I Can’t Stand It!!


sacha's summer photo

I can't stand it.

Sacha is in Willows, my hometown, with his cousins… his photos make me want to run and catch the next plane.

The subject matter of Sacha's latest photos go straight to my heart. He really knows how to get me. Though his photos are not about getting me, they are about his getting it… family love.

In this photo my niece Molly holds a new kitten. I love the angle and that it is black and white I love the touch of light on her hair, feels like the end of a day after a long time of playing outside.

Summer. Childhood. Country. Nothing better.

sacha's summer photo


Warren is the youngest nephew. Sacha took this photo in my Mother's yard. Warren is holding a tractor tool/grate.

Warren has his happy baby grin, no shirt, outside… again reminding me that being home during summer equals unlimited time with those I love.

Lucky Sacha.


Sacha has a Go Camera on his head… he and his cousin Joe are jumping off the diving board at Uncle Zane's, my brother's home.

I can hear the splash. I can hear their laughter. I can see the wet foot prints disappearing on the hot cement.

Have you ever used a GO Camera? They are amazing for action outdoor shots and films.


sacha's summer photo


Maci, my niece with the longest curly hair, sums it up:

"Love surrounds us."

I tell you Sacha your photos are making me well up.

The iron heart, the rosy red sweatshirt, my Mom's garden fence…. I can't stand it!

Sacha is using a filter on his iPhone which gives his photos a Vignette, old fashion effect.


Photo: #minituretiger  http://instagr.am/p/MUq2Y1Otai/


Lickable happiness.

A rose petal tongue.

Who does this kitten belong to?

Last year Sacha had a duck and a chicken… Did he get a kitten this year?


Photo: #skateordie  http://instagr.am/p/MTfL9YutZ5/


Skateboarding Sam.

Fast. Full. Riding high on Summer freedom, making those memories.

Memories that tug so hard on Sacha's heart strings that he dreams of summers in Willows throughout the year. 

One thing is certain, I am glad we made a commitment to go back to my hometown Willows each and every year since our children were born. It wasn't always easy to do, it was expensive, most times French Husband had to stay in France… but our goal was achieved:

Our children know my family and have a desire to be with them. The call Willows home too.


sacha's summer photo

My Godchild George.

Did you ever sleep in a tree house?

Did you ever pick a peach off a tree?

Delicious summer.

sacha's summer photo


The evening sky.

The horizion wide.

Blue river cloud with hints of pink splashing on nature's canvas.

Where do you let your dreams run?

When the ground underneath you gives you roots to grow wild, free, and happy,

Dreams have a way of expanding across the world.


sacha's summer photo

Super Hero Sacha with his Go Camera on top of his head.
(All photos taken by Sacha Amaro)


46 responses to “I Can’t Stand It!!”

  1. I think the son takes after the mom. Iron heart photo is amazing, as are the others. It’s nice to see the little ones grow up. I remember George’s pouty picture (cute, cute,cute) and look at him now. Sacha looks soooo happy, it must make your heart happy.

  2. Talents running deep in the Amaro family!
    Lovely post Corey and GREAT photos Sacha!

  3. Lovely, lovely photos. The Little Mermaid (it’s her with the big heart, right?) is growing up. Have a wonderful summer, Sacha!

  4. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Z
    The Little Mermaid is the one holding the cat.

  5. So fun to watch your family grow. Sacha is a great photographer just like his Mom. Summers with cousins are the greatest. We are having a cousin reunion this summer. 20 cousins, spouses, children, grandchildren. It’s going to be GREAT!!!

  6. He has your photography gene! Such sweet pictures. They capture the atmosphere and even make me want to be there! I know you can just smell home. Love the pictures. Sacha is special, just like his mom.

  7. Merisi in Vienna

    Wpndrous images of summer’s joys and family love!
    I can see how they pull on your heartstrings.
    Thinking how we both went in different directions across the ocean each and every summer, all to achieve the same effect: let the next generation be part of where we came from.

  8. Merisi in Vienna

    W o n d r o u s !

  9. Julie M.

    : )

  10. martina

    I’ll always remember the baby photo of George tied to his seat in a chair by an apron or towel. That smile!
    Just the other day I saw a friend from elementary school. We both wished we had those wonderful three month summer breaks of childhood.

  11. Natacha

    Hi Corey, look what I saw on one of my favorite antique sites in the NL, right after visiting you blog

  12. Anjanette

    Love the pic of Maci!! Sacha (& you) have a great “perspective” and its amazing what these apps can do to an already beautiful picture and the beautiful people in it!!

  13. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Beautiful images with soul. Sacha takes after his Mom.
    Loved these glimpses of summer fun…

  14. oh my, he has your talent for photography. and it pulled my heartstrings too, bringing homesickness tears to my eyes for you. xoxo jody

  15. beatnheart

    the apple has not fallen far from the tree…Sacha has a real talent and eye.

  16. Shirley

    I think you did a wonderful thing for your children by taking them “home” every year. It is a gift for the entire family that they will have the memories forever.

  17. Paulita

    Nice to see that Sasha inherited two things from his mom: his ability to take great photos and his love for his California family

  18. kelleyn

    So happy he has a love for your family and being in California. We are in Germany for the summer and my 13 year old son is giving me total crap. He doesn’t want to be here with his American family and his Germany family. He misses his friends and thinks we are ruining his life. I hope someday he feels like Sacha.

