“Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry”

Today I will be happier than a bird with a French fry
photo source Shelli Dorfe


The gift of simple happiness. Is it that really as simple as that?

Choosing happiness, moment by moment, being grateful for something verses waiting to be happy for everything, is a handy survival tool to have in ones pocket. In the midst of all the things that can go wrong, there is a path to happiness… a light at the end of the tunnel does bring joy, even if it is in the distant future. Choosing to focus on the moment of happiness, and nuturing it to grow, helps it take root. Pulling out the roots of unhappiness is harder to do wouldn't you agree? 

Is it harder to accept simple moments of happiness, or pull out the thorns of unhappiness? 

Simple happiness for me is reminded myself to:

Appreciate what I have and not focusing on what I don't have, staying true to the basics,

Sharing the abundance, treasuring beauty, being thankful 

for my family and friends, prayer, not measuring, being the first to say, "I am sorry."

giving hope…


Being happy is easier if we have health, a roof over our heads, a full stomach, someone to love and be loved, and peace at our doorstep. Though as fortunate as most of us are, we still find room to be unhappy. 


What are some of your tips to being happy? Or, Your tips for pulling out the roots of unhappiness?


23 responses to ““Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry””

  1. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151944460440156
    This is absolute joy and happiness for me my Logan Love
    Our star child in Seoul.
    Love you Corey♥

  2. Alison W

    I do something I love every day. I think it is as simple as that! How can you be unhappy when you know you have created something new, or taken a beautiful picture, or read an amazing blog? Even if the rest of the day was terrible, I focus on that.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful point of view.

  3. Tara Dillard

    Learned along the way about JOY.
    JOY is always present. Whether I think so or not. So I TAKE JOY.
    Fear has been too big too long in my life. Learned to ask myself, “What would I do tomorrow if I were not afraid?”
    JOY with no fear.
    Yes. It’s more than enough.
    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  4. My sources of happiness: music; beauty in nature; reading something inspiring; CONSCIOUSLY appreciating that I have family, health, home, food; and not dwelling on the unhappy feeling, but trying to get busy with something useful.

  5. rebeccanyc

    Many years ago, when I was going through a particularly difficult time, I sought the help of a Therapist. After going on and on about this and that complaint, she asked me “if you did not have anything to complain about, what would you talk about?” Stopped me right in my tracks! Now when I have complaining to do, I think long and hard about it before I voice it. This has changed everything…I am so much happier, and I dare say my friends and family are much much happier in my company. I hate being thought of as the person who whines and moans constantly when I have so much happiness in my life! I’m no Pollyanna by any means, but I really make a conscious choice to choose happiness.

  6. Amy Kortuem

    Timely post, Corey…I’ve been in a “funk” and kind of a bad mood for a while now. Two separately people have told me to start a gratitude journal, challenging me to write down at least one thing I’m grateful for every day.
    I’ve been texting my gratitude to the friend who challenged me. Some days it’s profound, and some days it’s things like: “I’m grateful for wine out of a box.”
    I think it’s working. At least, it’s helping me change my focus from negative to somewhat positive.

  7. Joanne Tuchman

    Twelve years ago my husband had a heart attack. He survived and having faced the ultimate loss, we both learned to treasure each day we live: To simply realize that each day is a gift, that each family member, each friend, each glimpse of beauty, each choice we make is a gift. The unpleasant is mixed in but that is just a price we pay for our ability to choose joy.

  8. I honesty think I was born happy. I try not to hang onto negativity and unhappiness, having a true friend to talk to helps.

  9. Marilyn

    When I retired over 4 years ago I knew I needed a way to pay attention to happiness and JOY. That is when I started blogging “Delights of the Heart”. It definitely helps me to focus on the delights each and everyday. And now I am expecting another happiness event when my one and only grandson will be born in September.

  10. Paulita

    I was thinking about joy today too, and that’s what I titled my blog post. I saw a young mother and her daughter hurrying across our college campus to class. The mother was cautioning the daughter to be quiet. She told her not to sing and dance in the hallways while she waited. I love the idea that singing and dancing was the little girl’s natural inclination. I hope that is my inclination as well.

  11. Great minds! That quote is the title of my recent blog post and an accompanying “art saves me from my craziness” journal page! Focusing on what we have, not what we’re missing or don’t have is key.

  12. Perfect Timing…
    Having “one of those days” today.
    Your blog confronted me in a good way.
    Tomorrow will be better – time to pick out some weeds in the garden of life…

  13. Ride the new waves?
    Today I went on a tour of Harvard U with my 16 yr old son. The last time I was at Harvard was nearly 35 years ago visiting my sweetheart who was a freshman. Today we walked by the old dorm window where I visited him. He broke my heart way back then but I didn’t know then that someday I’d be in the same place with a new love of my life, my son!
    An old wave of romance a new wave today with my son….. That’s life!

  14. Many years ago my cousins two children were killed in an automobile accident when they were 6 and 8 years old, the same ages as my own two children at the time. My father died when I was 9. These experiences formed in me a lesson that life is fragile and joy can be fleeting. So I’ve frequently found myself fighting against the fear of loss by embracing life with joy as it comes. I try to be mindful daily of all that I have to be thankful for. When that doesn’t work I always try to remember that tomorrow will be a new day and my unhappiness will pass.

  15. DeeDee Clark

    I purchased a book, The Savvy Woman’s Guide to her best Season of Life, FANTASTIC AFTER 40!, written by Pam Farrel. Now, I am a long ways past 40, but for 99 cents on close-out, I couldn’t pass it up.
    She read the scripture Nehemiah 8:10 which says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Now when someone asks her how she is, she says, “Choosin’ joy!”
    I’ve decided I’m going to use her response!

  16. Carolyn

    An early morning walk, breathing in the cool fresh air, the smell of the early morning cool and the pleasure of the moment, clears my head…much easier to smile and enter the day.

  17. If I am fixated on a negative thought, or something is bothering me I try to change my environment, and “get out of myself.” Go out into the world… maybe the market, a favorite bookstore, go to a park and walk my dog, and just get out around people. Then later when I return home I seem to have a new perspective. Also, I have learned that it is better to sleep on a problem then react too soon. Many times the next morning, things don’t seem so bad. Hello new day!

  18. Diogenes

    What a good post. I try to keep the small things small, and pick my battles to conserve my energy for me. And at 55, I realize that “tempus fugit,” so any time spent being unhappy could be a relatively large percentage of the time I have left to live. I could use this time instead to enjoy the beauty in the world.

  19. Reading your blog is always a positive experience. Sources of happiness include playing with the dog or the cat. Photography is a pleasure. Connecting with a friend. Cooking or baking something yummy! And, often, sharing that something yummy.
    It is a focus on good.

  20. Merisi in Vienna

    thank you for sharing these two quotes, beautiful and precious like diamonds in the morning light (or cut glass from a chandelier, found at the brocante).

  21. Franca Bollo

    I pinch my weenis!

  22. Stephanie

    I am learning to simplify and focus on my blessings. I also have learned to be thankful in all things, even the things that do not go my way. In every area of my life I want to feel less cluttered and focus on people, prayer, beauty, love. That brings me peace and joy! That, and baking a pie, taking photographs, walking in the woods, a great cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

  23. DeeDee Clark

    Blessings to you! Jesus is my joy, even when things are not going well!

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