I am Going on A Diet.

(Artwork by Catherine)


I've started a diet. 

I am already hungry, and not just a little bit… I could eat a cow, and I do not eat meat you know.

My friend Mimi said, "You are no fun on a diet."

I know. I live to talk about food, taste and yum.

I have decided enough is enough, and I am going to shake these extra twenty pounds, instead of accepting them. I never have had a weight problem. I love eating, and talking about food. A diet seems like a slap in face, so rude.

143 pounds presently. I CANNOT believe I am writing this. My face is red. BUT I figure (good choice of word) if I write it, shout it out, I will stick to it.

I don't eat junk food, nor in-between meals, nor sweets, nor drink soft drinks… I'm going to cut my intake by half, move around more… and give up my glass of wine at meals.

GOD that is going to be the hardest. No wine, which means no cheese. Because the two go hand in hand with me.

I started the diet while in Ireland, I had one scone ONLY!!!! One! 

Want to join me? Eating less, moving more.

Sounds so simple doesn't it?




86 responses to “I am Going on A Diet.”

  1. Go for it ! You can do it, just move more and kiss 20 goodbye!

  2. Laura McHugh

    I’m with you in spirit and in practice here in CA. My need is greater – 40-50 but the half portion thing seems to be the trick. Good luck!

  3. rebeccanyc

    Well, 140lbs would be my goal…but I am 50lbs over that (and boy is my face red admitting THAT!) so of course I want to join you! Unlike you however, my body issues have been with me my whole life, so this is nothing new…Everyone has a different journey with one goal…better health (and if I am honest…vanity…that great motivator) Onward!

  4. I am joining you. I need to lose 20, too.

  5. I would like to change my lifestyle and eating habits as well. Just for the record… scones have tons of calories. And one glass of wine isn’t so bad with a meal.
    I’ll try with you, Corey. I will.

  6. The “move more” part is more important than eating less. Feeling hungry and starving yourself is no good. Apparently, your body, when starved “thinks” that it’s going to be a famine and it begins to store fat, because who knows how long the famine will last, and it needs emergency supplies – something that you want to avoid. So, you need to eat protein, which metabolizes slower and keeps that hunger feeling away. Apart from that lots of fruits and veggies, and carbs in moderation. Apparently, when you feel very hungry you SHOULD eat something, but not a huge meal, just an apple or a carrot or a yogurt. That way your body will get a bit of glucose and will be able to wait until the next meal. Otherwise, if you starve yourself you will eat too much at the next meal – again, eating too much at one time leads to changing the extra food to fat.
    I’ll be cheering you on.

  7. I’m with you too. I have needed to lose 30 pounds for over a year. No more excuses. I really like the half portion idea where you can still eat the foods you like but not so much of them. Good health and good luck.
    PS Love your blog!

  8. Merisi in Vienna

    Corey, I’ll join you!

  9. Franca Bollo


  10. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    oh sure. I will join you. My friend lost 40 lbs just by eating normal, but only half portions. Half glass of wine, half the cheese, half the bread, and bring on the eggs and vegetables.
    We will check in weekly.

  11. Lemon Verbena Lady

    It does work Corey. I have been doing it for about three years have been able to keep off an extra 30 pounds. It is not always easy, but it is very doable even with the lovely food you have in France. I write everything down. That makes you accountable. I try to do some kind of exercise every day mostly walking for one hour. You can break that up if you can’t do an hour. Even a half hour would help you. I eat around 1,600 calories when I’m trying to lose and around 1,800 to maintain. Health is very important to me and you have a wonderful life as I do. So do it for your family but most of all for you! xxoo Nancy

  12. freefalling

    The “moving more” bit sounds alright.
    The “dieting” bit…..umm……no.

  13. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    also…I read a book that stated to feel the hunger, and learn to manage it. It goes away in about 10 minutes. But, if it is time to eat, then have something. You can graze all day on low calorie food.

  14. freefalling

    My theory is – a round face poofs out the wrinkles and stops the skin pooling around my jaw line.

  15. I’m game, extra pounds have snuck up on me too. I am going to eat less, not eat between meals, remember that I am baking for others and not sample, and move around a lot more. We can do this!

  16. Hi Corey,
    I’ve heard that some foods are negative calory…i.e. they take more to chew and digest than the calories they have: http://diet.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Zero_Calorie_Foods
    I must admit that I could drop a few pounds as well. Liquid calories are my problem…flavored creamers with my coffee and wine at night. And probably the jelly beans I eat don’t help either.
    Recently, we have gone pescetarian. Maybe that will make a difference.

