Orange Pills and French Glass Yogurt Jars

This morning I woke up knowing I had to take my migraine medication fast. When I opened the packet and saw that it was empty, panic tried to squeeze in. Like a drug addict hoping to find her stash, I pulled the medicine box off the shelf and looked through it, I thought I had another packet… somewhere! Just when I was about to close the box, the aspirin bottle fell, opened and poured out white discs a go-go. Picking them up I noticed one orange colored one. I looked up saying, "There is a God, spilling a bottle, and planting misplaced migraine medication, just for me." Hallelujah.

I am fine thanks to those little orange pills. Off to the pharmacy to refill my prescription.

For those of you who have never tried the French Classic Yogurt Cake here it is again:

My niece Juliette was fourteen when she shared one of the most treasured French secret cake recipe with me. She told me that she was going to teach me a classic French cake recipe. She asked me if I had some yogurt. Looking at her oddly I asked if we were making a French classic cake or had I misunderstood. Misunderstanding for me in those days was as common as breathing.


I can still see her opening a pot of yogurt, reassuring me that it was going to be the best cake ever. "All French people know how to make yogurt cake Auntie," she went on to say, "We learned this recipe in Maternelle (kindergarten)." With that note I said out loud,"Are you sure it is not mud-pie or patti-cakes?" She waved her hand at me not listening instead she was measuring everything with the yogurt jar instead of a measuring cup.

Juliette poured one pot of yogurt (not non-fat, nor less fat, or zero fat but one pure creamy heavenly natural fat yogurt) into a bowl. Then with the same little yogurt pot she measured:


-Three yogurt pots of flour,
-Two yogurt pots of sugar,
-1/2 a yogurt pot of sunflower oil,
-Two eggs,
-A teaspoon and a half of baking soda,
-A teaspoon of vanilla,
-A pinch of salt,
-and the juice of one lemon.

It was that simple. Yet ever so remarkable. 

My niece was right. Every French person I know, knows the Yogurt Cake recipe. It never fails at a birthday party, or a gathering of French friends that a cake will be served and someone will ask, "Is this the Yogurt Cake?" Then there is a choir of chatter about the variations of that simple delightful entertaining French classic secret cake… 

Yogurt Cake with apples,
Yogurt Cake with bananas,
Yogurt Cake with chocolate,
Yogurt Cake with roasted almonds.

The yogurt cake dressed up or down is all around my gal. 

So ladies and gents there you have it one of France's most guarded secrets… the Yogurt Cake.
Added Notes:

Dear Readers,

Regarding the size of the yogurt pot:

"The best thing about it is, no matter what size yogurt container you use (5, 6, 8oz) it still comes out great because the ingredient portions are the same." Thank you Nancy that is the perfect answer.
Regarding Temperature:
200 Celsius, or 400 Fahrenheit, or 6 for Gas.
Regarding adding fruit or almonds or chocolate etc:
Measure one yogurt pot, per cake.
Regarding can the cake be double:
Regarding can you use flavored yogurt:
Yesterday I made the yogurt cake with coconut yogurt. I doubled the recipe, used a bundt pan, and added bananas (two yogurt pots) and toasted almonds (half a yogurt pot).
Regarding cooking time:
Eight inch baking pan 20 to 25 minutes.
Bundt pan baking time 35 to 40 minutes (add tin foil to the top of the cake after 15 to 20 minutes)
Regarding do I want to print out/write a cookbook:
If you will be the editor, proof reader, taster, house keeper and hold my hand why not.
Regarding size of pan:
I have used a bundt pan (double recipe) and added a piece of tin foil to the top of the cake. You can use a 8 inch cake pan.

If you would like one of those little empty yogurt jars let me know. 



