1) Yes, it is a fine iron rack.
2) Yes, it is used to hold something.
3) No, it does not hold pretty little things…. but that is a matter of opinion.
4) Yes, it is used by a fire.
5) Yes, it is used to serve one thing in particular.
6) Every rack has a purpose, though it could be used for other things (listed below #7) though the main reason has not been discovered.
7) Not meant for cakes, tartes, dishes, cups, glasses, candles, pizza, cheese… or anything else mention in the last two post's comment section.
8) It is what it is a rack used by a fire.
9) I am soooo happy I have finally STUMPED you smarty pants!
10) The iron rack name starts with a "G" in French.
Happy Guessing. Because it has been such a stumper the winner will win something from my online brocante shop.
(Comments from the last two posts and from this one will be followed.)
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