  17. Tongue in Cheek


  18. I’ll be joining you! I need to lose a few pounds before I go to Spain in September! Eating less I could definitely do! Moving more I could also do! I’ll let you know how it goes!

  19. Nicolette

    For the past 2weeks I’ve been trying to stick to this so called diet. Going to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday for an hour and writing down everything I put in my mouth (calorie count). The first week great. 2nd week didn’t go so well. I made it to the gym once and forgot to write down my food intake, didn’t forget, didn’t want to admit what I ate all week.. Monday will be my 3rd week, I’m going to be good. Will be thinking of you.

  20. i’ll be a cheerleader. Lost 40 lbs. a few years ago and have kept it off. What works is try not to snack, do eat smaller portions, avoid processed foods, rarely allow sweets. Also, if you do go off the diet once in a while, don’t beat yourself up over the head about it. Just get back to eating properly. I also found that using salad plates and forks instead of dinner size made the servings look bigger. You can do it!!!
    p.s. I like Sheala’s advice too

  21. I’ve been working on losing weight too. I’ve marked everything down on www.myfitnesspal.com. I’ve exercised a lot but have also eaten whatever floated my boat. The problem is that my boat is sinking lower and lower. You can do it!

  22. I’m in. Too much cheese and frozen yogurt this summer. I lost 60 pounds five years ago and little by little it is creeping back. Eat less and move more are going to be my mantra every day.

  23. Cynthia Rieth

    Goodness Corey, how tall are you? 123 is awfully light and you don’t want to lose your boobs!!!!

  24. Corey,
    There is euphoria and ecstasy in being hungry. This is a little known secret that only yogis (and Steve Jobs) know about. It takes a while to get there, but once you’re there, you would NOT enjoy the feeling of bloating and having all that food slushing around in your stomach.

  25. I need to diet, but I am awful at dieting. The more I tell myself I can’t have a kind of food, the more I crave it. Instead, I increase my activity. But right now, it isn’t working. I wish there was a magic pill. I applaud you though.

  26. I also am with you! 35 to lose! I’ve started to curb the carbs and move a lot more. I agree, everything in moderation is key! Don’t deprive yourself and the scale will go down!

  27. patti burchwell

    Just found your charming site. Your pictures are fabulous! Confession- lost a “bunch” of weight, got cocky (…I’ve been so good,I can have a little bit of this…) and slowly put it all back on. Ready to admit it’s a lifetime change. I’m going to try the “17 day diet” tomorrow…afterall, it is Monday!!

  28. Massilianana

    I m in aussi ! Over about three years I ve gained 20 pounds of post- divorce stress weight and I have been trying to shake it off but also to shake off that fear while starting my life all over from zero : looking for a new job, a new place to live, a new love ( though on this particular point I give up for now). So yeah I ll tag along and cut down on portions and move more, build a new energy. It is going to be super hard to cut down on wine and cheese , and I might have second thoughts about loosing boobs volume ( your reader Cynthia has a good point there !) but I really need to get back in touch with my real self.
    So maybe together with all your readers we could create some virtual sorority club and report here ! We could even find a name for it.
    Anyway : oui, I m in !

  29. I’m with you too….30 pounds left to make it to my goal (down from over 300 pounds!). I just ate less and moved more ( a lot more). You can do it!

  30. Angela Vular

    I’m in…I need to loose 30 lbs. The moving more is really important and I need to step it up. Started eating less a few days ago…..confession…I don’t think I can give up the wine! Don’t you think a little bit of wine is good for you?

  31. Report back and let us know how it goes. I will be waiting.

  32. Carolyn Mallin

    I’m with you, Corey. I started about 1 month ago. I’ve gone vegetarian. I love meat so this isn’t easy. I’ve been carrying extra poundage for too long. Heart disease runs in my family and I want more control over that part of my life. So, in one month I’ve lost 15 pounds and my total cholesterol went from 290 to 209. I’m only eating fruits, vegetables, legumes and dark green leafy greens. Don’t think of what your doing as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change that will keep you in better health. Good luck with your change for good health.

