
Annie prettier than a spring flower

Today is Annie's Birthday.

She is 93 years old!

For those of you who read my blog you know that Annie is my dear friend who I have had the pleasure of knowing for over eighteen years.

I thought it would be a wonderful way to celebrate her birthday by asking you to leave a birthday wish to Annie in the comment section. I will copy them, and give them to her.

Thank you in advance.

PS I did this last year and Annie loved it! I will translate the comments into French.

More about Annie:

Annie turns 90.

Annie's Stuffed Cabbage

Annie and the Watermelon.

Annie's Rose Jam




172 responses to “Annie”

  1. Dear Annie,
    Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you a fabulous day!
    I’m raising a glass of wine for health, happiness and many more years ahead!!
    Hugs and kisses from Hong Kong,

  2. meredith

    Bon anniversaire Annie!
    C’est aussi l’anniversaire de ma fille Emma aujourd’hui. Ella a 14 ans.

  3. Bonne fête, Annie!
    I am so happy we got to know you through Corey’s blog. May your day be filled with everything you love and enjoy. Wishing you health, happiness and Joie de vivre for the whole year.

  4. I will be celebrating your birthday in Atlanta Georgia. Happy happy birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Annie! When I visited Corey last year I hoped to meet you but did not have the chance. I hope my luck will be better next time I’m in town. In the meantime, if you come to the states, you have a nice room with a comfy bed waiting for you!

  6. Please wish Ms. Annie a most lovely birthday. I have been missing her on your blog. Love to hear about her life, then and now.

  7. christine

    Dear Annie – wishing you a wonderful and joyous birthday from Boston. May you enjoy this day and many many more in good health and happiness.

  8. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    Chère Annie, je vous souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire! Vous nous apprendre à bien vivre – merci. Bisous, Karen

  9. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Happy Birthday Annie!
    I am visiting my girlfriend Evi today to celebrate her birthday and we will think of you and celebrate together! My dear mother in law, Rachel…turned 90 in February and just like you…is vibrant and full of fun…living each day to the fullest. I love to read about your visits with Corey, your views on life and words of wisdom. Wishing you all good things today and in the year to come!
    Lots of love and birthday wishes from New York!
    Laura 🙂

  10. Happy Birthday Annie! You are an inspiration to me here in California! Here’s to your health and, happiness in the coming year.

  11. Beverly

    Have a wonderful day dearest Annie.
    I do hope you are spoiled by those who love you.
    I wish I could meet you, as you are a joy and an inspiration to all women.
    And with my humble apologies to Corey and her splendid blog…I always smile when Corey has written about you or mentioned your name, as you are more facinating than some of the Brocantes..Sorry Corey!!
    Big kiss to you X

  12. Becky F

    Dear Annie,
    Happiest of birthday wishes being sent your way today.
    May it be filled with laughter, joy and lots of wonderful food. Enjoy!

  13. HAppy Birthday Annie! Thank you for being a great friend to Corey! I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday! I love it when Corey posts stories about your life… and you teach us how to cook something delicious!

  14. Happy Birthday Annie!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!! My wish for you is a fabulous year–full of happiness and fun!

  15. Birthday wishes come to “young Annie” from the state of Maine. Enjoy your day and wishing you much health and happiness for many more. Bless you.

  16. jend’isère

    You deserve more than a French “‘Appy Birtzdey te Yoo”. Swedes start birthdays with a cake in bed a special song wishing you live to 100 years old, ending with a loud shouting of Hurra, hurrah!
    Happy Birthday to Annie, 93 Years Young! Hurrah!

  17. Happy Birthday Annie! You are an amazing role model and inspiration, I always enjoy hearing your stories and wonderful words of wisdom from you through Corey’s blog. Wishing you a very special day today and thinking of you from the other side of the world in New Zealand.

  18. Happy Birthday Annie. May God bless you this coming year with his presence and love and laughter in your heart.

  19. Happy Birthday Annie!
    My mother would be 93 too, were she still living….
    I miss her so much, but I’m glad you’re healthy, happy, lively, full of projects. I’ll think of you as … my mother!
    Vive Annie! Lunga vita, Annie
    from Rosa, Italy

  20. Evelyn in NYC

    Happy Birthday Annie! May you continue to enjoy many more healthy and happy years!

  21. RebeccaNYC

    With best wishes for a happy, healthy and fun year! Happy Birthday Annie!

  22. Bon Anniversaire Annie, I wish you many more birthdays and hope that each brings blessings galore! xo Marlis

  23. Happy Birthday, Annie! You share your birthday with my dear grandmother who would have been 103 today. She passed away 3.5 years ago. I hope you have a beautiful day! From Oklahoma, USA, Eva

  24. Here is wishing for you Annie, a very happy birthday with a year full of love and surprises!

  25. Happy Birthday Annie from the Pacific Northwest in the United States!
    I love it when Cory tells stories about you. Youare a brave and beautiful woman!

