French word…people cannot get enough!

  12. everton terrace

    I want to see it all so I’ve decided I must come for an entire year – perhaps I’ll travel in August to avoid those pesky tourists.
    I can’t come for year, I know I will probably never come for a year, but I will dream of it and visiting here kind of makes me feel like I am there anyway.
    I don’t think I could stand on the cliff, 10 years ago maybe, but I’ve suddenly developed an aversion to heights in my otherwise very happy middle years 🙂

  13. Ohhhhh. Ohhhhh. JEALOUS. Do you know what England is like right now? Very wet. Very cold (well, for spring) and very wet. And it’s been raining almost daily for the past two weeks. I’m still going to bed with the hot water bottle to warm my feet. Spring — when are you coming across the channel? When?
    OK – got that off my chest. I love to see your beautiful photos of springtime in France. Love the lambs crossing the road — very atmospheric.

  14. Sharon Mattern

    Perhaps I will see you at the Brocante in Avignon on May 19th. Rodger and I will be in Provence May 16-20. I met you and your Godmother, Mary, a few years ago at Lauren Mumford’s home in Vacaville, CA. I’m the one that owns the store in Pleasanton, CA called American Harvest. Can you suggest a great place for shopping on Sunday, May 20th? We love France and are looking forward to our short stay in Provence.

  15. Franca Bolla and I have to return again to stand on the cliff together.
    I better stand behind her.

  16. Diogenes

    Can we just go brocanting in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue instead and tell everyone that I boldly stood at the edge of the cliff?
    That’s what Photoshop is for, right?
    I am no fan of heights…I might have to crawl out there on my hands and knees. After a glass of liquid courage.

  17. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Sharon!
    Of course I remember you! I hope you can come see me! I am over an hour away from Avignon. Here is a link of all the fairs in Provence on May 19th – 20th–
    Hope this helps,
    See you soon!!

  18. Tongue in Cheek

    Oui oui oui!!!

  19. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi K
    My parents came seven times to France. They saw every place we ever lived in. Which makes me happy.

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Diogenes
    Oh if you come to France I will photoshop you on the cliff! Is it a deal?
    For years I have wanted to meet you.

  21. So glad to see you home again, Corey, and sharing the beauty that is France. I very much enjoyed the little slice of life film clip, especially when it focus on madam’s hands.

  22. Joanne Tuchman

    I loved this welcome to spring blog. I wish I had been reading your Tongue in Cheek in years past when I traveled to France quite often. I would have loved to share my sense of wonder with you. Now our European adventures seem to center on Munich where our son and his family live. They will be here during the month of August and next Feb. we will visit them first and then spend some time in Portugal. When we visit them next August we will be heading doing a river cruise through Russia then the Balkins. I do miss Provence, but your blog keeps me in touch. T.O.Joanne

  23. labergerebasque

    I so look forward to what you write each day and I live in France…in the Basque Country.
    We have PLENTY of sheep and lambs crossing the country roads from fields to fields between March and July, EVERYDAY, grazing on great pasture to produce milk for great cheese. We sell to Roquefort and many around here also sell to make Brebis or make their own…
    In July they are no longer milked and go up into the high mountains to get pregnant again! We start “walking” them back between the end of September and middle of October, depending on due dates. We then literally live in the lambing sheds November and December. Then the milking starts all over again in January…
    You must come visit sometime 🙂

  24. Hi Corey, glad to see you are safe from travels and back home! Someday??? I will visit Italy and squeeze in France (just because of you)!

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Toni,
    Thank you! I’ll have the pillows fluffed and the bottle of wine ready when you do come and visit!

  26. Sharon Mattern

    We love Cassis too, maybe we can find a time to see you. Rodger and I read your blog everyday and that makes us homesick for France. We think of France as our home away from home.

  27. Chez Loulou

    “France unexpected” is a beautiful and familiar phrase.
    Your poppy photos make me miss the south, but here in Normandy there are vast fields of yellow mustard in bloom, so I still feel surrounded by beautiful, spring color. 🙂
    Thank you for including me in your list.

  28. If I ever make it to France would you hold my hand on the cliff in Cassis?
    Those poppies are divine!
    Would be fascinated to hear more about sheparding sheep!

  29. Ruth Shehigian

    What I loved about France was the idea that everyone was busy appreciating the little things that make the big picture: the glass of wine, the porcelain cup of espresso, a snack presented like a painting. Here we rush, rush, rush and lament the lack of wonder. Sad

  30. gloria p

    Those are spectacular photos, especially the poppies and the blue doorway.

  31. Kathie B

    Farmboy Husband and I were in Provence for the first time just a year ago next week (where has all the time gone?). Wish we were there again, seeing you guys, enjoying baguettes with Camembert, lovely pastries, the scenery, the small villages, the Roman road, the TGV, and… and… (le sigh).


    I found your blog about a month ago, and have been so uplifted by your images and words, it’s a wonderful anitdote to our very consumerist driven society! I’m Australian and planning a trip with hubby and 2 teenagers (boy 15 girl 12) to France in June.
    What things would you recommend for us to see and do in Provence? We will be travelling down from Loire Valley, then along the coast, eventually making our way back up to Annecy. We have 2 weeks to travel from Loire Valley to Annecy.
    Would love to hear your suggestions
    With Thanks.

  33. I love wild flowers and poppies are stunning. Irina just posted a photo of her Mom in a field of poppies in Ukraine on FB. We have poppies in Poland too, but they rarely are seen in abundance, rather spring like dots of red among the crops in the country.
    Why did the sheep cross the road? To give Laurie an unforgettable memory of France :-).

  34. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Petra
    You might want to look here
    I’ll add a few more places in the days to come.
    if you pass through Aix or Marseille give me a shout out by email! I would enjoy meeting you.

  35. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi R.
    “appreciating the little things that make the big picture: the glass of wine, the porcelain cup of espresso, a snack presented like a painting.”
    Well said! And so true!

  36. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi P
    I’ll hold your hand!

  37. Dawne Polis

    This is such a wonderful post, Corey!! I shared it with my family over coffee this morning, and I shared that delightful video on my Facebook page, too. Thanks for a breath of Mediterranean air to brighten our day!

  38. James Cruise

    I’ve surfed the net more than three hours today, and your blog was the coolest of all. Thanks a lot, it is really useful to me

  39. Kathie B

    SPAM, it’s not just for breakfast any more!
    Corey, generic messages similar to this one have shown up lately in the “comments” sections of several friends’ blogs. They’re a plague 🙁

  40. “France unexpected” I love it! I want to experience it! I love this blog, the pictures, the stories. I would love to someday live in France, if only for a year, just for the unexpected adventures of every day life there. Alas, I probably never will but what I do have is this blog. It makes me smiles, it brings me joy, it gives my imagination wings. It also makes my heart ache a little, I want to be there again so bad. Thank you for all of this! Someday I will visit again and I hope I get to meet you.

  41. Heather Lindstrom

    Thank you Corey-you are always a delight! Have a lovely weekend!

  42. splendid

    I want to come and see France WITH YOU COREY!!!!!!!!

  43. Love the wish.

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