Sacha is leaving today to go see his sister in Mexico.
At least I hope he is going to go…
At last I heard he had the ticket (which we sent to him) but he hadn't a ride to the airport.
I guess he thought the plane would land at his feet.
Do you have a child like that?
Chelsea loves Mexico, and can harldly wait to see her brother.
She knows how he is, and expects him to appear in thin air, because he can.
One could hope that maybe Mr. Espresso could put Sacha into shape…
But they are two peas in a pod.
Fun assured and details, who needs them.
Sacha please do not hitch-hike.
Tell me Reader(s):
Are you a detailed/planner type person, or a Sit of your pants winger?
Sacha promised that when he is in Mexico he will do a blog post for me…..
My fingers are crossed.
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