68 responses to “Orange Pills and French Glass Yogurt Jars”

  1. Amy Kortuem

    Oh, Corey, I feel your pain. I’ve been struggling with a migraine for over a week. I’ve been to the chiropractor, massage therapist, been taking my medication (my little pills are white, though – maybe I should try the orange ones!) Hope you’re feeling better soon!
    You know what? I’ve tried your recipe and so many other recipes for yogurt cake and I don’t think it’s EVER turned out for me. I don’t know why. I’ll send you another of my CDs (let me know which ones you have so I can send you a different one) if you send me a couple of yogurt pots. Maybe that’ll do the trick!
    (And why are my comments still not posting? I wonder what I did to mess that up…)

  2. everton terrace

    I’m just going in to make breakfast now and all I can think is “should I make this for breakfast?” – it sounds simply delicious! My daugther is leaving for a 3 week trip so perhaps a celebration breakfast is in order ๐Ÿ™‚ (coconut and almond sounds just right)
    I wish our yogurt came in such sweet little jars instead of plastic cups with writing all over them.

  3. Since you first posted this recipe, I make yogurt cake a lot cuz it has become the favorite of my 14yo! So, thanks, Corey. Funny, my French friend was visiting the states last May at my b-day – she made me a yogurt cake – delicious:)

  4. Where do you get those cute little yogurt jars? I want one.

  5. That is a very cute yogurt jar, do you return them, as we used to return milk bottles?

  6. Beatnheart

    French yum.

  7. I just had a breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries, and I really needed this yogurt cake! Foolproof baking has my name all over it. Adorable yogurt pot. How can we make this classic French cake with our typical plastic containers? I would love a yogurt pot. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Linderhof

    I would adore one of those yogurt pots! If you have any left! I love that cake and found a recipe where someone substituted cups and such for the yogurt pot . . . but I’ve been lusting after a REAL French yogurt pot since I found the recipe for I’m anxious to try it for real!

  9. Weaverbec

    Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. I think you shared this before and I forgot to write it down. I will definetly keep it this time. It is a TNT (Tried-N-True)
    Yes, I would love to have an empty yogurt jars. It would make preparing the cake all the more special!

  10. Carolyn Mallin

    That sounds so delicious. And so easy! I would love one of those cute little pots. I’ll email you my address and if you would let me know how much for postage and handling I’ll get that to you. Do you take PayPal?

  11. I have made the yogurt cake. It is wonderful! Now, my mother makes it all the time.
    I have not tried it with fruit. Next time I make it I will add some. Yum.
    I would love a yogurt jar. Looked for them at Trader Joe’s but they did not carry them. Do you know if they sell them in the U.S.?
    Hope you feel better. I suffer from migraines and understand how disabling they can be.
    Best Wishes

  12. Oh I’d love a yogurt jar, please email me with price incluing postage. Wish you could hand deliver it!

  13. Thank you for asking! I would love a yogurt jar. Blessings, Kimberly

  14. I would love a yogurt jar too.
    When you previously posted this I saved it.
    It is now my birthday cake. Strawberries are just starting their new season when my birthday comes along and this cake is just perfection with fresh strawberries. I look forward to it every year. Now I am planning to teach this recipe to my grandson when he is old enough, as he will be part French and every little French child should know this recipe of course! You have met his other grandmother and great grandmother in Texas. We are so excited to have this new little boy bind us together.

  15. I would love a French yogurt pot, especially as there is now a recipe to go with it. American yogurt containers are ugly plastic things. Love your blog too; have been reading it for some time. If there is a shipping charge, I’d be happy to pay. Merci!! Marge

  16. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    OMG, we’re supposed to be dieting! Is this a cunning ploy to get your readers fat while you shed the lbs? :)))
    Seriously, I love this recipe of yours – I made it the first time you posted it and the family licked up every crumb. Now I’m going to have to make it again – the diet be damned :)))

  17. We have this yogurt in our supermarket and I always keep the pot. They are also great as wax light holders or for desserts…

  18. I’m so glad you found your orange tablets. (That’s what pills are called in the UK). And I have the yogurt cake recipe from when you first published it but have never used it. Why? I do not know. Perhaps this week will be the week that I give it a go.

  19. I would live a yogurt jar . How much do they cosr?

  20. Candace Watson

    So glad you found your pills. Migrane go away.
    I would love to have one of the yogurt jars too. I definately want to try to make this cake.
    Please email me any fee’s for this.
    Thanks for the great blog. My daily morning read.