  26. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Annie, I feel close to you even though I don’t know you. My mother would be the same age; she died 5 years ago. I can’t help but think of you two grand ladies having lived, loved and laughed for so many wonderful years! Have a wonderful day (you are fortunate to have Corey as a friend)!!

  27. Chris M.

    Dear Annie, Happy Birthday! Best wishes for another grand year. I love reading stories about you. You are beautiful inside and out. Hugs from Milwaukee, WI

  28. Margaret Sequeira

    Happy Birthday Annie! May the year ahead be filled with blessings! Sending greetings from Williamsburg, VA.


    Happy, Happy Birthday dear Annie. I love the stories that Corey writes about you on her blog. May you have a wonderful day and an even more wonderful year. Toasting you from Gas City, Indiana. Betty

  30. BailiwickStudio

    Happy Birthday dear Annie! You are forever young! xo ::Jill

  31. Lisa DeNunzio

    Happy Birthday Annie. It is a pleasure to get to know you through Corey’s writings. I so love intergenerational friendships. There is so much to be learned on both sides. Continued good health! Best, Lisa

  32. God puts someone in our lives when we NEED it..and I’m sure Corey needed YOU when she was young and in a new Country–what a help you must have been ! I’m sure she had many questions for you…and I’m sure there were times you needed her as well. Age has NO boundries when choosing a FRIEND !

  33. Happy Birthdy, Annie. Enjoy your day and your year. It is such a gift to know you though Corey’s blog. Happiness and health to you in the coming year.

  34. Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays, Annie and many returns of the day!
    Enjoy your special day!


    To Annie,
    For a wonderful day filled with love and happiness.
    Happy Birthday.
    Rogue River, Oregon USA

  36. Happy Birthday, Annie!!! You are an inspiration to me with your joie de vivre!!! I enjoy Corey’s posts when she writes about what you are up to. I hope you have a wonderful day!


    Dear Annie,
    For a day filled with love and happiness.
    Happy Birthday.
    Oregon USA

  38. martina

    Happy birthday dear Annie. My favorite Aunty is 96—the 90s are the new 60s. I love reading Corey’s stories about you and how you give her wise advise, keep her giggling and are so full of love. May your day be full of attention and special moments with those you love.

  39. Happy Birthday, Annie!
    I’ve enjoyed so much reading Corey’s bloggings about your friendship, sometimes with laughter, sometimes with tears in my eyes.
    Raising a glass for your good health and happiness,
    with hugs and kisses,

  40. Happy Birthday, Annie. I so enjoy reading the “Annie” posts on this blog. Best wishes, from Kim

  41. Happy Birthday to Annie! Hope your day is grand and joyful! You look like my own mother and grandmother!
    Thinking of you! Hugs, Peg

  42. Happy Birthday Annie! Wishing you a wonderful day, along with health and much happiness throughout the year. Even though I am all the way in California, I feel your warmth and wisdom every time Corey writes about your adventures together. We are all so lucky that Corey has you in her life.

  43. Dear Annie,
    Happy Birthday to you! I am always inspired by Corey’s stories of you. Your zest for life, your beautiful commonsense, your vigor and your humor.
    May this next year be filled with love and joy.
    from Placerville, CA (a few hours south of Corey’s California family)

  44. Jeanette

    Happy Birthday to a wonderful lady who has given so much in her life! May this year be full of love and new memories to be found and more recipes for Corey to share with us!!
    Happy Birthday!

  45. Happy Birthday, dear Annie!!! My grandmother’s name was also Annie, so that makes you even more special to me! I love reading Corey’s stories about you. You are inspiring, brave, beautiful and kind! Corey is very blessed to have you in her life, and her readers are blessed to get to know you through her. May the coming year be healthy, happy and fun! God bless you!
    Ellen in North Carolina

  46. Dear Annie, Happy Birthday! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful day! I wish you health and happiness!

  47. Kate L.

    Happy Birthday Annie!!!
    May your day be filled with love, joy and happiness. Congratulations on 93 years of life, and Cheers to many more!
    With Love,
    Kate in California

  48. Lemon Verbena Lady

    Dear Annie, God has blessed you with many great and happy years. Hope you enjoy the rest of your life as much as you have the first 93! I know you and Corey have enriched each other’s lives. Happy, happy birthday! xxoo Nancy

  49. Oh, Annie, I would love to sit by the fire and listen to your stories about growing up in France—-with a glass of wine, of course. Please tell those stories to Corey so that we all may hear them. Have a wonderful birthday—-Celebrate!