  33. SAVOR each bite of “less” and relish each moment, each opportunity to move. Enjoy every day of it!

  34. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Funny I should read this, I have been away and am catching up! I am starting a three day cardio diet tomorrow, but not alone, so it should be more barable! It helps maintain the weight you have lost before, a good maintainance plan, so to speak! Google it, “University of Alabama Cardio three day diet”

  35. denisesolsrud@hotmail.com

    i read that you were on a diet and that is so great,but i tend to feel very guilty, when people i know have such decipline. can’t spend any more money on unnecessary fun items. i need to get on a diet,etc. i wish you the very best. it is truly not easy. Bestest,Denise

  36. read all the comments before adding my 2 cents- i usually will read after i post personal thoughts- i am in the same boat as everyone need to move more i have been preparing healthy foo consciously for the last 5/6 weeks and lost my way just this past week i do not know the amount judging by one pair of pants so i would say a dress size down RE-ENERGIZED REFOCUSED by this in short I AM IN!! keep us posted-

  37. Corey, why give up wine completely? Why not switch from red wine to white wine–so fewer calories. Because eventually you’re going to go back to it and that weight will come back. ( I mean–come on…you live in FRANCE) 🙂

  38. Yes, I’m joining you. I started my life adjustments two weeks ago and I’m trying to move more (trapped in an office 10 hours a day…it’s hard), eating less and drinking more water. Somehow I just can’t give up the wine. At the end of the day there is nothing I enjoy more than sitting outside under the stars with a glass of wine in hand. Instead, I gave up my other true love – cheese. I’ve cut back. Six pounds less since my regime began. Good luck to you.

  39. Failed to add, count your blessings you are looking at 143. Please tell me that you are 5’5″ or less. Otherwise I’m suddenly severely depressed!!!

  40. Love the idea of a virtual group. Every little bit of support helps!

  41. Oh Corey, I am so with you.. I need to move more, eat less and just be healthier. You are a brave woman to state your goal.. at 143 I said, Oh need to lose some weight, and at 153 I said ooh i need to loose some weight and the dr chimed in.. Now it’s more and I really need to lose weight, it’s affecting my health.. So I will join you. Best of luck.. xo marlis

  42. I need “Eating less, moving more”!!! I’m with you on this 😉

  43. Long time ago someone said that out stomach size is the same as our clenched fist and that the amount of food we should eat in one meal. More than that is overeating and will make stomach to stretch. I agree with this theory.

  44. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Making the switch in your thinking from feeling as if you are depriving yourself…to feeling empowered is the hardest part.
    I agree with Mimi…no one’s fun on a diet!
    Good Luck! 🙂

  45. Beatnheart

    Wow a flood of comments… Looks like everyone is In the same boat .. I love to eat.. I love food I love sweets.. If I lived in France I’d be in serious trouble.. But how do you give up something that gives such serious pleasure… I have lost 20 lbs at least 20 times maybe more… Do it slow … Drink lots of water… Stop eating at 6pm ( I end up going to bed early a lot) and workout. Write down what you eat. Let’s all do it together and then meet in France and celebrate!!!

  46. Laurie SF

    Buy a running bra, pull your long blonde hair into a ponytail, slap on some sunscreen and power walk/run the roman road near your house at sunrise. Your bra cups will runneth over.
    Note to all you lovely Tongue in Cheekers: Semi-Marathon in Nice, France in April 2013. You can walk or run it. Registration opens in October. I say we make it a team effort and call it “Team Tongue in Cheek!” Wine and cheese afterwards 🙂

  47. This women at work lost a lot of weight by using a personal trainer. A lot of people lose weight with “Weight Watchers” but many gain it back. So what’s the answer?
    When I worked out 1 hr per day and ate like a bird, I looked and felt terrific! But now after 18 yrs of married life and eating full meals….takes a toll on the waistline!
    I’m in!

  48. Tongue in Cheek

    HI Laurie
    Nice, rain or shine, walk or run… sounds good are you coming?
    I am not good at committing myself to a date that far in advance. But if others are interested, maybe I will?
    Good idea Laurie!

  49. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi BH
    Sounds good except that after 6pm part. Most French have dinner around 7:30 or 8… I cannot give up friends and family.
    Thanks for the other advice!

  50. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi I,
    That is a visual I can work with.

  51. Well this is timely! I just started reading “French Women
    Don’t Get Fat” by Mireille Guiliano. So far I’ve learned to eat Leek soup and drink lots of water. Lol I’ll let you know if I learn anything helpful.

