Friday Filles



It doesn't matter that she is ninety three. It doesn't matter that she doesn't go shopping with me, or love the brocante. It doesn't bother her that I hang out with other friends, and do more with them then I do with her. It doesn't matter that I am not related to her, or that she cannot dance, or speak my language, or hear very well… for that matter she doesn't care if we have anything to say at all.

Our friendship isn't based on any of that.

When you have a friend like Annie, a good, down to earth friend, one that makes you feel like you are important, that you matter, and that whatever you do or say it doesn't change a thing about their love for you… Well, then you can see God, and it is gift beyond measure.

Annie my dear wonderful gift from above and beyond.

I am so thankful that Annie's amazing family shares her with me.


Cassis annie

Once a month or so, we go to Cassis for lunch or dinner.

Lunch in the winter,

dinner during summer.

We enjoy the view, and love the food.

We hold hands, feel happy, and drink a glass of wine.

She tells me how lucky she is to have such beautiful children. I tell her she is an amazing woman.

I love when Annie laughes, hits my knee with her hand and says, "Corey you are unique." It puts the biggest grin on my face. 

Annie walks slowly, but she walks gracefully, aware on every detail and what people are wearing. She notices fashion, she notices beauty, she notices life and embraces it with joy.

A happy soul enjoys the moment.



Friday Filles.

What says Friendship true to you? 


45 responses to “Friday Filles”

  1. Give big hugs to Annie.
    I love all the Annie stories………….
    Friendship is love, loyalty, laughter and memories shared♥

  2. “makes you feel like you are important, that you matter, and that whatever you do or say it doesn’t change a thing about their love for you…” – that about sums it up for me.
    All the best to two wonderful women!

  3. Priscilla G

    God bless Annie. I wrote to you last summer when Rhonda told me Annie’s story and you shared my mother’s story with her. Somehow, just knowing Annie is there and seeing her picture makes me feel connected in some small way with my own mother who is no longer with me. Please give Annie a hug for me. How I wish I could hug her in person!

  4. What a lovely way to begin my day – with a beautiful picture of and story about Annie and you!! Two lovely ladies who inspire us to live life to the fullest each day and who remind us of the unspeakable gift of friendship. Blessings to you both always!
    Evelyn in the Midwest

  5. everton terrace

    I’m not blogging much lately, kind of taking the summer off but I’m glad I decided to pop in this morning to see Annie. What a treasure she is and I’m certain she feels equally lucky and blessed to have you in her life.
    I value many things in a friend but honestly one of the first things that came to my mind was someone I don’t feel I have to tidy up or clean my house for when they are coming over 🙂

  6. labergerebasque

    Beautiful photo of the 2 of you. I LOVE ANNIE too and I don’t even know her ♥

  7. I love Annie! I think friendship is when you can see someone after years and pick up where you left off, without missing a beat.

  8. martina

    Someone who shares your joys and your woes, who prays for your concerns when you ask and understands your worries. Who will go on and on about what is going on in their life and then stop and ask genuinely how you are and then listen without interrupting and advise when asked. They don’t say you are being stupid, compliment you when you do look good-say nothing when your outfit is errr a bit unflattering. They drop everything and help you in an emergency. I hope I am that way for my friends too.

  9. It’s nice to see Annie and know that she is doing good. Big hug for Annie.

  10. Your friendship with Annie reminds me of my friendship with an elderly lady from church. We met before I got married then remained friends. Everything you mentioned is true. There is a certain soul-mate friendship where they love and respect you and you them. They love unconditionally and always speak the truth in a most kind and loving way. We meet once a year for Christmas brunch. She gets dressed very formally for our luncheon and we go to the most exclusive resort. My friend owned a day spa and she is beautiful both inside and out. I think a friend such as these women come once in a lifetime. They are treasures and I am blessed to have one also.

  11. this post is by far one of the most tender and beautfully written since i stumbled onto/into your space some 4 years ago-i started crying with the first few sentences-friendship-a true gift from GOD!

  12. I can see why you love Annie, and I can see why she loves you. How blessed you are that you found each other in this life!

  13. Shelley Noble

    I love the way you love Annie, and others, Corey.
    I don’t love as much as you.

  14. Hello Annie, I haven’t seen you in a while and am glad you are doing well. Friendship for me is pretty much what you described, what an amazing woman.

  15. Diogenes

    What a wonderful picture of you two! Annie looks far younger than her 93 years.

  16. Amylia Grace

    I love Annie! I had to do a double-take at that picture of you two, though–when I first saw it I thought, “Oh how lovely–I wonder if that young lady is her granddaughter?” Now I see you’re not far behind winning the long hair contest–and looking lovelier and happier than ever! O I wish Cassis was nearby! Instead tonight I’ll dine in Madison, WI on Lake Mendota!

  17. Another lovely post. So happy you have each other for friends. I loved the photo of the two of you.

  18. i feel like i know Annie.. hehe.. she seems like an amazing woman 🙂 and that picture of you too is so SWEET!! 🙂

  19. Lorraine

    Corey, that is the most beautiful picture of you and Annie! You look so much like Chelsea in it.

  20. Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

    Oh, Corey, I LOVED this post – and I love the picture of Annie AND the last photo of you and Annie together!! You are both a gift of God to each other, of that I am sure! So glad you had a wonderful lunch!… Donna

  21. Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

    P.S. I am LOVING your long hair!!

  22. such a great post.. and you look about 21!!

  23. Franca Bollo

    Someone who arrives arrive your front door with two bottles of wine and a bottle for vodka. Mardog, every ounce of my being loves you, except, of course, my liver. <3, Franca

  24. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I can relate to this remark. My liver relates to it too.