  50. Bridget

    Happy 93rd Birthday Annie! I hope your
    day is filled with lots of love and happiness!
    Northern CA

  51. everton terrace

    Oh Annie how I feel I’ve known you all these years.
    Happy Happy Happy Birthday. What a treasure you are to so many of us. I hope you can feel this virtual hug that I’m sending across the world to you. You inspire me. I think you have the most beautiful hands.
    I think I will bake an Annie Birthday cake today 🙂

  52. Dear Annie,
    Happy Birthday!! You are such an inspiration. The perfect role model for every step of life’s journey.
    You make me remember that a smile filled with love is
    kindest regards,missy from the bayou

  53. Happy 93rd Birthday Annie. Have always enjoyed the blog entries about you. You have been an inspiration to us all.
    Love from St. Helena California!

  54. Colleen

    Dear Annie,
    I love to read the stories that Corey writes about you on this blog. I feel like I know a little bit about a beautiful, wonderful woman in France, which warms my heart. I hope your birthday is the kind of day you most enjoy. I will be thinking about you from the Pacific Northwest coast of the United States of America.

  55. Like my Italian grandmother, “Noni”, you radiate life! Corey’s stories of you always remind me of my Noni’s stories…your wisdom, talents and optimism are a present to all of us who get to know you just a little from Corey. Happy Birthday dear Annie!

  56. Brenda L. from TN.

    Oh, Annie! It is an HONOR to wish you a very HAPPY 93rd BIRTHDAY!
    I feel as if I’ve known you for many years! I know how much Corey loves you and I feel the same!
    You are an old friend and I wish I could be there in person to say “much Happiness and MANY birthday wishes”!

  57. Dear Annie, Sending Birthday Wishes to you with Love…you are my inspiration…May God send His Blessings to you for a wonderful year ahead.
    Karen in Wisconsin…USA

  58. Bon anniversaire Annie! Vous m’inspirez! Je jalouse un peu votre amitié avec Corey, voyez-vous, je n’ai plus de maman depuis au delà de six ans…
    L’été, mon mari et moi habitons Cotignac. C’est mon plus grand souhait de vous rencontrer cet été.
    Je vous souhaite bonne santé et bonne continuation.
    L’amie canadienne de Corey

  59. Jill Flory

    Happy Birthday Annie! You are a fixture here on Tongue and Cheek – I love the posts about you! Wish I could sit and chat with you for an afternoon. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  60. Jennifer

    Happy Birthday dear Annie. You lead an inspired life — merci beaucoup for sharing it with us. Many you have many more celebrations in your life and among them, those celebrating your birth.
    JS in SF

  61. Bon Anniversaire, tres cher Annie. Vous m’inspirez beaucoup. Vous etes le meme age de ma mere, Eileen. Je vous visite souvent dans les lettres de Corey qui vous aime beaucoup.
    Bon journee, Annie, et mille vouex cet’annee et toujours.
    A bientot j’espere. J’espere voyager en France un jour bientot.
    Je suis desole pour mon francais terrible mais j’aime beaucoup de practiquer.
    Maggie in Oregon

  62. ChicagoSheila

    Birthday greetings to you from Chicago, Illinois, USA! Go Annie…go Annie….go Annie…go Annie! (Picture someone dancing while saying that.)

  63. Corey,
    Thank you for your lovely Mothers Day blog. It touch my heart as did the beautiful photos. I took pictures of the huge bouquet of peonies my children (32, 34) sent me and so, too, thought about my mother, my aunt who died yesterday, and the meaning of our lives. I was honored to take my mother out to brunch and help her as she is hobbling a bit. She will be 92 on Thursday next.
    Love to you and thanks again,

  64. Nancy from Mass

    Bonne Anniversaire, Annie! Avoir un jour merveilleux! (I hope that’s right… I want to say Have a wonderful day)

  65. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Happy Birthday Annie from Wichita, Ks!!!
    I feel like I know you through Corey and all the beautiful words she writes about you. You are a strong and beautiful woman. I always look forward to knowing what you are doing.
    Love, Sharon

  66. Joanne Tuchman

    Happy Birthday Annie !!! This is the second year I have sent you greetings via Corey’s blog. I hope you know that there are people all over the world who love you because Corey has written so beautifully about your friendship and we treasure the part you play in her life. You inspire me to be more of an Annie here in Thousand Oaks, California!!!

  67. Debbie Z.

    Annie, I see a life well-lived in your face. You are a beautiful woman. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and much loveliness to be enjoyed in the year ahead.

  68. Happy Birthday to a wonderful soul. I have enjoyed getting to know you through Corey’s words. You are a lovely woman with tons of wisdom. You have touched many of us in ways you will never know. Thanks for letting Corey into your world and for letting her share you with us. Laurie

  69. labergerebasque

    A une trés belle femme… Joyeuse Anniversaire Annie!

