Saturday Art Saves: Clever Have You Heard of Tut-Bot?


Random Tutorial from Tut-Box

Each Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may.

 clock roman numerals

While pinning on my Pinterest I stumbled upon Random Tutorial. Tut-Bot is the author of this new site, in it she collects and lists tutorials from the Internet and lists them on one single site. When you click on the red button (on Tut-Box's site) it instantly takes you to another random tutorial… a clever creative way to spark ones imagination.

Random craft projects and complete "How-tos" throughout the internet found HERE:


@tutebot likes sharing the best crafty tutorials she finds, and she has thousands, at least 100 for ever crafter on the face of the earth, and the backside too. The site is easy to navigate and a feast for those who love to craft.


18eme fabric french

If you have a craft tutorial you want to share with Tut-Bot and her many followers, send her the link. 






5 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: Clever Have You Heard of Tut-Bot?”

  1. You are such a great resource! Thanks Miss C.
    bliss farm antiques
    ps how do you say peony in French?

  2. Beatnheart

    Hmmmm peonies … Miss them so much here in California
    Hey Corey thanks for this post .. I love me a good tutorial

  3. Thank you, Corey, I just love this link. Can’t stop clicking “Go Again”. So inspiring!

  4. Kathie B

    “La pivoine.”

  5. Delphine

    Love this site. At first I thought ‘Oh goodie, new things to look at’. And there were, but then I discovered there were quite a few sites I had already been to. Does this mean I spend too much time on the computer? Nah, not when there’s stuff I haven’t discovered yet.

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