  52. Great idea…Go Team Tongue in Cheek!

  53. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Jj
    Two weeks and six pounds!Great!! I hope I can be as strong as you are!
    Au Revoir, Wine and Cheese!

  54. OOH I just saw you replied to this. I’m in if we can do a brocante too!

  55. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Jj
    I am five foot three.

  56. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Dee
    One glass a week.
    I only drink red.
    I can do that.

  57. Tongue in Cheek

    Bravo Carolyn!
    Remember healthy protein, and calcium.
    Laurel’s kitchen is a good vegetarian cook book to have,
    explains protein intake, calories and recipes accordingly.

  58. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi J
    I know that feeling from fasting when I was in the monastery, though I haven’t felt that in years. Thank you for reminding me.

  59. Tongue in Cheek

    HI CR
    Five foot three.
    Never had them until recently.
    They will be the first to go.

  60. Tongue in Cheek

    xxx Thanks Martina.

  61. I’m in! But I am NOT going to post my weight here. I admire your courage!

  62. Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

    If I stepped on the scale and saw 143 I would be doing a Happy Dance for sure! I think you’re perfect, just the way you are! (Kind of sounds like that old Bridget Jones Diary line, doesn’t it!)… Donna

  63. I’m passing on a recent comment by a good friend of mine who has lost and gained back many pounds over the last 20+ years. She is working with a personal trainer, and eating healthily (she is diabetic) but not fanatically (i.e., no tiny portions, no eating foods in a certain order, etc). Her comment? “I wish I could tell everyone that EXERCISE is the key. I would say it’s 75% of the solution. It is like an absolute miracle.” All her previous diets put the main emphasis on the type and portions of food, whereas now she continues to eat moderately, allows for occasional indulgences, (dessert, a burger, etc.)and, as long as she keeps moving, the weight stays off. It has been an epiphany for her, and she’s actually come around to looking forward to her exercise sessions instead of dreading them.

  64. LindaLinda

    I lost 22 pounds on the Dr. Dukan Diet but it was hard. Now I have to keep it off.

  65. Carolyn Mallin

    Thanks for the suggestion, Corey. I’ll check out the book. I need all the help I can get.

  66. I agree with what everyone says here, the thing is it is HARD, I have all the best intentions but struggle, doing this with others is great if there is someone in London who would like to be a diet partner and meet up to move more I am in. I will be joining everyone else here over the coming weeks, however as I write, the cravings have started and I have not given anything up yet!!!

  67. Well, I have learned that there are limits for our attempts to design our bodies. Yes, I have gave on on dieting per se.
    I’m 50+. I do not drink any alcohol at all (ok, a glass of Champagne on the New Year Eve once a year) I don’t eat junk food, nor in-between meals, nor sweets, nor drink soft drinks. I do not eat much at all. I have two dogs which require walking at least twice a day so it’s at least 10 km every single day. I do not drive at all so I use public transport or walk, which adds another 5 km per day on average.
    The last month I had been rearranging house so on daily basic at least 8 hours serious physical work. As a result – I gained 4 kg last month! Four kilos! Now I have reached whooping 190 pounds! I live as I live – I move right, I eat right, and if it’s not enough – well, tete futue! LOL Life is too short to waste it on trying to fit into somebody’s socially accepted ideas.

  68. Forgot to add my height – 173 cm

  69. I like the simplicity of moving more and eating less. I have recently turned 50 and for the first time in my life – I’ve started putting on weight – and life has become so busy I am not moving as much – my kids are growing up so I don’t get to do so many things with them and have become a little inactive. So count me in – my goal is to restore the natural balance between
    food & exercise.

  70. This post and all the comments make me laugh! Wine and cheese are two of my favorites. Probably if I gave those two up I would be home free! Mimi is right though…

  71. If you include some lentils or beans with each of your meals than you won’t get hungry in between.

  72. Corey,
    You could have been writing MY story!!! 5’3″, 144 lbs. I cannot tell you where it all came from. It just appeared over a 5-10 year period. Your story and everyone’s comments have given me a push to get it off and feel good again!!!! My mother has always told me that for every decade we get older we must eat 10% less! Well, I am coming to France in Sept so I cannot give up the wine but I can get moving much more!!!! Thank you to everyone for sharing – it helps!!
    PS – my Mom has never had a weight problem and she is 80. Obviously NOT like Mother like daughter, ha.

