Eat Less, Move More

Looking up

"Eat less, Move more", that is the name of my diet.

Here are the Guidelines:

1) You can join in whenever you want.

2) If you Eat More and Move Less, one day or more, don't feel bad, just pick up where you left off and keep encouraging one another.

3) A Diet with too many rules and restrictions I will not do. Keep it simple: "Eat less, Move More" is broad and non threatening.

4) My breasts will get smaller and my nose will stay the same. That's okay. Some things are what they are.

5) Size: Happy Medium.

6) Drink plain water from the tap. Plenty of it. Fill a gallon jug, carry it around (good exercise) try to drink it within the day.

7) My friend Merisis wrote:

"Could we simply state every Monday how much we lost (or gained).

Today would be Day Zero, we could put a value of a 100 on it.

Sounds good to me.
8) Listen to yourself. Really listen. 
Exercising with joy
(Today's exercise: Expressing happiness abundantly.)
9) My childhood friend Laurie, suggested, 

"Buy a running bra, pull your long blonde hair into a ponytail, slap on some sunscreen and power walk/run the roman road near your house at sunrise. Your bra cups will runneth over. Note to all you lovely Tongue in Cheekers: Semi-Marathon in Nice, France in April 2013. You can walk or run it. Registration opens in October. I say we make it a team effort and call it "Team Tongue in Cheek!" Wine and cheese afterwards :-)"
If ten or more agree I'll do it. Mat you can ride a bike.
10) Irina my friend in Hong Kong made an interest visual point, she wrote:
"Long time ago someone said that out stomach size is the same as our clenched fist and that the amount of food we should eat in one meal."
I will try to post about "EAT LESS, MOVE MORE" on Fridays. With tips, recipes, and progress.
Accepting truth
(Tip for the day: Welcome life.)
If you have any tips, recipes, or encouragement let me know. As Suz a reader of Tongue in Cheek added yesterday in the comment section:

"SAVOR each bite of "less" and relish each moment, each opportunity to move. Enjoy every day of it!
Here is to Friday!

(Photos by French Husband.)


54 responses to “Eat Less, Move More”

  1. Merisi in Vienna

    Alright, I join the club! πŸ™‚

  2. Ed in Willows

    Studies show that it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it has food in it. Eat with chop sticks. That will give the stomach a chance to send the signal to the brain before you over eat.

  3. I’m in as I would love to drop a few. Eat less– move more team member

  4. Count me in! I had decided last week to try to shed 10 pounds and this will be my “support group”. As always, you inspire. Thank you.

  5. I’ll check in every Monday!

  6. C, I started about four months ago and have kept 8 lbs off by simply following the plan you describe. I eat a high protein breakfast to get me going and just eat less the rest of the day. I could not give up wine, so I decided just one glass of red wine a night. But, not with my meal. Now, I drink water with my meal, and enjoy my wine afterward. I follow all the other rules you listed, but I do weigh myself each am in order to make easy corrections if I happen to overindulge.
    Sign me up for Team Tongue in Cheek, that would be so much fun!

  7. I am in, perfect timing, my daughter and I were just starting an eat less move more plan ourselves. This will be a great support! karen…

  8. I’m in πŸ™‚ I have a lot more to lose, but ten is a good start!

  9. I lost 26 lbs in 6 weeks several years ago when we had a reunion with a couple of friends from high school in the Netherlands. Amongst these friends was my first love and I didn’t want him to see me like that after 15 years. Losing weight has never been easier :-)))

  10. Lana Kloch

    what an adventure; i’ll be a fun journey traveling this path with you.

  11. I’m in, definitely. Here’s to smaller breasts.

  12. Laurie SF

    The miles will pass by quickly, when you have the French Riviera for a view. Count me in for the Nice Half-Marathon.
    I challenge you lovely Tongue in Cheekers to do the same. Piggy back rides to the finish for anyone who needs one. Note to Brother Mat: Registration is in October. Do it. Do it.

  13. Definitely, have fun!
    Noting the small breasts on the women in the Olympics. Could it be that they move more than I do?

  14. Count me in as well!

  15. corey -i look at these pictures and think gosh she is so pretty!! just as you are-YOU LOOK PERFECT-but i am not in your skin- therefore i get it- you know your well being and as you said “… listen really listen to yourself…”-i am in chore mode today lots of movement-but that is every monday…so will add something new-and nice in april sounds good ….seriously?good luck all- stay focused…. but most of all ENJOY!!!