  19. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    All hearts come home. Sacha has show that through the lens.

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    Love zinc, and that sign!!

  21. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Martina
    Oh that was Warren as a baby. I love that photo too!

  22. First there was Corey. Then, there was Sacha. Future stories of Willows’ youngest generation are ensured for years to come.

  23. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    Your superhero son has certainly inherited your talent for photography! That pic of Maci is completely fabulous!! Your trips home have given your children the gift not only of family love, but also the gift of perspective, of being able to see the world through more than one lens – priceless.

  24. So many good memories of splashing around in that pool every summer growing up with Franca.

  25. Nannister

    love the photos Sacha too,takes after his mom! But it just dawn on me when you signed Sacha amaro, did u keep your maiden name? I guess you don’t use your husband last name for privacy but now u got my curious going!

  26. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Mardog,
    Isn’t that the truth!! I learned to swim in Uncle Phil’s and Aunt Sara’s pool. Now that Zane has it, the tradition of summer fun continues.

  27. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi N
    Yes, I kept my maiden name.
    Never wanted another name, never understood why women take another name.
    Sacha takes my maiden name, off and on.
    French Husband’s last name is private on my blog.

  28. Marilyn

    I always love seeing updates and pictures of your family in Willows. I feel like I almost know them. No, peaches from a tree, but many many apples.
    Sasha’s trips to Willows each summer brings back so many memories of my summer visits with cousins in Sebastopol. Oh how I loved them, as I know Sasha loves his visits to Willows. How special that you made that commitment to take your children each summer.

  29. Debbie Z.

    Your son’s photos are beautiful. My favorite is the photo of your niece Molly holding the kitten, a lovely shot of what childhood should be.

  30. Kimberly

    Corey I have been reading your blog for years and I cannot believe how much the kids have all changed and they are growing up right before all of our eyes. Beautiful shots! Blessings, Kimberly

  31. christine

    Sasha is a talented photographer! I love seeing those faces. So wholesome and classic beauty.

  32. Franca Bollo

    I took no one’s name. I named myself. I used to be known as Baba Ganooj but no one could pronounce it.

  33. Franca Bollo

    Two raisins on an ironing board.

  34. Nannister

    i kept my maiden name too,I’m irish and proud of it!

  35. everton terrace

    The love he has for the family (and the place) is oozing out of the images. What a beautiful gift you both gave your children with these summers.
    I was a city kid and raised my daughter in the city as well. I longed for ponds and tree houses (no never slept in one, don’t think I’ve ever been in one), and porches and long dirt roads. Perhaps someday, until then, I so enjoy getting to share summer in Willows.
    Fabulous job Sacha!

  36. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    My sister and I grew up in Stillwater, Oklahoma, a lovely college town. We were recently reminiscing about a scary, exciting swinging footbridge over a creek in a park there. What she wrote after that probably sums up many people’s love of childhood locations.
    “I love to think about old Stillwater memories. I liked the other comment this week about smelling fresh cut grass and thinking about Stillwater. I suppose the attraction is not necessarily Stillwater in the “old days” so much as the fondness for childhood. Things were simpler/easier/sweeter as a child. So probably everyone who had nice childhood thinks wherever they grew up was the best place (when it was really just the fact that they were a kid). ”
    Substitute “Willows” for “Stillwater”. Or substitute wherever you grew up.

  37. Peggy Braswell

    summer, ahhh summer, for those of us with a tender memory of it!
    Loved Sacha’s photo. So fortunate are the ones that hold summer memories. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  38. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree!
    xo D.

  39. Such a lovely post and it warmed my heart (loved Macie with the heart and the kitten’s tongue did indeed look like a heart). I can understand your homesickness in looking at these photos. But what a gift you have given your children that they too love the way you do. You can see it in every one of Sacha’s photos.

  40. Paula S In New Mexico


  41. Rosemary

    How wonderful Corey, How heartwarming and satisfying to read. As others say, you have given your children a real gift of love, sharing and family across 2 continents. Not easy to accomplish but girl you have done it in spades. My dreams run wild in Venice, my most beloved of cities, renaissance dreams, history with every step you take. Also Lourmarin and the Luberon, stunning scenery and beauty abounds, makes you feel tremendous love for the area and tranquility abounds, and peace reigns !!

  42. Carolyn De Voe

    What a treat every day to come to your photos, your family and especially your thoughtful gratitude for life. You remind us of what is good, caring and to be treasured. I thank you for that.

  43. Lisa DeNunzio, La Dolce Villa

    Looks like Sasha is becoming quite a photographer. It’s amazing the things that can be done with an iphone (if you happen to have one). Do you think it will replace or rival the digital camera?
    Wonderful that you have been able to keep up the contact with your U.S. family each year. A special gift to your children. Best, Lisa

  44. Merisi in Vienna

    Was your middle name “Melanzana” back then? *duck&run*

  45. Merisi in Vienna

    Have you ever thought of sending your son to an overnight camp, with a church group or such? We have done that with ours (mountain hiking, wildwater rafting in Austria; language courses in Spain and France). It gives the youngsters something to do, contact with people their age and even language immersion, one way or the other).
    I know of a fantastic summer camp by a famous lake in Austria, if you are interested, drop me a line.

  46. Jeannie

    After seeing Molly with the kitten, I would have been on the first plan. Too adorable for words. (I am a planner and become anxious if I can’t plan. I am trying to become more spontaneous as I age, but I still plan in my head!)

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