Friday Fille and the Eat Less Move More Diet

Eat Less Move More

Two weeks ago I started my own diet, Eat Less Move More. Sounded simple, and promising. I know I need to move more and that is the tricky part to this slow moving adventure.

Anyway I have cut back and that part isn't too bad, unless of course I don't count the birthday party that I went to, or when Annie asked if she could make me a few apricot tartlette, or when we we went to some friend's house for dinner… yeah that wasn't easy to say, "No thank you. It looks delicious, but no thank you." Sniff, sniff under my breath.

But I endured, because dang I have it plastered on my blog that I am on a diet, and promised to write about it every Friday. And and and many of you are taking part of it too.

Buddies we are, faithful and true.


Eat less Move More Friday

So yes to birthday cake, but no to the wine and champagne.

No to Annie's tartlette, but yes to eating apricots fresh from the tree.

And no to seconds, and yes to salad plate servings.

Oh and one scone in Ireland. One!

But I didn't move enough.

I need a exercise buddy and not Fearless French Husband asking me if I want to sail across the Alantic, or climb Mount Blanc, or go for a walk in the 100° heat.

I am holding one finger up happily because you are looking at me and I am thankful that I am not doing this alone.

One pound

I am holding up a nice finger, the pointer finger, the ONE MEASLY POUND FINGER!


Do I look happy?

Yes I need to Move more that is what I need to work on.



How are you doing?



Books, Blog and other things:

Recipes for a Vegetarian

Have rope will jump, easy exercise!

Get up and get to it…. move honey!

Online Healthy Eating Journal


Encourage one another!


51 responses to “Friday Fille and the Eat Less Move More Diet”

  1. one pound.. but I am eating less.. still need to get the move more into the program. Congratulations. Rome wasn’t built in a day. just think.. 1 lb a week is 52 lbs a year! It didn’t all come on at once. I know, it crept in like the fog, just a little bit at a time! xo marlis

  2. somepinkflowers

    {{ hahahaa…
    it will Happen…
    here is my best diet–>
    “”The Move to the Beach
    & Refuse to Go Back to Town
    to Shop for Groceries
    When You Run Out of Food Diet””
    it is working for me!!
    PS– please come visit
    the french gown
    i won
    over here randomly
    she lives sea*side
    in florida!
    i do think she is happy
    inspiring poetry… }}

  3. rebeccanyc

    Actually, 1 pound is quite a good loss in 2 weeks! Go to the store and look at one pound of anything…that’s how much you have lost! I’m moving more… I rode my bike 3 times this week (and will ride this weekend even more) and did my usual walk-everywhere-because-I-don’t-have-a-car. All in 85% humidity. I will work on the eating which .needs improvement. (my doctor points out that I I don’t eat too much, I just eat the wrong stuff…wheat, dairy, sugar in all forms. I’m working on actually following my doctors advice!)

  4. Well, I’ve been doing this for almost a month (on Sunday) and I’ve lost 7.8 lbs. It has not been easy but doing the calorie counter on has really, really helped. But yesterday I did fall off the bandwagon. It was my day of rest from exercise and I ate 300 more calories than I was supposed to so today I’ll be doing yoga and walking to make up for it.

  5. Corey,
    I put on 2 lbs this summer in Provence. I am starting eating less and moving more today!

  6. I gained a lb meeting the girls for Mexican food for happy hour yesterday. But, boy that marharita tastes sooooo good!

  7. You look wonderful! Keep it up. Just think, you didn’t gain anything and you lost a whole pound!

  8. I am forcing myself to get back on the treadmill and run, don’t walk to get that heart rate up. I had lost 15 lbs some time ago, them took a bad fall and hurt ankle. Stopped the treadmill, and in no time the pounds came right back on. So as we say in Texas…get back on that horse!!

  9. Carolyn Mallin

    I lost 1 lb since last week. Still trying hard. I know I have to move more. I need to walk and the weather here has been unbearably hot so until it cools down a little I’ll have to wait on that. I’m happy so far with my progress,especially since I brought my cholesterol count down and my doctor took me off the meds.
    Good luck Corey, you’re doing great. Love your picture’s.
    Your hair looks fabulous BTW.

  10. I lost 7 lbs. in the last two months. The bad news is it was due to stress and not wanting to eat much.

  11. If you have a bicycle, that’s a good enjoyable way to burn calories. And I’ve found that the local yoga class is a good way to meet others interested in exercise. But, I think you look good right now.
    I’m liking that tapestry behind you….

  12. Laurie SF

    I live by the 80/20 rule. Monday through Friday consists of non-fat yogurt, seasonal fruits, vegetables, raw almonds and lean proteins. On the weekends, I eat the foods I love: cheese, pastries, more cheese, wine, cream, desserts. Combined with a active lifestyle of running and swimming. I’ve managed to keep the thirty-five pounds off that I lost fifteen years ago.
    *A side note and words of inspiration and motivation on how to get moving. Have FH slip into some uber short running shorts and follow him out on the road. He would make a mighty fine pace setter.

