Saturday Art Saves: Irina Lapko

Needlework, Irina Lapko

photo source Irina Lapko

Every Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may. 

This Saturday I would like you to meet my friend: Irina Lapko, one of her many talents is Needlework.

My friend Irina


Irina and I met with blogging a few years ago, we have many things in common…

Her husband is Chinese, my husband is French.

She grew up behind the iron curtain, I grew up on a farm in California.

Irina loves to needle point and I have a phobia about cutting fabrics.

We both love antiques, though Irina does not like peeling, rusty, standing on its last leg sort of things… and well you know that I do.

Irina speaks English and Russian.

Alfred speaks English and Chinese.

French Husband speaks, English and French.

And I speak brocante with an accent.


Irina invited me to her home in Hong Kong. Since then I have admired her needlework. Irina is a perfectionist. Her needlework is intricate, precise, flawless… that it appears to be painted.


Needlework, Irina Lapko

photo source Irina Lapko

Irina describes her latest needlework, "Albrecht Durer’s watercolor The Young Hare embroidered in cross stitch – my recently finished work. With a few other needlepoint, knitting, sewing projects, it took me almost a year to embroider one of my favorite paintings. And like they say ‘this is not your grandma’s embroidery’. The pattern is very detailed, it uses 36 colors of DMC floss. With 265 x 294 stitches it has a size of about 15″ x 16″ on 18-count canvas.

Can you imagine 36 colors… in taupe.


Needlework, Irina Lapko

photo source Irina Lapko

Irina continues, "The embroidery came out in a perfect rectangular, no stretching neede, which pleased me."


Needlework, Irina Lapko

photo source Irina Lapko

The first steps to perfeting needlework you must have good eyes, nimble fingers, a love for calulating and patience.


Needlework, Irina Lapko
photo source Irina Lapko

Do you see those teeny squares and numbers. Tiny threads in ten thousand taupes.

I know I couldn't do it. I would tear it apart, after the tenth time I threaded the needle.

Utter admiration I have for Irina's calm passion and painstaking effort.


Needlework, Irina Lapko
photo source Irina Lapko {Irina with a magnifying glass hard at work}

A bit of information about Durer and his Hare watercolor:

“A supremely gifted and versatile German artist of the Renaissance period, Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) was born in the Franconian city of Nuremberg, one of the strongest artistic and commercial centers in Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.” – The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

“Dürer was one of the first artists to view animals as a subject worthy of attention. At the beginning of the 16th century, the natural world of animals and plants was becoming a focus of interest as explorers and travelers were returning from distant lands with examples and illustrations of new species. Dürer shared this fascination for the subject which he revealed in many of his drawings, watercolors and prints.

Critics felt that the painting of animals was simply a demonstration of technical skill, and as such did not aspire to the creative vision of great art. Dürer demolishes this opinion in a series of watercolors that have become hugely popular and frequently reproduced images. ‘A Young Hare’ is one of the best.” –

The original watercolor is in Albertina museum in Vienna. 

I am certain Durer would be impressed with Irina's workmanship.


Needlework, Irina Lapko

photo source Irina Lapko

Another beauty of Irina's handiwork,

Irina describes her work:

"The steps it took to make a cushion from scratch:
1. Won an auction on ebay for a vintage Imari pattern book;
2. Because the book does not have color codes for wool (cotton floss only), I had to carefully decide what colors in wool to buy;
3. Since no one sells wool for needlepoint in Hong Kong, I bought my DMC wool while visiting Paris last summer,
4. A not-so-short process of stitching,
5. Stretching the needlepoint for a couple of days on my son’s bed,
6. Choosing velvet for backing (first thought was dark blue, then changed my mind and went with this burnt orange and am glad I did);
7. Sewing, including making piping & attaching invisible zipper.

PS. The 18-inch newly made feather filled insert for a very reasonable price was shipped from England (thank you, ebay again).

This is how it went:

Needlework, Irina Lapko
Needlework, Irina Lapko
Needlework, Irina Lapko

Needlework, Irina Lapko

Needlework, Irina Lapko

photo source Irina Lapko

Thank you Irina your needle work is a true labor of love and a work of art.


34 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: Irina Lapko”

  1. Corey, I almost fell off my chair!!! “That is my picture, but I’m sure I’ve clicked on Corey’s blog. Too much wine?” – that was my first thought. Thank you for showing some of my work on your blog today!!! Lots of love from Hong Kong.

  2. Becky F

    WOW!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!!
    You rock Irina.