  70. Rosemary

    I wish a very Happy Birthday to an amazing and inspiring woman. All my best from Seattle, WA.

  71. Linda G.

    Hello Annie, and Happy Birthday! I send you my heartfelt wishes from Minnesota on this beautiful spring day. If I could bring you a bouquet of lilacs and bridal wreath, I would. We’d have a cup of tea and share some croissants and jam, and all would be right with the world. Enjoy your day!

  72. Mme Annie
    Joyeux anniversaire et beaucoup de bonheur aujourd’hui et toujours.
    Sue à Chicago.

  73. Happy Birthday, Beautiful. I hope I can meet you this summer.

  74. Kathie B

    Bon anniversaire, chérie! Bom aniversário, querida! Happy Birthday, sweetie! Gateau aujourd’hui?


    Dear Annie, It is my pleasure to wish you a happy birthday from America in wisconsin. everyone should be so lucky to have someone like you. i love hearing stories about you. never had any grandparents,but hearing all the stories about you makes me want to make you my substitue for my grandma. ask corey for a big healthy hug,that’s from me.:)


    p.s annie my mother is 93 and still lives alone at home. Bestest,Denis

  77. Happy Birthday Annie! from the deep south of southwest Florida in the US. In this blog world i have become a member of Corey’s audience of readers. i have become accustomed to her stories of family and friends and all have become dear to me. But there is no other friend that she writes about so much as you.
    We have learned about your humor, your nimble fingers with sewing, your cooking lessons, your zest for the nature and health, but most of all your deep kindness, affection and friendliness. Love travels even in stories to the outermost parts of the earth.
    So today i wish you bountiful bouquets of love to make your heart swell, as we all have come to have love and affection for you! Many blessings for a wonderful new loving, healthy and happy year. With love, xoxo jody

  78. P.S. May God bless you Annie! xo jody

  79. Happy Birthday, Annie!
    I so enjoy reading Corey’s posts with your stories, wisdom and cooking exploits. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead, with love from Kit
    outside Cape Town, South Africa

  80. Géraldine

    Ah! Extra, je peux laisser un commentaire en français, cette fois!
    JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE, chère Annie ! Je me permets de vous embrasser, car si vous ne me connaissez pas, moi je vous connais (un peu) grâce aux merveilleux et tendres billets de Corey vous concernant… Vous êtes formidable, et j’aime tout particulièrement les leçons de cuisine que vous donnez à Corey…Miam!
    Bon anniversaire et mille pensées affectueuses de Géraldine.

  81. Stephanie M

    Love you Annie with your stories and wisdom. May you have a wonderful 93rd birthday!
    Love, Stephanie M

  82. Happy Birthday Annie from Ann in England, I hope you enjoy your special day. I love to hear about you from Corey, I feel you are my friend too. xxx

  83. Linda Walker

    Happy Birthday dear Annie from Texas. You enrich our lives with your stories and history and the love you share. I love your spirit. May this year be filled with blessings, joy and good health and fellowship. Love to hear more of your stories. Happy Birthday!

  84. Happy (93rd!) Birthday, dear Annie! Seeing your wonderful face and reading a bit about your life here on Corey’s blog is such an inspiration to all of us. Wishing you good health, much happiness, and all the best for the year ahead, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania!

  85. Happy Birthday, Annie! I love reading your stories on Corey’s blog. Please keep telling her more and more! Wishing you a beautiful year, from California!

  86. Deb Morrone

    Happy Birthday Annie,
    Undoubtedly your parents knew from the moment you were born how much pleasure you would bring to all you met. But, who could imagine 93 years ago that people from around the world would come to know and care so much about you. But, we do Dear Annie, we do. We admire you and follow you through your dear neighbor’s blog and how lucky we all are. Your appearances bring enough life force, wisdom and pleasure alone to make the blog a joy forever–though Tongue in Cheek offers even more.Thank you for allowing us to know you and visit your history and your life. It has enriched us so. May this, at age 93, be your best year so far!
    Deb in IN

  87. Amy Kortuem

    Happiest birthday to Annie – she shares a birthday with my neighbor, Ethel, who also turns 93 today! I’m heading over to Ethel’s tonight with a bunch of birthday asparagus and a funny card with a cat on it (she thinks my cats are hilarious).

  88. Happy Birthday Annie, Through Corey’s blog we have gotten to know you and understand why she feels you are a treasure in her life. The stories she posts about bring insight and wisdom to all of us and your spirit of living fully shines through.

  89. Annie Freitas

    Happy Birthday to one Annie from another!!!! I wish I was so blessed to call you friend also, though through Corey’s fabulous stories of you I feel as though I can. Hoping your day is as wonderful and special as you are.

