Leaving on a Jet Plane

Sacha text-ed:

"Is anyone driving down to Sacramento tomorrow? Could I catch a ride with? (I'll pay for gas)
Chelsea text-ed from Mexico:
"You better find a ride !!
Sacha text-ed:
"   ‎=S   "
(Is that a worried face I wondered?)
I texted:
"Talk about last minute!"
Chelsea responded,
"‎?? so should I go pick you up at the airport tonight or are you stuck in Willows ?"
Sacha replied,  
"I'll be at mex city airport at midnight!"
Chelsea added,
"Be careful.. 3 policemen were shot at the airport on Monday by other policemen involved in narcotraffic…"
Sacha brushed it off with,
"Pff Im so cool bullets drop in front of me!!"
Mother in France who assumes Children are together wrote:
"Lovely! thought to add, I feel so calm."
"Who needs to  WORRY about a RIDE to the AIRPORT, when BULLETS are INVOLVED."



23 responses to “Leaving on a Jet Plane”

  1. Merisi in Vienna

    Fly me to the moon …. 😉

  2. Oh My lord! Bullets? I would be terrified!

  3. kelleyn

    Oh my! Do we need to say a prayer for those two!

  4. When is Chelsea’s time up in Mexico????

  5. How about calling on Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Robert Vaughn, Brad Dexter, and Horst Buchholz for help?

  6. Shannon

    Ignorance is bliss in the case of a text conversation between two adult children, LOL.

  7. everton terrace

    It’s lovely they get along so well.
    I’m certain fabulous times will be had and no bullets will be involved.
    I’m a planner, micro-planner.
    Husband, not so much.

  8. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    We hear of so much violence in Mexico that I cringe whenever I am reminded that your lovely daughter is still there. I pray they are all safe in their adventure. I see Chelsea has her purse strapped tightly across her chest…smart move!! Please remind carefree Sacha that pick pockets thrive on tourists..

  9. There is so much violence in Mexico, I will pray for him to be safe.. and your children to be safe and you to find peace.. xo marlis

  10. Jillayne

    Texting can be a blessing or a curse, and often both in the same conversation… oh, the confidence of youth.
    You certainly have fortitude Corey!

  11. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    We never stop worrying about our children, do we?

  12. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Annie
    Chelsea will go to Willows, July 15th.
    Then back to France August 22nd, just in time for school.

  13. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    LOL – very funny texts, love Sacha’s attitude! Your kids have a great spirit of adventure and are bound to have nothing but fun together in Mexico xo

  14. Marilyn

    Hope he makes it safely there. I know he will and they will have the time of their life. How wonderful to know your two kiddos enjoy sharing time together and laughing.

  15. Ah, carefree youth. Kids will have a blast while mom worries. Isn’t that how it always seems to be?

  16. John Powell

    It is true we do here so much about the violence in Mexico BUT I do hope that people who are worried about the violence in Mexico will take a moment to realize that it is the drug consumption in the USA that is responsible for the violence of the drug cartels in Mexico.
    Here is a link to my blog with some statistics on violence in Mexico vis a vis violence in the USA and it might surprise you to find out that the city you live in is more violent than most large cities in the Mexico. Disneyland and Disneyworld are more dangerous tourist destinations than Cancun and Acupulco. Washington DC has more murders than Mexico City…

  17. John Powell

    There are elections this weekend in Mexico. It should be a very exciting time for Sacha to be there. My friend Cesar has a photo show opening on the the 30th that Sacha and Chelsea might enjoy….
    I wish I were in Mexico DF this weekend! xox

  18. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Several worry-wort friends got quite lathered up on our behalf when we went to Greece recently, after reading so much dire news about that poor country. My camera broke and we went to an electronics store to buy a new one — right on Syntagma Square where the demonstrations had been some weeks before. It was beautiful square with grass, wide concrete walkways, trees, and a very small handful of “Occupy” type folks in the shade, with a couple of signs. And no demonstrations.
    I wonder if Sasha and Chelsea (a) remembered at all that Mom was reading all those warnings and “Ppff” back-and-forth sibling stuff, or (b) revved up the intensity/casualness just to tweak Mom a little.

  19. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    P.S. Ah, the invincibility of youth. Surely you felt it then too?

  20. I have traveled a lot to some of the most wonderful places in Mexico and I think the press does a big dis-service to how wonderful Mexico is. Yes there are some very dangerous cities like Juarez but as John mentioned it is drug related and as long as the demand is there, the drug lords will do whatever to keep up that demand. The average normal day in Mexico is wonderful and the people are lovely and charming. It is a fun vacation destination.
    Just today in the news a 7yr girl was killed in Chicago. Does anyone say, be careful if you are going to Chicago. Last year there was a mass shooting in Tucson, AZ where some very wonderful people like Gabby (US House Rep) was shot and many were killed including a young girl. Does anyone say, be careful if you are going to Tucson? These are very unusual isolated events. We don’t need to live in fear but use common sense. Mexico is no different.
    Concern is always there for your children. Trust that they will use their good judgement that you taught them. Be at peace, your two young adults will have a good time.


    Oh my you didn’t teach your children to fear all or at least most how refreshing. I have 2 cousins who fear it all thus they are paralyzed and have missed so much in life.
    I thank my parents constantly (in my prayers at night) for giving me large doses of confidence and small doses of only sensible fear. What fun parents you are!!!!

  22. Mary Marsell

    Uffffff! (Spanish expression) Corey!
    I’m SOOO relating. Oldest daughter, 22, is flying into Amman, Jordan today to work at a refugee camp. Not a safe place for a young beautiful girl.
    May our Lord and His angels protect her. I’m praying for her there and a bulletless Mexico City for Sacha.
    Kisses from that other CA girl now living in Astorga

  23. Peggy Braswell

    Deep Breath + Faith, Mom. Ignorance is bliss + they will be fine. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

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