    Ah! I recentlyl traveled to Spain and discovered these little pot treasures(one of my favorite sightseeing pastimes is checking out foreign grocery stores) I gathered up a handful and made everyone eat yogurt. Washed and carefully packed up my pots. Next day, I dropped and broke them. Back to the grocer and more yougurt. This time…my sister broke them…back to the grocer! We ate yogurt for 2 weeks and I only made it home with 2 pots and 10 extra pounds from yummy yogurt! Moral of the story…treasure that cute little pot, wrap it up like a baby and carry it with you on the plane! PS love from the “turtle” southern folks that met you at Marburger a couple of seasons ago.

  22. I would love a yogurt pot. Pls let me know the P/H and I will get it to you. Someone above asked about paypal…perfect!
    Thank you for the offer….can’t wait to try the cake!

  23. oh c i know and understand the scene well….i just had a three day one last week ugh-MANY MANY time i to a drug addict looking for just one pill in all my hiding places-truly there is a GOD-glad crisis averted-i would love a jar-but how about a trade- anything you desire here in the philadelphia area?

  24. Well this is one cake that is easy enough for me to make. I will try it tonight! Very funny story about your pill. ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. I hope you are feeling better and the migraine was averted.

  26. I am going to try the cake as soon as it is cool enough to bake! I would love a yogurt pot! How do I find out how to get one?

  27. Christine Warren

    Ohhh! I would love a pot! I made the cake after you first posted it. My husband loved it but I felt it wasn’t quite right because I didn’t use the pot. I looked for it at Trader Joe’s like someone suggested – to no avail. I’m sure you cannot fill all the requests – but how lovely of you to offer.

  28. How did migraine pills morph into yoghurt cake please?

  29. Good day Corey, and first of all i do hope your migraine was put at bay..i hear they are more than terrible!
    secondly yes, i love, collect and use all jars! Let us know how we can obtain them please. thirdly about the one pound weight loss…so you know that was 3,500 hundred calories you abstained from? Give yourself a grand hurrah, for that is marvelous!
    I hope all else is going well… i just had to run for the clothesline and pull in my laundry for a quick and threatening lightening storm that blew in…now thirty minutes later it is sunny! i will just put up with wet laundry on the indoor racks for the rest of the day and perhaps go for that swim i was planning!
    happy and healthy blessings xox jody in fl

  30. When I found the yogurt glass jars at my Trader Joes, I knew they were MINE. I only wish I had hoarded a few dozen now. They don’t sell them any longer, making them more desirable than ever.
    I am going to try this cake this weekend.
    So happy you feel better Corey!

  31. That reminds me of the day a British friend was looking for a tablet, and I pointed to the iPad.

  32. Corey, this cake sounds wonderful! I would love to have one of the yogurt cups as well. As someone else mentioned, the yogurt cups sold in the US are horrible plastic ones. I see that you have been bombarded with requests and I understand if you are not able to fulfill all our requests; but if by chance I can get a yogurt cup please let me know how much and how you would like to be paid. If you cannot fill these requests, could you let us know the brand and perhaps we might be successful in trying to order some ourselves. Thank you again for a great sounding recipe!

  33. Oh my. I’d love one too. Just let me know the cost!

  34. Massilianana

    Bonjour Corey,
    Looks like you’re in for a lot of yogurt-eating if you want to send a glass pot to everyone (maybe I can help hee hee !).It s true they are cute ( kids can decorate them and turn them in cute tea light holders ) but we have plastic ones too, right ?Although there also are the glazed colored terracota ones that are really nice too.
    As for the cake , oui, you are so right it is such a classic. It is great plain for breakfast or with fruits for the afternoon snack. I love it with poached pears and roasted almond flakes or pineapple slices. Miam miam !
    Hope you are better .

  35. joanne (jojo)

    If you are still offering to eat more yogurt for the empty cups then I also would love to have one!! yum.

  36. Corey, you must be regretting your offer to send yogurt pots to all who want one! Has it all become too overwhelming, or may I order one, too? Of course I will send postage or whatever expense is involved. I am excited at the prospect, but won’t get my hopes up. I sympathize with your migraines…a miserable condition that I seem to have mostly outgrown. And when I do get one I have a trusty prescription that nips them in the bud. Guess the answer is getting older, hmmm? As for sharing the yogurt cake recipe — I now feel part of an old and precious French tradition. Merci!