  90. Anne Gsolfot

    Dearest Annie,
    I’ve grown to love you so much from reading about you in Corey’s blog. I can understand why you Corey considers you to be one of her most special friends. Happy Birthday and may you enjoy many more wonderful years full of happiness and joy and love.
    With love, Anne (yes, another Anne)

  91. Wandering Chopsticks

    Happy Birthday Annie from sunny Southern California. I’ve enjoyed reading Corey’s stories about you so much and just wanted to say that you’ve shown us that no matter how old you are, it’s never to late to change your life so you can enjoy it to the fullest. Best wishes for many more.
    Also, I’ve made your rice and fennel stuffed cabbage rolls. 🙂

  92. Tricia Cooper

    ~Happy Birthday Annie from Sunny California~ It has been a pleasure to have a glimpse into your life, love hearing the stories. Makes me miss my granny so much. Hope you have a beautiful day~

  93. Happy Birthday, Annie! Corey shares such delightful stories that I wish I had you living next door to me. Sending you joyful wishes from Michigan.

  94. Jamie V

    Annie – What a joy it is to know you through Corey. You remind me so much of my dear, sweet grandmothers! Best wishes for you on your birthday! Believe it or not, I think I remember meeting Corey many years ago, as my family is from Chico, CA. Peace and happiness to you! Jamie V in MT

  95. Since we have had the addition of a new baby in our family (Connor Jacob Doerr this morning at 5:45 a.m.) I am only now getting on the site and see that there are already 93 messages for Annie – one for each of her years. So I shall add a 94th…one to grow on, as we say in the U.S. about the “spankings”. Annie, what a dear lady you are, a good friend, a muse, a resource and all other things that a good and kind. We have had the joy of meeting you through the postings that Corey has shared with us and have come to love you nearly as much as she does. May the sun shine on your birthday – in one form or another – and may the coming year fill you with joy and continued good health.

  96. Happy Birthday, Annie! I’m sending you a BIG Texas hug on this very special day. I love reading Corey’s blog, but especially on the days she talks of you. Your Easter cookies were enjoyed by my family and friends again this year, and have a special place in my recipe collection. I enjoy telling the story of how I came upon the recipe. You are one special woman. Happy Birthday.

  97. Jeannie

    Happy Birthday, Annie!!! May your days be filled with joy and laughter, little pain, and heartache. I hope your rose bushes bloom with abandon and that you continue to share your wisdom with Corey and us readers. Sending you warm hugs and birthday wishes for many more to come. xoxoxo

  98. Happy Birthday Annie!
    It has been my pleasure to hear the stories of your life. You are wise, gracious and such a wonderful inspiration. God Bless and Keep You in the Palm of His Hand.

  99. Best Wishes for a wonderful birthday. It is a treasure to read about you on Corey’s sweet blog.
    Linda from Alabama

  100. Shelley Noble

    Happy Birthday,Annie!! Thank you too for being such a wonderful friend to our dear Corey!
    Much love and joy to you always!

  101. Dear annie i wish you the happiest of birthdays! I always enjoy hearing about you and what you have been up to. Best wishes from sharon in michigan. The state that looks like a mitten! Xo

  102. Linda H

    Happy Birthday, Annie! Friendship such as you share with Corey is a pure delight! As many here, I feel grateful to share in your friendship through the blog. Enjoy your day and I wish you many blessings in the upcoming year. Fondly, Linda from Indiana

  103. Happy birthday Annie! You are both lucky in life to have forged such a friendship.

  104. freefalling

    Funny how a little snippet from someone’s life on the other side of the world can impact upon you.
    I’ll never forget reading quite some time ago about how
    Annie left her husband when she was in her eighties and thinking how absolutely extraordinary that was.
    Most people would just think “I might as well put up with him til I die!”.
    To still appreciate the preciousness of life with hope and courage and to not just let your life peter out without a lack of spirit, is remarkable.
    It’s a beautiful demonstration of the beauty of the human spirit.
    Happy Birthday, Annie.

  105. Happy Birthday Annie from Willows! It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I just discovered Corey’s blog from a friend of mine and have loved sharing your world with you. God bless!

  106. Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

    Happy birthday, Annie, from New England in the good old USA! I have enjoyed reading so much about you on Corey’s blog. Corey is so lucky to have you as a cherished friend (and you are so lucky to have her!)… You are both such AMAZING women! I’m sure the fact that your paths crossed 18+ years ago was no coincidence. You two were meant to meet and form a special friendship! Enjoy your special day, Annie! … Donna

  107. Mmd. Tortoise

    Dear Annie,
    I am thinking of you on this your 93rd birthday and wish you the very best.
    I so enjoy the stories told about you by Corey because they are filled with such love.You are fortunate to have each other.
    Happy birthday to you!