  16. I had a naughty day yesterday, but today is another day. I like the rules, especially the one about drinking tons of water.

  17. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    I am in the boat too. Check in on Mondays.
    My Granddaughter is getting married the Sat. after Thanksgiving. I would love to loose 30 lbs by then.
    You all are such an encouragement!!

  18. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    Random, I know, but I’m so glad you posted bigger versions of these pics – I was dying to see your gorgeous jewellery up close!! These are wonderful photos of you – now you have to explain what you’re doing there!.
    I’m definitely up for the half-marathon in Nice if I can walk it (fast, I promise) – see you there!

  19. Amy Kortuem

    Ugh. I started running in earnest again 10 days ago.
    Gained 2.5 pounds. All muscle? Man, I hope so.

  20. ps-I like your nose, it makes you look regal.

  21. Brother Mathew

    Eating less does not sound like a good idea. I like the move more thing though.

  22. Chris Wittmann

    Sounds good for anyone Corey, but I must admit…I move ALOT everyday, and I really do have to eat VERY little to notice any weight loss. Maybe it’s my age (60) or genes (my dad was big). And it’s been so brutally hot and humid here this summer it’s all I can do to get the gardening chores done, and then I”m absolutely drenched and exhausted.
    Maybe I’ll join in when the cooler fall weather comes..meanwhile, I’ll just try and stay away from the homemade icecream…that’s my biggest weakness!
    Oh yes, and breads…. πŸ™‚ Problem is, I have TONS of energy and feel great so it’s doubley hard to cut back on the goodies!

  23. I’m in.

  24. Sheila Gustafson

    Oh! I so want to join you, Corey. This is my challenge: today we embark on a 5-week road trip from Seattle to New York and back. Exercise will be almost non-existent, but eating less and drinking water will work, I think. Also…no scales to weigh myself. So will do what I can and report in when we return…Monday, September 10. Sheila

  25. Franca Bollo

    Regarding breast size, Franc heard long ago, before she started referring to herself in the third person, the following:
    1. The perfect breast fits in a champagne glass. That would be a coupe, not a flute because, you know … ouch; and
    2. More than a mouthful is too much.
    So, Coco, take heart as your mammaries minimize.
    PS Franca no longer eats gluten and it has made a difference.

  26. Merisi in Vienna

    Walking fast, yes, that’s it: I’ll be there!
    Maybe we should start thinking about a few training camps? πŸ˜‰

  27. Merisi in Vienna

    You sure about the piggy back rides? πŸ˜‰

  28. Count me in too – she says after coming from a weekend with family in San Luis Obispo where all we did was eat!

  29. Give me a T, give me an I, give me a C! Go Team T.I.C.!
    T.I.C. = Tongue in Cheek or The Incredible Chicks πŸ˜‰

  30. beatnheart

    MINDFUL EATING. ie. think about what you are doing as you eat…this is a blueberry, this is a piece of popcorn…not just shuffling down your throat while watching tv. if fact don’t eat while watching tv. better yet don’t watch tv. if you do, get up at each commerical, drink a glass of water, rotate your arms, do some jumping jacks, hug yourself and tell yourself you love you with your beautiful healthy body and rejoice that you have it all nice and working properly. Suck your stomach in…breathe deeply…get rid of fat, horrible baggy clothes….love yourself as you are…tell yourself I love weighing 123 lbs…it’s who I am and I love me….positive thoughts at all times..

  31. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    What I miss by taking weekends off from internet! You’ve gone from “diving into the high tea table” to eating only one scone whilst in Ireland to an actual diet, aka ELMM? Wow.
    My extra 15 pounds have been hollering at me, blubbing around on my belly. I look forward to hearing the “Move more” parts most. Eat less (and drink no wine?? or maybe just less?) — sigh.

  32. v.j. in Baltimore

    This looks like what I need. A support group for trying to lose weight. I am in.

  33. I’m in and also for the 1/2 marathon.

  34. I like this new years resolution in August!

  35. Corey you look gorgeous!

  36. pam in oregon

    Perfect timing! I weighed myself today and I have 10 pounds to my goal weight. The last 10 pounds are the hardest, so joining with you and other T.I.C-ers will be just the incentive that I need. I will be checking in on Mondays.
    I love the photos of you- looking so, so chic!

  37. I’m in, too. This is perfect timing. Gave up sugar two and a half months ago and I’m down 16 lbs. When I’m tempted to use food for comfort, for celebration, or for nine gazillion other really good πŸ™‚ reasons, I turn instead to something else I love – be it writing or walking the dogs, etc.
    Thanks for starting this, Corey.

