…And This is When I Smile


When Chelsea is in her element.


Sacha superman

When Sacha is Superman Lucky.

Both are flying high, in Willows, most likely eating homemade blackberry pie hot from my Mother's oven.

(Photos from Chelsea and Sacha, while in Mexico.)




17 responses to “…And This is When I Smile”

  1. Kathie B

    Bet your Mom is “flying high” too!

  2. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    That girl can really jump!
    Don’t think I’ve ever been able to jump that high.
    Mmmm, blackberry pie. Want some.

  3. Great photos! Photographer’s talent runs in the family.
    I am smiling with you because they are happy, you are happy, they are young and the world is their oyster.

  4. Wonderful they have had so many adventures and seen so much and are now safely in the arms of family at Willows. So happy for you, and love the pictures, so exuberant!

  5. jend’isère

    Authentic jumping for joy!

  6. Marilyn

    Isn’t is fun to see your children celebrating life together.

  7. Boy do they look happy, and I can’t even see their faces.
    Does your mom mail pie?I wouldn’t mind if it was a little smushed. 😉

  8. Lovely kids (and lucky to have a mom like you.)

  9. martina

    And how badly do their Maman et Papa want to be there? Hope you can go visit soon.

  10. It brings such joy to a mother’s heart to see her children’s happiness, doesn’t it? Lovely pictures.

  11. These photos must make your heart full. They look so happy and I can’t even see their faces! I wish you were there with them and I can imagine that you do too.
    Chelsea can really jump high!!!

  12. chelsea

    waffles for breakfast, frozen chocolate chip cookies at snack time and blackberry pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream after dinner…. yep, i’m in Willows 🙂

  13. … nice to see ‘everybody’ fly high…. including the children’s mum!!!!!!!!! I smile too – those pixies are so totally wonderful! Sadly I have a son who absolutely hates his mother taking photos of him although he deeply admires my photography! That’s a Swiss cryptic to solve…. 🙂

  14. everton terrace

    Makes my heart sing 🙂

  15. It makes me happy to see your kids so joyful and exhuberant and to know they are spending time with your mom.

  16. Peggy Braswell

    not a better feeling in the world than when one’s children are happy with family + enjoy. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  17. Giggles of delight
    the shape, light, lift and flight of chelsea’s shot is
    what an extra-ordinary life you have carved and
    crafted for yourself and family…
    Proudly respectful…I sit over here…so, so glad to have
    found you
    greatful for your …………sharing.
    Thank you…my heart singsX

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