  108. Happy Birthday Annie! I hope you and Corey have a wonderful birthday celebration together! It made me happy to hear that she lives so close to you.

  109. May you have a wonderful day Annie! Happy Birthday!

  110. Beth Cooper

    Happy Birthday, Annie! You are an inspiration to everyone who has gotten to know you through Corey. You live life to the fullest, and I hope I am just like you when I am 93! Have a wonderful, wonderful birthday!

  111. Angela Vular

    Happy Happy Birthday, Annie!
    I love reading about you on Corey’s blog. Enjoy your special day. May all your wishes come true!
    God Bless You,
    Angela Vular
    Pittsburgh, PA USA

  112. Victoria Ramos

    You are one saucy senior Annie! Enjoy your birthday and wishing you many, many more! Tell Corey we never tire from ‘Annie’ stories – so keep them coming!

  113. Hello dear Annie,
    I like the Annie stories that Corey writes more than any other! I so admire your decision to eliminate strife and ugliness from your life by living on your own. You are an inspiration Annie. My 96 year old mom says you are just a kid!
    Take care dear lady and keep that naughty Corey in line!

  114. Sue Morris

    To a very, very special Lady……Happy Birthday…..may your special day be filled with Sunshine, Laughter, Love and music…..Enjoy.


    Dear Annie,
    May your birthday be filled with sunshine, red poppies, and the love of your friends all over the world.

  116. shirley mcafee

    Happy birthday, Annie. Many happy returns of the day and good things to come.
    Love, Shirley
    Atlanta, GA USA

  117. Violet Cadburry

    Happy Birthday Annie, 93 and still counting! I enjoy reading about you so much. Please tell us your secret, or secrets, how ever many you want. My mother-in-law is 86 and she still has secrets she is sharing. So fun!

  118. Joyeuse Anniversaire, Annie!! I hope your special day has been as lovely as you are!! You are an inspiration to so many who have met you here on Corey’s blog. A friendship like yours and Corey’s is a gift from God to be treasured…thank you both for sharing that gift with us!! May your days be filled with joy and countless blessings!!
    Evelyn in the Midwest

  119. Happy Birthday Annie! I hope you get everything you desire today.

  120. a little late…but good wishes can never be late-for her generous sharing- thank her and for the inspiration i feel when i read about her -thank her for her stead fast faith and the way she shares it- thank her- for this and all that she is thank her …i wish her the best of all days today on her birthday…and that her dreams- held in the quiet of her heart- become a reality and most of all i wish HEALTH and PEACE ON THIS DAY AND EVEY DAY THAT FOLLOWS! Happy Birthday Annie-(thank you corey for relaying my gratitude and birthday wishes!)

  121. Dear Annie-may you be blessed on this special day. I have been inspired by your wisdom but I esp loved the hat you wore to Mimi’s wedding. May we have more pictures of your wonderful style? Blessing to you on your Birthday! Ann from Arizona

  122. kristin

    Happy Birthday Annie! Hope you had a marvelous day!

  123. Gail marie

    Annie, thank you for sharing your joie de vivre with Corrie…. And so with us as well…. Love & hugs from new York city!

  124. Happy Birthday Annie! 93 years young and you are a beautiful lady. Wishing you the BEST BIRTHDAY WISHES EVER. I love reading Corey’s blog but you know what? Her “Annie Stories” are the best! Cheers to you 🙂

  125. Happy, Happy birthday, Annie!
    You are an inspiration to us all to live and love every day. What a beautiful friendship you and Corey have! I hope you had a wonderful day.


    I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Wishing you lots of blessings for good health and happiness. Thru Corey’s blog I have gotten to know you and truly enjoy your stories, food recipes, and wisdom.

  127. quiltmom anna

    Bonne Anniversaire, Annie!
    J’espere que vous avez une bonne fette aujourd’hui..
    Sorry Corey, my french is too rusty these days but I do hope that Annie has a fantastic year of good health and happy times spent with loved ones. We all need to have friends like Annie in our lives. She is a real treasure.
    With warmest wishes,


    Happy Birthday, Annie! You remind me of my dear neighbor, Delores. She is 91 years old and a daily inspiration. You two are what I want to be when I grow up, in about 40 years.

  129. Lorelei

    Happy Birthday, Annie. May you be blessed with many more birthdays and Corey blessed with many more years of your friendship. I love to read her snipets about you and your wisdom. Carpe Diem, Annie.

  130. Bon anniversaire Mde Annie!
    Wishing you much joy, health and happiness!!!
    And many more yet to come!
    Thank you for giving us perspective in our busy life travels.
    Sydney Australia

  131. Marilyn from Chico, Ca

    Happy Birthday beautiful lady. I hope I look as lovely as you when I am 93.