  13. Laurie SF

    Begin shopping for that running bra. Looks like you have ten interested for the Nice Half-Marathon 🙂

  14. As we get older it just seems to be so difficult to lose even one pound, so congratulations to you for the one pound and good luck with more. I am trying, but did succumb to bread last evening with my cold tomato soup. Now off to swim aerobics.

  15. DeeDee Clark

    Loosing it slowly, will mean you keep it off more easily.

  16. Whoo-hoo!!!

  17. well-i def NEED to move more-formal exercise-i was subject to a 3 day headache-so that makes everything different for me- normal bean salad over baby greens SMELLS like poison-need to drink coke to help my stomach(diet chemicals give me headaches) bread also helps-sleep a lot during these days – so all around not a great week and today, i will be having that bean salad-don’t weigh myself as stated before ,but sure i am up -FULL STEAM AHEAD-and if you stumble get right back on track-my friend said last weekend if you break a fine teacup do you open the china closet and smash all of them- no so the day is not blown-regroup and move on ALL IS A PROCESS- yeah for all the pounds and progress this week to all!!

  18. Why do you care what you weigh when you have that lovely long thick hair? Just toss it around. I’m so envious!

  19. Good for you Corey!!! You are stronger than I am….the tartlette would have done me in. I get to hold up two fingers (yay me). I walk for the Move More part. It’s been really hot here in SoCal so I have to go early in the mornings…and I’m really not a morning girl lol.Keep up the good work!

  20. Anjanette

    Congratulations!! 1 pound loss is better than one pound gained!! So proud of you, keep up the good work…you’re my new inspiration…however, I am moving more but not necessarily eating less!
    Cheers to SUCCESS!!

  21. Good for you, Corey! I am eating less and moving more by chasing after visiting grandchildren. Haven’t weighed in yet but my pants are looser in the waist:)

  22. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Your 80/20 route sounds like a great idea. Likewise, the fact that you’ve kept off those pounds for so long. thanks, Laurie

  23. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Inspired by you, I’ve been moving more this week. But not eating less. I just went to Goodwill and bought two smaller dishes so I’ll fill them with Less and it’ll still look like a nice amount.

  24. Angela Vular

    I lost nada this week!! I am eating less but I know I must get moving. I am going to begin walking again and I would love to get a bike. Congrats on the 1 lb. I will be so happy when that happens. That means you’re on the right track.

  25. Started eating less this week, and i feel less bloated!
    Started to move more on our camping trip and am trying to keep it up, inspired by the olympians, hope you find a buddy or maybe a bike, or maybe an elliptical..??

  26. Gina Baynham

    Oh Corey. I tried. I avoided the biscuit jar at work and turned down chocolates left behind by a grateful patient. But then we lost power last night and ended up eating half the pantry by candlelight to keep warm and stay alive. If I’d known the power would be back at 7pm and we would still cook and eat our normal dinner I think I might have eased back on the pizza flavored crinkle chips… The weighing scales this morning says that I’m the same weight as last week. I was hoping for a -0.1kg due to all the exercise I managed to do but the power cut was my downfall I fear. I look forward to reporting back next week with a better comment. Keep up the good work everyone!

  27. Congratulations! One pound lost is awesome. You are headed in the right direction. I am also on this ride and have decided to cut out the bad white stuff including sugar and flour. I am so glad to not be doing this alone and have lost 2 pounds this week. Only 28 more to go!!

  28. Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

    Oh, Corey – I LOVE the last photo of you!! You have morphed into Chelsea! You and she make the cutest faces for the camera! One pound down is better than one pound up :)… Donna

  29. Eat more – move less did you say?
    ahhh that must be where I am going wrong.
    Keep going, it is starting that is the difficult part and you are well on your way to slimsville.

  30. Beatnheart

    .0001lb lesss…. I agree you have such beautiful hair and you know how to dress to look cute( from what Icahn see I n the pics neato linen stuff loose pretty arty. You look wonderful and happy.
    And I bet French husbands eats whatever he wants and doesn’t gain a pound …

  31. Just wanted to say thank you to Cathy for her nice words of encouragement the other day.
    This was a great idea Corey, it really does help to read how/what everyone else is doing.

  32. just plain Jane

    A doctor once advised me “if it tastes good , spit it out.”

  33. Corey
    Good luck! the first photo is a really good camera shot of you….. Being petite gaining even 5 pounds shows instantly.

  34. Go Corey, Go Corey, Go Corey, Go TIC Team! Imagine me with a cheerleader pompoms :-).


    Lol love it Tracy….where in Texas are you? I’m in Dallas. Miserably hot these days!


