May 6th, 2012….

Yann and corey Mexico

Twenty Six years ago…

On May 6th, 1986-

I met French Husband at the I-Beam in San Francisco.

(Photo by our daughter Chelsea while we were in Mexico.)

When did you meet for the first time the person you love?


48 responses to “May 6th, 2012….”

  1. Lesley Austin

    Twenty six years ago, April 8th, 1986 my deario and I met.
    We were married on May 9th, 1987, so our quarter-century anniversary is very near.
    I wonder when you and French Husband married?

  2. Lesley Austin

    Oh, Corey, I meant to add that my husband and I met on that April day in the road outside my tiny house. He was putting in a garden across the road.
    I seem to remember that you and FH met dancing?

  3. meredith

    April 14th, 1990 on an inflatable raft off the Kona coast of Hawaii. A blind date. Friends put us on the raft and shoved us out to sea. We’ve been together ever since.

  4. Ha, so long ago, October 2nd 1964, we married 3 years later September 2nd 1967. 3 children, 4 and ‘a little bit’ grandchildren, 45 years later we are ‘home alone’ together. Whew – thats almost a lifetime!

  5. Jill Flory

    December 28th 1996. I didn’t know him at all. He asked me to marry him 28 days later. We were married in September 1997. Love at first sight! Never regreted it!

  6. Joanne Tuchman

    My WLT and I met while we were living in Santa Barbara on a blind date. I didn’t want to make him pay for dinner if I didn’t like him so told him I only had time for a cocktail. We got along so well that he told me he was very disappointed I didn’t have time for dinner and I told him that I actually did. That night when he got home he called his daughter and told her that he had met a woman he really liked but he was afraid I was a BIG liar. We were married seven months later and will celebrate our 27th anniversary in December.

  7. I met my husband in September 1970 at a friend’s house party. We talked and danced all night. We married April 25, 1972 and are celebrating our 40th with a trip to Europe next week.

  8. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    I don’t remember the day we met as I always knew him…our parents were close friends. In fact, before I was born…my Mother helped my Mother in Law with her new baby (my husband) and gave him his first bath in the kitchen sink. I remember the first time I thought of him romantically though…it was after he poked me in the ribs during Sunday School. He has been my one and only for a long time now. 🙂

  9. Ohhh, this is a fun one! I met Steve at the “coffee exchange,” a cafe in Providence, R.I. I thought he was very, very handsome and he had a cool license plate on his car-which intrigued me. It said “NEWS PHOTOG 24.” I was nervously trying to meet him and ended up “stalking” him for a few weeks before I got the opportunity…not the real stalking, the fun stalking:)

  10. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi 52
    So sweet. So tenderly sweet.

  11. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Judy
    Happy 40th Love Feast!

  12. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi M
    Love it!!

  13. Blind date, New Years Eve, 1967, NYC. He was visiting the East Coast from California and a mutual friend had given him my phone number. She told me that she had given my number to two men: a tall, handsome one and a short fat one. She wouldn’t tell me their names. Was this like Russia roulette? The tall, handsome one called and we’ve been married since October 1969. It seems like more than a life time because every few years something happens and we reinvent ourselves and it’s new all over again. The short fat one never called. Or did he?

  14. Marie Amaro

    Come to think of it, I do not remember the first time I layed eyes on mint chip ice cream….hmm

  15. March 11, 1978 blind date. I was still in high school.
    Married May 1, 1988 ( we were finding ourselves -chuckle, chuckle..:)

  16. Happy Anniversary to a great couple!


    I met my husband online but we met in person that night for coffee. We got married 19 days later. That was almost 11 years ago and we have 8-year-old son.

  18. Heather-roo

    For six months or more, my job including talking on the phone several times a week with a man who sounded so nice that I was intrigued.
    On June 9, 1986, I was waiting to register at a one-week seminar out of town. The man next to me in line recognized my voice and told me my name. I asked his name, we spontaneously hugged, and we never looked back. We married on January 16, 1988. I was hoping I could get to Corey’s wedding, but with one week’s difference in our wedding dates, that didn’t work out.
    He was very nice.
    Happy meeting-anniversary, Corey dear.

  19. natalie thiele

    November 1991. I was in my apartment manager’s office paying rent when a gorgeous man walked in. After he left I asked who he was and the manager told me “he” was my new next door neighbor. We bought a house together in 1993 and married in 1994.

  20. Cynthia Rieth

    26 years ago this month I also met my husband. We were engaged by August and married in December. Sadly he suffered a series of strokes last summer and passed away. Wishing you two all the best and hoping to get to your part of the world sometime soon.