  132. Claudia

    Chère Annie,
    nous te souhaitons un joyeux annivesaire, santé et bonne humeur.
    You have grown into a friend of us as well as of Corey’s.
    Have a wonderful day on your birthday. Many happy returns!
    Love, Claudia

  133. Happy Birthday Annie
    You are an amazing beautiful lady that makes this world a better place to live. I think God sent you and Corey to each other
    Enjoy hearing about you
    Wishing you a day filled with laughter happiness and love with many more to follow
    Mary from Nova Scotia xox

  134. Dearest Annie,
    I love your beauty, your wit, your charm – and probably your cooking, though I have never tasted it! Thank you for sharing all this with Corey for for letting her share it with us – except the cooking; she keeps that for herself. Happy Birthday!

  135. pam in oregon

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Annie! I wonder about you every once in a while and wish that I could know you better. I dream of movie to France, so maybe we will have tea together one day. I always enjoy the times Corey posts about you, and especially when she tells us about your many talents and skills. I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day and many more ahead.

  136. Happy Birthday Dear Annie, 93 years young!! Have a wonderful day and keep smiling :-)Kind Regards and Best Wishes to you from Wendy Wainwright, Brisbane, Australia xo

  137. dancing kitchen

    Happy Birthday Beautiful Annie! All the best to you in this glorious year.

  138. Diane Belforte Lewis

    Happy Birthday Annie!
    My cousin Corey is so lucky to have you in her life to help fill the void of not having her family nearby. Thanks for being there for her. I wish you the happiest of birthdays.

  139. Gladys Cramer

    You are a wonderful role model for so many of us. Many happy returns of the day, and a wonderful year ahead, from your “fan” in Saint Louis! PS and a special thanks for all Corey shares…

  140. Happy Birthday from Paris! Have a great day celebrating with Corey.

  141. Dear Annie I hope you have a wonderful birthday! full of love and delicious cake! *winks* Vanna
    Chère Annie J’espère que vous avez un merveilleux anniversaire! plein d’amour et délicieux gâteau! * winks *

  142. natalie thiele

    Happy birthday Annie! Have a joyful day filled with friends, laughter, cake and champagne.

  143. Have a blessed day Annie – happy birthday!


    Bonne Aniversaire,tum te tum tum te tumm ,tum te tum tum cher Annie,bonne aniversaire.

  145. patrice

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Beautiful Annie!!
    Cheers . . .


    Despite her obvious talent for this I do not think it has been difficult for Corey to make us fall in love with you Annie ! Your wisdom, charm, beauty and wit leap from every word and picture. Your life stories have been facinating to follow and may the next chapter be filled with love, sunshine, good health and happy days. Many happy returns of the day dear Annie, with love, Julie (Corey’s friend from England) xo

  147. Massilianana

    Même avec un peu de retard…Joyeux anniversaire Annie !
    Je vous souhaite les meilleures choses du monde, de savourer pendant de belles et pleines années ce qui vous plaît : l’amitié, les délices de votre cuisine, la nature,la vie !
    Ma fille a douze ans (elle est du 15 mai) et je lui souhaite d’avoir à votre âge votre sagesse, votre oeil pétillant, votre volonté , votre courage, votre énergie, votre intelligence de la vie.
    Encore tous mes voeux !!!

  148. Joyeux Anniversaire, Annie!! You are a wonderful friend to Corey, and I know you have had many good times together in the past 18 years. It’s wonderful that we can share them with you. And your Cabbage Rolls!!!!! Oh, boy, they look so good!!! I wish for you continued health and happiness. May God Bless You.

  149. Dearest Annie, Happy, Happy Birthday. Greetings from Texas. May your birthday find you with a Song In Your Heart and a Dance In Your Step! ….wishing you many, many more.

  150. I get this a day late, but would love to wish Annie a happy birthday, and thank her for the wisdom she shares so generously.

  151. Ma chère Annie
    Vous ressemblez beaucoup à ma grand-maman, autant physiquement qu’en esprit, joie de vivre, énergétique, travailleuse, vivement intéressée en tout ce qui se passe autour de vous, une volonté sans limites, avec une grande sagesse – et vous avez déjà passé votre anniversaire… : ) J’ai eu le plaisir de lire quelques episodes de votre vie et encore, ça me rappelle ma chérie grand-mère puisqu’elle aussi, a vécu des choses presque i
    Mes meilleurs vœux avec un tout petit retard – que Dieu vous bénisse et qu’Il envoie ses anges à votre côté toutes les heures de la journée et de la nuit. Que vous puissiez encore jouir de chaque jour sans trop de problèmes de santé ! Je vais boire un verre à votre santé et chanter Joyeux Anniversaire – toute seule, juste pour vous ! Vous avez trouvé une merveilleuse amie en Corey et j’espère que vous deux puissiez encore vous rencontrer et parler pour un long moment.
    Je vous embrasse et je vous envoie de gros bisous de la région Parisienne (ou les gens sont bien moins gentils et plus stressés que chez vous…)

  152. Linda P.

    I am also late adding my birthday greetings, but I did want Annie to know that I often wish I could transport her here to Texas to be my neighbor for a while! Happy Belated Birthday!