  37. Corey Amaro HOW CRUEL YOU ARE! giving us recipes that could be made this morning because everything is already in the house. We are supposed to be eating LESS and moving MORE. Does moving around the kitchen count?! I have a pot of yoghurt in my fridge but it is 1000mls so I fear the size of the cake would be ginormous! I’ll settle for a carrot stick while I drool over your pictures…

  38. Corey, honey,
    Have you ever had food allergy test?
    It might help you find out whether the migrant is caused by certain food.

  39. C-is this a test to see if we are disciplined enough to say no to cake? One day I’ll make it but not until I’ve achieved my goal weight. Yesterday I got soooo hungry I ate two raw carrots (did the trick). Now I’ll have to eat carrots and celery while reading your blog. I can do this, I can do this…..

  40. This cake sounds delicious and so many possibilities. I will feel so French when I make it. I assume you could just use an 8 oz. cup. We are going to have to find a source to buy those cute yogurt pots. You simply cannot fill all of these yogurt pot requests! ๐Ÿ™‚ If anyone finds a source, please post in the comments.
    I hope your migraine has disappeared!
    Best to you, dear Corey

  41. Debbie Norton

    Hi Corey, This cake sounds wonderful!! I will try it sometime so easy! I feel your pain with the migraine…I get them, two of my kids get them and now my 9 year old grandson gets them. Any way if the offer is still good on the jar I would love one. Let me know how much!!
    Thank you so much!

  42. I would absolutely adore one of those yogourt jars and I would name the cake the Corey Cake. I think this is a fabulous recipe and if you ever want a hand-holding, taste-testing, recipe-writing editor, I’m it!

  43. God has a way, I am glad you are feeling better.

  44. Kristin McNamara Freeman

    Corey….So sorry to hear you are experiencing a much unknown about them and hopefully your medical care folks are able to give you some help…and your holistic approach to living has some ways of dealing with them as well. I feel your pain – spent about 5 years dealing with them when I first was going through the change…not nice memories. Sending healing thoughts your way.
    I would love a yogurt pot! And thanks for t he fantastic recipe…plan to make it tomorrow for the grandkids when they visit….have to get up early to bake – it will be 95F tomorrow….
    Your work on moving and watching food is inspiring me to continue on my journey down on the scales. I have intentionally taken the words about moving every 20 minutes seriously and get up from typing or stitching…and go out and walk around the yard…bend and pull some weeks, water with the hose….and yes, take a walk in the morning. Slow sure progress as motion and attention to consumption amounts and ingredients are steadfastly followed. Thanks for the cheer leading in your blog!!!
    peace, health and many blessings,


    ohh thank-you for the recipe and for validating my admiration of the little yoghurt pots. My husband and kids rolled their eyes at me while I was stuffing 6 of them into my suitcase on our recent trip to France. I even got a special anniversary edition pottery one, it is divine. Can’t wait to try the recipe and show them your post!
    Do the jars get recycled in France?


    Ooooo that cake sounds delicious….I’ll wait for my little French
    Jar. Awaiting instructions from you. Franco

  47. Hi Corey, sorry to hear about your migraine and hope you get better soon. I for one, would LOVE a yoghurt jar but would you post it all the way to Australia?! You are a darling to this for us. The recipe sounds divine and I can’t wait to try it. Thanks so much Corey, you are wonderful!!

  48. Thanks, I just told my granddaughter that we were going to make a very special French Yogurt Cake next week when she comes over. Now if we can just keep her little brother’s hands out of the mix.

  49. ๐Ÿ™‚ I use those pots with candles (small stove warmer candles) in the garden, veranda, everywhere…. I add some flowers in others, stuff from the garden, grass, ivy and it’s perfect!
    Wd be even more perfect with some cake though ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love your hand written recipe. BUT I thought you were on a diet?! LOL

  50. Hi Corey,
    The cakes sounds lovely. I would love a yogurt jar. Let me know what you need.

  51. kay moates

    I’d love a yogurt pot . . . what do you need from me?
    Know you are a treasured part of all my days . . . many thanks!

  52. La Contessa

    I would LOVE a little yogurt jug!Maybe bring it home when you come in November?And I will come and fetch it!