    Wow I don’t see your extra weight. Love those skinny arms. At 5’2″ every cheat shows up. Keep up the good work.

  37. Massilianana

    Bravo for your lost pound and…your hair looks very glamorous it has grown so much !
    I have lost a pound this week ( and my boobs haven’ t disappeared, yay !) by just eating a little less, not banning anything and never snacking on junk food (which is something i never did actually) but having an apple in the afternoon. I need to drink more water though. I accept friends diner invitations and i even accepted a glass of rosé. As for the exercise part i don t know yet how to manage it since i have no holidays this year and i go to work by bus. Also i use a calorie counter on my phone just to have a rough idea of the food intake and it is quite useful.I really find it great that everybody reports here so yay to all of you girls out there don t worry be happy and we ll all nail those ponuds down !!

  38. Corey congrats on starting, congrats on a loss! Stick with it and you will reach your goal but it takes time. I just know YOU can do it!!! By the way, I have been following your blog for a while, never send comments but thoroughly enjoy it! You are a very good writer (and so funny too).

  39. You were so smart to post on your blog…now you are stuck! Losing slow and keeping it off is the best. Not that I am an expert…I should be joining along…but Go Corey Go!!!

  40. I’m in Houston. Ugh to the heat, and you watch out for those skeeters up in Dallas too! Not much fun walking outside sometimes, is it?

  41. Corey, at least you’re lucky to live in a region that raises fresh produce pretty much year-round, so you have lots of choices! Our garden hasn’t been what it used to be ever since my illness, alas — not to mention the predatory critters who think whatever leafy crops we do have are just for them — although Farmboy Husband tries his best in his spare time, what with sweet corn, green beans, tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini…
    Thank goodness for our town’s Farmers’ Market, where he can pick up the slack with locally grown fresh fruit in the summer — sweet juicy cantaloupes like I remember from childhood, sweet juicy peaches like we never had… FH has also pretty much had to give up wine etc. on account of the calories, so you’re not alone on that score either, Corey. Once the weather begins to cool this autumn you can make soups, which are another great category of “diet” food that doesn’t feel like a sacrifice 😉
    Bonne chance!

  42. P.S. My father, who was very athletic all his life, watched his weight (as well as salt intake) conscientiously. One of his favorite ways to season soups, entrées and vegetables was with fresh lemon juice and a little dill. He was lucky in that his next-door neighbor had a Eureka lemon tree (along with a standing help-yourself invitation) — while his sister, who lived just across town, had a huge mature Meyer lemon tree, so would send him home from visits with a grocery sack of fruit. My dad would squeeze surplus lemons, freeze the juice in ice-cube trays, then store the juice-cubes in freezer-containers for use during the few months each year when lemons weren’t in season. (I’d go him one better, and peel/chop the zest to freeze as well!).

  43. I need to move more too. Well, I have been walking. Now I need to concentrate on the eating less. I got on the scales yesterday and WAS NOT HAPPY with what it said to me. Mean scales. And I like the photos of you. You’re so fun! And I would not want to join FH in his activities either. I am so not that athletic. He should’ve gone to the Olympics.

  44. Hey. One pound a week is great. It
    goes on slowly,too. 4 pounds a month. That
    Is good.
    Try this. – Put 1 zucchini, 1 stalk celery,
    Some chopped parsley and 12 green
    Beans in a steamer. Steam for 12 minutes
    Then put it all in a blender with some of the
    steaming water and a bit of salt and puree.
    Eat slowly like a soup in place of lunch each
    day this week.

  45. Lots and Lots and Lots of encouragement to every single one of us……WE CAN do it!!!!!!!!
    The skipping rope sounds like a good plan……will get one tomorrow for it is far too wet and inclement outside my little studio here today for a walk, and, I will have soup for lunch instead of stew….

  46. Wow, I didn’t recognize you in the first picture. I lost 2 pounds since you started this group. I didn’t realize it’s been two weeks already, LOL.

  47. That’s what I do, get on my bike and explore the neighborhood. Usually manage to stay out there for an hour. It feels really good, escpecially since it is a little hilly around here.

  48. 54 g less than you, Corey, i.a. 400 g.
    Definitely has to do with extra sport. I am sure watching the Olympics helped too.
    Just kidding. 😉

  49. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Congrats Corey. It is hard, but doable.
    I didn’t weigh, but my dress pants buttoned much
    easier Sunday. So…I know I have lost a little.
    I stopped eating bread, no sugar, more vegtables, V8 juice, some fruit, and lean cheese. Fish occ. I also
    have protein bars available. I love wrapping cheese in a large lettuce leaf and munching for a snack.

  50. Judge by the way your clothes fit instead, you probably gained muscle– it weighs more than fat.


    corey, you have never looked more beautiful!

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