  153. Carolyn

    Happy Birthday Annie! Hope your day is lovely and you have a wonderful year and every single day brings something lovely and precious!

  154. KAMFreeman

    A most beautiful and happy celebration day for you Annie. The day of your birth 93 years ago was the beginning of a life filled with life’s lessons which you share so lovingly with my friend Corey. She tells me about you when she writes her daily blog stories and in these stories she has sent you into my heart. Here in my heart is wrapped the wishes for a most joyous birthday celebration for this your 93rd year. All blessings come from Montana in the USA to you on this special occasion.
    Kristin McNamara Freeman

  155. Shannon

    Dear Annie,
    Sending Birthday wishes and warm thoughts your way. I hope to read more about you in the future! Thank you Corey for sharing such wonderful stories with the world.
    P.S. Annie you don’t look a day over 80.

  156. Happy Birthday Annie. Loved your recipe for rose petal jam. Have you ever made cherry compote? I remember seeing jars of cherry compote in the basement as a young girl. If you have a recipe, could you share?

  157. Joyeux anniversaire à Annie, le femme le plus belle au monde!

  158. Sue Matheson

    Dear Annie,
    Your beautiful smile and your kind eyes speak volumes about the life you have lived. And we wish you many more birthdays with your dear friend, Corey, who will be reporting on your conduct and progress through the rest of your years, so I caution you to behave!
    Happy Birthday and lots of love!`
    Chico Sue

  159. Anne,
    The world is a little more blessed for your presence. It is obvious that you love your fellow man & therefore your spirit is needed in this world. May you have many more blessed days with us.
    Much love & hugs to you on this beautiful birthday. {{{{HUGS}}}}

  160. Sally Minyard

    I have fallen in love with you Annie. You have a delightful smile that just brightens up my heart. Happy Birthday sweet lady! You are such an inspiration to so many people! Sending much love and many hugs…..Sally

  161. Oh sweet Annie. How we all wish we could
    sit down and just chat with a cup of tea and
    something tres French to eat.
    We have come to love you through Corey.
    To reach 93 and be so healthy and happy and
    beautiful is such a gift from God.
    Sometime ask Corey to show us more of your
    With best wishes for a beautiful year loved
    by God.

  162. Jenny K

    Dear Annie,
    Coreys stories about you are among my favorite. I take great courage in my heart from the story of your choice to do what was right for you when most people would think it was too late. I have tucked that away in my heart and am letting that seed grow. I hope I’m just like you when I “grow up”.
    Happiest of Birthdays to you!
    Corey, thank you for sharing your friend and her light with us.
    With love all the way from Florida,

  163. Dear sweet Annie,
    I am catching up on a couple of days worth of posts. Happy 93rd birthday to you. You sound like a wonderful lady and I love hearing stories about you and your life. You are an inspiration to me. May you and Corey have many more years of friendship and us readers hear many more stories of “wonderful Annie.”

  164. joanne nixon

    happy belated birthday, annie! you are a beautiful person…hope this year will be one of the brightest and happiest for you…

  165. Annie,
    Enjoy each day as a gift, as the sun’s ribbon unfurl and you continue to learn new things. I think of life as a treasure map, somewhere along the way, we discover the treasure is the journey! May you continue to find gems that make your days filled with joy!
    Happy Birthday @>—-

  166. Dear Annie,
    I love hearing about your thoughts on life. I know you probably don’t see why we all are your fans but I wanted you to know that the beauty of your soul and the strength of your faith comes through whenever Corey writes about you. It is a pleasure sharing a short part of our journies together. May God bless you.

  167. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays Annie. As described by Corey, you sound like a fantastic lady! By the way, you look fabulous!

  168. Bountiful blessings dear Annie, friend of Corey.

  169. susanna

    Happy belated birthday, Annie! All the way from New Jersey! I so enjoy reading Corey’s posts about you and I have to admit that I’m a bit jealous that I don’t have my very own Annie living next door! Happy Birthday, Annie! God did a good thing putting you into this world. 🙂


  171. Marilyn

    She is gorgeous! A belated happy birthday to a beautiful lady.

  172. I am late wishing Annie a happy birthday, but I hope that maybe she is still celebrating?! Wishing her plate may be full everyday, of all that makes her happy. Thanks, Annie, for showing us how beautiful 93 can look!

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