  73. I’m with you on this one – growing up with food rationing, helps an awful lot – no taste for anything but, good food – is the result.
    Large amounts on a plate make me feel too full, to eat!
    I have red wine with my small plate dinner sometimes, but in a sherry glass and savour the taste…. it’s puckery in the small glass!
    My mother would have eating competitions at the table! – whoever could make the small plate last longest, would get the tiny bit extra!!!
    End result – I’m a foodie, who loves to savour and smell every aspect of my food, but have never had to diet.
    One tip I would add, is wean off of salt and sugar as well, if you can to get used to loving the flavour and taste of the food.
    Doing it this way you can stay at the table, eat slowly, which will take care of portion size – and not miss the social part of the meal.
    Good weight losing everyone!!!!

  74. Welcome to middle age. Those decade lbs seem to appear every 5 years or so no matter what u do! Kepp the wine and do everything else, and good luck.

  75. I’m in – that’s been my mantra for a while now but perhaps following along on your blog will help me get there faster. I don’t have a scale so I guess I’ll measure myself by what I can fit in to as I lose!

  76. Here’s my ‘2 cents!” – The ‘healthy lifestyle plan’ I’m following through my hospital says maintain calories for your weight – 1200/day is good for me – you won’t lose weight if you don’t eat (weird, huh?) – you’re body will want to hold onto the fat; limit your fat intake to about 33 grams per day… you can still include one glass of wine a day and eat good food. just burn as many calories as you can thru walking, etc! Eat smaller amts of food 5 times a day so you aren’t hungry! Go to livestrong.com for really good resources, calorie/fat charts. Keep a journal of what you eat, how much exercise and # of fat grams. I’m telling you it works! 1-2 pounds a week weigh loss…steadily. and i feel great! No magic formula here – just common sense! Jamie

  77. Karen Carson

    As my friend Adair is fond of saying, “The best diet is to shut your mouth and move your feet!” Bravo!

  78. OOOh yes!!!!! My sister, her husband and I are already planning a trip to France in April 2013 to celebrate our 60th birthday – they’re coming from New Zealand and I from Pacific Northwest of USA – let’s have an International TiC team walking!!

  79. ? Franca Bollo, am not sure what you meant….

  80. Paula S In New Mexico

    I can be better about what I eat, but I will not give up my glass of wine. So there.
    I am currently at 144. Need to drop 20. Feel like an old beached whale right now.
    I’m thinking healthier food, walking and yoga.

  81. I am with you on this. I have been been using My fitness pal an app on my iphone. My hubby suggested it and it’s really helped. I have lost 4 kilos so far and am like you at 65k. Keeping track of what I eat has been the best diet I have ever been on. Of course eating mostly veggies from our stand helps….we’ll see how I do off season.

  82. I’m on the God diet … if he made it, I can eat it in its natural form … excluding animals, dairy and tree bark.

  83. Violet Cadburry

    Diets don’t work. They make you fat. Eat to 80% full and don’t cut out anything. You are better off setting a fitness goal because weight loss will then be a by-product instead of the focus.

  84. I agree with your diet philosophy, it’s simple and to the point. It’s really not rocket science to understand, the hardest part is actually doing it and I wish you the best of luck! I am trying to do a similar thing as I need to fit into a dress for a family wedding next month and it’s snug to say the least!
    Unlike you I can’t cut down my snacks in between meals I get too hungry, but my snacks are healthy. I think cutting out wine will make a big difference, if I think about it I have way more than I need in a week so I am attempting to reduce my intake there is a crazy amount of calories in alcohol that usually just go unnoticed.
    Here’s to eat less, move more! :o)

  85. Stephanie Johnson

    I’m in. I have a lot to lose and every reason to do so. Maybe if I write a bout it too I will stick to it. I love food. I read cookbooks for fun and collect them. (Anyone recognizing the “Laurel’s Kitchen” recommendation above can have “I am older than I look” tattooed on their forehead!) My challenge is going t o be moving more. I had a massive stroke 2 1/2 years ago. Mobility is more than difficult. Any suggestions? I really want to do this…especially since we are planning our first trip to Paris in October.
    When I was in the hospital and long into my recovery my best friend would read to me over the phone all about French Husband. We would laugh and laugh. Such great therapy! I would drool over stories of the BROCANTE and descriptions of French life and style. She just drooled over French Husband.

  86. Ben@Nuevo Living

    Great post. Very helpful. Keep up the good work. I’m following now.

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