  21. Same day, same year! I came to southern California for my cousin’s wedding, and my now husband was the manager of the hotel we stayed at. We got married in October, 1987.

  22. Ruth Shehigian

    I met her 19 years ago at a La Leche League meeting. With 7 kids and 19 years of friendship between us she is the one person who always has nd always will love me for who I am, warts and all. The est friend a woman could have. O, not my hubby, but my best friend EVER

  23. deborah

    I met my love 19 years ago this past Feb. at a Valentine’s Party. I was only 14 years old!!! We will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary this week! Hooray!

  24. Nikki ~ Picnics in Provence

    20 years ago, I met my husband in my sisters living room in San Diego. I had been living in Australia at the time and he was living in London. We met in San Diego yet grew up 40 minutes apart in Scotland. It is indeed a small world.

  25. 40 years ago on this date I married my husband, and that is why we r here in Provence and Paris. What I wonderful place to celebrate 40 wonderful years.

  26. christine

    January 1988, on a junk in Hong Kong. Love at first sight. I almost fell into the South China Sea with surprise. xx

  27. February 10th 1974 was our first date, he asked me to marry him the 14th and I waited till December 30th before we said I do.. love that photo of you two in Mexico.. gorgeous!

  28. Alan from Chicago

    I met my wife in a coffee shop in South Korea in January 1967 and we married in December 1967 in Seoul, South Korea.

  29. Hi Corey,
    No comment on meeting the love of my life but my birthday is May 6, sharing it with George Clooney and now sharing it with you and Yann meeting in San Francisco where I live.

  30. It was a few days before our first ever kiss in June 1992. We are coming up on a very important anniversary!

  31. Well, this is nice! We have something in common, I met my husband at a disco in the winter of 1978 and we get together the 1st day of 1979….. to get married the 6th may 1984…yes, yesterday it was our 28th wedding anniversary!

  32. Congratulations!

  33. The way my husband tells it, he watched me come up the escalator at a business meeting and thought to himself, “Who is that amazing woman in that fuschia Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress? I must meet her.” Well, actually, he wouldn’t have known the color fuschia OR the DVF label, but you get the idea. I’ve always told him he was blinded by the color and not my beauty, as I haven’t any, really. He is 12 years younger and it took him a looong time to wear down my worries about that. But this year, we are married 25 years. So. He must have been right.
    Congratulations to you and Yann!

  34. Tongue in Cheek

    Happy Anniversary Gracie!!

  35. Tongue in Cheek

    Happy Birthday Jennie! What a wonderful day it is!

  36. Tongue in Cheek

    Wow! Do tell more about your journey, I would love to hear it.
    Here is a photo of Alan and his wife.

  37. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh Valentine’s day? Why did you wait until December?

  38. Tongue in Cheek

    Congratulations DD!! I am sorry I missed you!

  39. Tongue in Cheek

    Destiny always finds us!

  40. Tongue in Cheek

    xxx Love knows no bounds when the heart is open!

  41. Tongue in Cheek

    From the look of this post MAY 6th is a wonderful magical day!
    Congratulations to you too!!

  42. Tongue in Cheek

    Dear Cynthia
    I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you have loved ones near to share your grief and love.
    x Corey

  43. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Heather-Roo!!!!!!
    So glad to see you hear!
    I love this story!

  44. Tongue in Cheek

    Happy Birthday Ree!
    You gave the most creative answer! I never knew Mint Chip Ice Cream held your heart, I thought it was pie crust without the filling?
    xxx Love Aunt Coco

  45. Also 26 years ago – May 15, 1986. I didn’t know the exact date til I read your blog now and thought – I should be able to figure out the date. It was when Expo86 started in Vancouver, and at a ski club meeting, which was the 3rd Thursday of the month. The meetings took place in a local nightclub… We’ve been married 24 years.Thanks for inspiring me to learn the date!

  46. Michelle Raulston

    Twenty-five years ago. I was 15 and he was 17. I had just moved to town and he grew up there. We were both on the track team. He always ran behind me durning warm-ups. Did not catch on as to why he did. We became best friends. On April 11987 we had our first date. I thought he was kidding but he showed up. In March of 1988 we were hitched. Been in love ever since. We tell our boys to marry their best friend.

  47. I do love Pie Crust! But, yes I do love Mint chip very much. 🙂 Thanks Aunt Coco!

  48. Jenny N

    Happily the day we met 11 years ago(blind date set up by my loving sister) we both knew, “here’s the one”…impetuously we could have both said “I Dos” that day. But we waited two weeks to be engaged…he was a divorced dad of two young girls and we wanted to appear respectable and so we waited 6 mos. to wed and eleven years later all four of us plus one are blessedly happily together.

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