  38. First day of TIC Life:
    Out with the bike at 6:30 AM, back home 8:30 AM
    One hour of biking, one hour of walking (occasional stops, stoops, bends, falling on knees to take pictures).
    Soft-boiled egg and coffee.
    Hey-ho, hey-ho, off to work ….

  39. Sue Morris

    I am ‘in’ as well, although I won’t be doing the half marathon in Nice as I have already planned a marathon walk of my own along The Camino de Compostella from St.Jean du Pied (?)In France to Santiago in Spain, towards the end of next year…..My need is to loose a few loose flabby bits and ‘toughen myself up’ for the trip.

  40. I’m just LOVING your happiness in those photos!!
    Eat less, move more stuck in my head and I’m thinking it while putting food into my plate. Ran longer this morning. But with the pollution been back not sure about tomorrow, maybe yoga/stretching indoor. I need to loose 10 pounds, but it’s so hard!!! I’m blaming it on my thyroid, knowing that it’s only half of the problem though πŸ™‚

  41. I’m in….I need to loose many pounds and this is a good start, Ed from Willows I love your chop stick theory:)

  42. oooohhhh, we plan to be in France in April or May – seriously thinking about being there in time for meeting all you half-marathoners… confirm soon πŸ™‚

  43. Ddon’t forget ‘all things in moderation,’ be kind to yourself and don’t overdo anything except kindness!

  44. Im in!Shamefully I need to lose two stone,28lbs!!!Have started two days ago so great timing here for support,I am trying a protein shake for breakfast with a handful of blueberries afterwards,coffee mid am.,soup for lunch and a light dinner salad with meat/fish.The important thing I think is not eating after 7.00pm just fluids,a daily walk is a must too!Will be checking in each Monday good or bad!


    I’m sooooo in. My husband and I decided to have a boot camp summer and it’s working. Nice in April is perfect. I have one frustration. When I log on ….usually between 6-7am Texas time, everyone has already posted so I feel behind in my comments. How do they do it? MERCI

  46. Nancy from Mass

    I’m in! I have that “middle aged spread” my OBGYN warned me about.

  47. maggie schneider

    I’m in and need to lose 20lbs! Yikes! Mostly stomach area post menopause, late 60’s. I can do this. Walked five miles today with my dear friend who’s in great shape at the same age. Maybe on the walking half Marathon in Nice! Wowsers.

  48. Hi Corey,
    Some call it a live-it rather than diet πŸ˜‰ finding what works healthfully for your body and that you can be happy eating and living with forever! Yea! healthy living! As for the Tongue in Cheek Walk in Nice, it sounds wonderful! a few years ago my daughter challenged me, she ran the full Nike women’s marathon in San Francisco,while i joined in and walked the half. (our times were about equal!)
    it was wonderful and as always,working towards a goal increases might and strength!and the more the merrier!Your inspiration will help so the photos of you are gorgeous!!! xo jody

  49. I love your diet ideas and your photos. I resent all those people who keep posting about all the weight they’ve lost. I ran and did core exercises yesterday, plus took an afternoon “nap” with my husband. Does that count as exercise? I was going to skip exercising today cause I’ve been running around getting stuff ready for my son to leave for college tomorrow. Now that I read your blog, I’m going to go exercise. P90X cardio. Thanks for the inspiration.

  50. I wanna join the club! Sam size here: happy medium.

  51. Amylia Grace

    I’m in! And I’m serious about training for the half-marathon for team Tongue-in-Cheek. Let’s move!

  52. I like your diet plan and I’m in. This is something I can stick with. Very easy to remember and stay with. It will be a long process but well worth losing this extra weight. So here is to a new life style. I’m reading this on August 11th. I’ll keep you posted.

  53. Ben@Lea Furniture

    Very nice post. I’m tweeting it. Thanks.

  54. I’m very late to the party, but I’m “in” too. I would LOVE to have a 1/2 marathon group in Nice. I can hear it now, “honey, I need to go to France to do a run/walk in the French Riviera. No really, it’s true”.
    My husband would NEVER believe me.
    I need to lose some weight too – I’ve started walking about 45 minutes twice a day to/from work. It’s an 8 minute walk, but it’s a different story on feet. LOTS of hills that go up and down – funny how I don’t notice them in a car!!!
    Corey- go for health alone – you are already beautiful and don’t need to change.

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