  25. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    1. GREAT photo of the two of you! (No wonder you posted it. I woulda if it were of me!)
    2. How does one say “you are unique” en francais? “Corey, tu es ______”…
    3. Commenter Ann’s description of a lovely elderly woman she knew at church suddenly brought my friend Elsie to mind: she was 80++ and I was 30. She was bossy and made me park in the handicap parking spots although we had no HC tag to make it legal; I was wimpy and did it. She was indeed quite crippled of body (but not spirit) so I determined that if I ever got a ticket, I would just take her to browbeat the judge. Sometimes I’d drive her to mass (during my beloved Roman Catholic era) where she would always sit on the front pew, receiving the wafer with a reverent “My Lord and My God”, quietly worshiping a while before consuming it. A cradle Catholic, she went to everything from Rosary club to the charismatic group, displaying equal opportunity napping at each event. And when we’d go to the fried chicken cafe (parking illegally in the handicap spot in front) which was chock full of persons of all ethnicities, she would horrify me by loudly, and I mean loudly, telling jokes which often were not exactly courteous to some of the persons present. Ah, Elsie. A real corker. SHE was unique indeed.

  26. Just trying to hold my position as the 4th Bollo sister!
    I am a fortunate one to have a friend like Franca.
    Mew. Mew.


    Friendship is when you can do belly laughs,gasp for air and laugh till you cry. and i can tell friendship between you and Annie. it is a lovely photo of you and Annie. you look so pretty and it looks as if you were in early 20’s. HONEST! just look at it,do you see it? Bestest,Denise

  28. Precious!!

  29. Franca Bollo

    Sounds a bit like I was well into one of the bottles (I think it was the one in the freezer) when I typed that. Swap out “arrive” with “at”.

  30. Tongue in Cheek

    What about MAt’s Kitten? If it arrives with three bottles of wine, two bottles of Vodka and its own milk bowl, can it be your new lost BFF?
    Just begging for Mat.

  31. Jillayne

    Oh Annie, you are a gem. I would move to France just for you…
    I love all of your posts Corey, but I love the Annie ones the best. When we are “orphaned”, if we are lucky enough, we find a woman we can have a special bond with that transcends the usual bounds, and boundaries of the mother-daughter. I think you and Annie have that, and the only thing I don’t know is who is the luckiest… I think perhaps it’s a draw…
    Now, you two really must cook something together again, because those posts are my true favourites!

  32. Robin Williams

    True friends like you because…….and love you although!!!!!


    Your words are very uplifting. Kindness and comradeship are the most important things in the world and we don’t hear enough examples sometimes…watching the news and reading about the ghastliness in Syria and other places makes reading your blog all the more special. I love reading about Annie and can only try to imagine the mischief you two get up to on your weekly outing…such a special relationship you have to cherish.
    Thanks for always sharing your thoughts and stories….
    Nelson, New Zealand

  34. Everyone else said it, and I have to say it too! That is a lovely picture of you and Annie! Your friendship for each other shines brighter than the sun.

  35. Casual Cottage Chic

    Annie reminds me of my mother who lost her battle with cancer 5 years ago on July 11. It delights me to see her smile. She is a celebrity on your blog 😉 A true friend is someone you can share thoughts with, good and bad, and they will not judge…just listen.


    How fulfilling to give and receive. When you strip away all of our stuff
    And baggage you have relationships! Yours and Annie’s is so special.
    Thanks for sharing her with us.

  37. Carolyn Mallin

    Corey, what a beautiful photo of two lovely ladies. It’s clear that you love her very much.

  38. Franca Bollo

    Our 15-year-old cat would pee on our bed, puke on our carpet and poop in the kitchen every day until she died if we introduced a kitten into our household. So, sadly … no.

  39. Peggy Braswell

    Ahh Friendship is so divine.I had an Annie and their names were W & T. I love them dearly! They are both gone from this earth however it does not diminish my love for them. A beautiful post. Have a wonderful weekend.

  40. Beverly

    I wish I had Annie in my life.
    She is so special, and a good friend to have.
    Corey, you are a very lucky woman.

  41. mary blanchard

    A true friend is someone who loves you
    you are very blessed<3
    Hugs to you both…hope dinner was fantastic:-)

  42. deborah

    I love your description of your friendship with Annie.
    Friendship includes laughter and happiness and heart to heart sharing and chocolate!

  43. Two Lovely YOUNG Ladies!

  44. Lemon Tree Tami

    I love reading about Annie. She’s such a beautiful person and a sweet friend to have. I can only hope to be like her when I get older. Cheers from Sunnyvale!

  45. Marie-Noëlle

    Annie is unique too !!!
    Such a character !!!
    Whenever you talk about Annie, I think of my dear old friend Rosa. She’s Welsh. I haven’t heard from her for months.
    We met her as we were visiting her B&B for a couple of days. We were treated like king and queen + prince and princess. She organized a bbq with her neighbours for us, she entertained us every evening, playing the piano or the accordeon, singing, and chatting joyfully, AND SMILING … ALWAYS smiling !!!
    We invited her to our house. She was 72 then and that was her very first holiday, her very first trip abroad, her very first air trip … and her very first invitation as a guest !!!!
    When I asked her about her wishes over here, she mentioned the Eiffel Tower (that was easy !)and said she had 2 dreams : Monet’s gardens at Giverny and Disneyland outside Paris. We managed those 2 too and it was so moving to see her as thrilled as a child !!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your precious moments with Annie !!!

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