  3. Irina,
    You are blessed with an amazing talent…so beautiful words cannot say…thank you Corey.

  4. Absolutely beautiful and talented work! Thanks for sharing Irina’s art!

  5. Merisi in Vienna

    Irina is a master craftswoman and artist, her work is simply stunning!
    Managing to create such a detailed needle stitch work of Albrecht Dürer’s delicate water color and gouache painting is amazing. I also love the round pillow and its burnt orange backing.
    When I moved to Vienna, one of my first museum visits was to the Albertina, to admire Dürer’s “Praying Hands” and the “Young Hare”.

  6. Jenny K

    Irina, these pictures truly took my breath away! Beautiful does not seem an able enough word to describe your work…wow!

  7. i am speechless and breathless- such intricate patient beauty-i would have minimal success-no success-such virtures/talents elude me OH THE BEAUTY….

  8. That is just wonderful! What a gift you have Irina.

  9. Thank you, Tracy!

  10. Thank you for your kind words!! I’m too hoping one day to see Durer’s works. I might spend a couple of hours in front his AMAZING paintings 🙂

  11. martina

    I’ve attempted in the past to do enough needlework to realize what an exceptionally gifted artist Irina is. The patience, eye for pattern and color and excellent skills she has are stunning. Thank you Irina and Corey.

  12. Thank you VERY VERY much to all who took their time to write such kind comments! I feel so humbled by seeing my work on Corey’s blog. Thank you! Wished I could give you all a hug.

  13. amazing! wonderful, impossible, how can she do it?

  14. Marilyn from Chico, Ca

    That is simply incredible !!

  15. Marilyn

    Irina’s work is just gorgeous! My fingers no longer would be able to do such fine work, but I can certainly appreciate and enjoy the work of other’s. That rabbit with all the shades is truly amazing.

  16. Diogenes

    Her work is amazing; she is a true artist. Imari is a pattern I have always liked, and it makes a great pillow. Durer’s rabbit is remarkable…

  17. annette

    Holy Sh@$, her work just blows me away. She must have the patience of a saint to do that. It is so incredibly beautiful.

  18. beatnheart

    Geezsh……give me an aspirin and up my perscription on my glasses.

  19. Amazingly Beautiful!!!!

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    Dear Irina
    How I would love to give you a hug!
    Humbled, I am the one who is humbled I cannot even sew on a button!
    I miss you x

  21. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    I admire her work and I love her taste . Thank you for making me meeting Irina .

  22. Franca Bollo

    Irina, I almost fell off my chair, too, but for different reasons. Your reproduction of Dürer’s hare is a trompe-l’oeil. It IS sitting on your table. Exquisite. I have to go lie down now.

  23. Came back on website a second time to look. I am loving that rug and chartreuse chair too. Very special indeed.

  24. Your pieces are gorgeous Irina, a true work of art.

  25. Amazingly beautiful!

  26. jend’isère

    Irina, you have created such an ecletic paradise from bustling Hong Kong. Your family and friends surely appreciate your patience and creativity as much as us.

  27. thanks corey for this post…i have been keen on needlepoint for such a long time and such talent as this is rarely given a platform.absolutely stunning work

  28. A while ago, I wandered onto Irina’s blog through Tongue in Cheek and I saw a MASTERPIECE – an embroidery of flowers that was so detailed and with some many shades of colour that I knew the person who made it was an artist. I left an admiring comment on the blog and since then I visit Irina’s blog whenever she posts. She is also close to my heart as she is from Ukraine which is a neighbouring country to Poland and the histories, cultures and cuisines of both countries have intertwined throughout the ages.

  29. Zosia, I’ve been to Poland several times and I love the country and the people!!! I hope I will have a chance to visit Poland some day again 🙂

  30. Irina.
    Can’t stop myself from rescrolling down this post. Looking over and over at the photos, especially of Durer’s hare. Amazing results from an amazing process. Love that Durer was one of the first to recognize animals as worthy subjects. My kind of guy.
    Thank you and thank you Coco!

  31. i am absolutely wowed by her work. the rabbit is phenomenal. xo jody

  32. Astonishing. Thank you to Irina for her work and to Corey for sharing.

  33. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I especially loved the angle of the photo to the hare needlework, as it’s perfect perspective for making it appear that it’s sitting right there. (Has everyone else commented on this too? I haven’t read the other comments this time.)
    As I was first typing this, instead of saying “needlework” I wrote “piece”. (Har har, “hare piece”, I accidentally cracked myself up. Okay, I’ll settle down now.)
    Lovely work, Irina!

  34. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    And, having worked in such detail on that hare needlework, Irina, you would appreciate the original SO much more than most other viewers!
    Years ago, I copied a rather simple cross-stitch linen sampler that my great-great grandmother did as a young woman, crossing over 2 threads where she did and over 3 threads where she did that. Thread-for-thread, I felt I came a little closer to her during that project.
    I can only imagine how close you felt during the hare project.

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