  53. Teddee Grace

    Sure I want a yogurt pot, but you can’t be serious! Sounds delicious. Is it on our diet?

  54. Diane Dainis

    I would love a yogurt pot. Just tell me what you need and how much money to send ๐Ÿ™‚
    Diane Dainis

  55. LOL! I would love one of the yogurt jars, but so, it seems, does everyone else! If you still have more to give, please let me know what you require in turn!
    My honey’s 3 adult children all suffer from migraines, his daughter most of all. I’ve asked her if she’s been to the doctor for them and she says she’ll go, then she’ll post on FB about how she has another one. So…what to do?
    That cake sounds amazing! I have 3 containers (plastic not glass, alas) at home. Might try this tonight!
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Sorry about your migraine ๐Ÿ™ I would love a yogurt pot! You best get busy eating yogurt:D xo Chris

  57. Yes, I would also love to have one of the yogurt pots. You may have to make a lot of these cakes! Tell me what to send and where. Sorry to hear about your migrane. I have had them and know how awful they are. Take care.

  58. Yes, please to the yogurt jar. So much sexier than the
    plastic ones.

  59. I’d love a yogurt jar, looks like everyone else does too!!! If you can send them, please let us know shipping costs. Thank you, and thanks so much for the recipe!


    Hi Corey,
    Cant’ wait to try the yogurt cake with fruit, like you did and I will look for the yogurt jars when I am in France!!! I have the best chocolate frosting recipe, I’ll email later but basically it is just melted simi-sweet chocolate chips in a double boiler. then bring to room temp. along with sour cream and blend to taste!!! It is the best, but both must be at room temp. before you mix them.

  61. Massilianana

    Bonjour again Corey. Did you know that the yogurt cake recipe can be used in savoury versions too ? with herbs,olives,ham, vegetables,cheese,…whatever !

  62. Lorretta from NH

    Oh my goodnes Cory, I would love a jar. And I can’t wait to try the cake recipe. I too am dieting but love to make all that I can for anyone who will eat it! Please let me know the cost involved.

  63. oh, migraines—totally understand. they are ick,ick & ick.
    on to a more pleasant subject! this cake I read about in Bringing up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman. Which is the most fascinating read. It states that children in France/Paris learn how to make this “gateau au yauort” by age 3. They know the simply how many yogurt glass jar full of ingredients to dump.
    & to boot they don’t lick the bowl & if it is not the declared snack time {4:30 in France} it is not eaten until then.

  64. Amylia Grace

    Oooh la la, merci beaucoup!! My soon-to-be step-kids (boys 12 and 10) and I are baking together now and getting more comfortable in the kitchen together (raising boys who can cook and bake to make lovely men who love to bake and cook is good for the world!)…I would love to try the yogurt cake recipe…oh, a jar would be wonderfully special. You’re known around the house as “Amylia’s friend in France” so we’d be happy to have a piece of you and France in the kitchen with us!

  65. Corey,
    I made this recipe last night for my daughter in law who had her baby. I used Greek blueberry yogurt, and added fresh blueberries. I didn’t know exactly how many ounces were in a yogurt pot, so I guessed at one cup and did the remaining portions using that measure. Put it all in an 8×8 pan, but I don’t think I baked it long enough at 400 degrees for 35 mins. It looked done, and I stuck a toothpick in it, (came out clean) but then 30 mins later it had all sunk in, and wasn’t done. Sure smelled good though.
    Can you tell me how many ounces are in a yogurt pot?
    Bless you for all your trouble.

  66. what to say i praise of this blog, which contains a lot of amazing information as well as the thoughtful writes

  67. Dawn (KitchenTravels)

    Hello Corey! This is my first visit to your blog, and I’m so happy I found it. Love this recipe, the story behind it, the photos… and the little yogurt jar. Actually, I wish I had about a dozen of those. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve searched high and low for them in the States, but have come up empty-handed, except for a few on Etsy for about $15/each.
    If your kind offer is still open, I’d love one! Please let me know where to send the postage cost, etc. Merci et bisous! xo, Dawn

  68. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Dawn
    I sure can. Send me an email and I will get back to you.

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