Impromptu Dinner

Impromptu Dinner

Every August, most towns in Provence have free evening music, outside dancing, carnivals, and other activities to celebrate summer and bond with the community. Our town had an aperitif last night to start the celebration (I drank water!).

At the aperitif, we met up with our friends and decided to have an impromptu dinner before the "The Town Ball" started.


Impromptu Dinner

After comparing notes of who had what in their fridge, we gathered at our friend's home with our movable feast.

I brought baked salmon, roasted red jacket potatoes, and a tomato salad.

Our other friends brought baguettes, ratatouille, eggplant, something or other that was delicious, couscous salad, dessert, and wine.


Impromptu Dinner

An impromptu, spontaneous, last-minute, of-the-moment lifestyle works for me.

Since some of my friends have been giving me a hard time (jokingly) that I never post about them, I decided to break that habit… I rarely take out my camera with close friends or in the evening. I took photos while on the go with my cell phone hence the blur.

In the summer, it stays light until 9 or 10; I wish it could be like this all year. Long warm days, gentle cool evenings, no bugs, the scent of pine and oak trees mixed with wild rosemary and thyme herbs… 


Impromptu Dinner


My friend Corinne is walking and talking, an animated sweetheart, and an excellent cook. She made a tapenade mini bread. I must admit I had one bite, delicious, moist; I must tell her to give me the recipe.


Impromptu Dinner

I know, I know, I have been talking about food often. But here, it is not because I am on a diet. No, it is not. It is because France and Food go hand in hand. Meals are a lifestyle. Life is surrounded by food. Friends and food go hand in hand. Our impromptu dinner lasted two hours, cut short because we wanted to go to the town ball.

In France, the French do not eat on the go, never in the car, nor use plastic or paper. Meals are often shared with family and friends. It is HARD to diet in a land where food is breathing, and meals take up a big part of your day and night. Where markets are not an event but where people genuinely go to buy provisions for their meals, walk with their baskets overflowing and share recipes… and buy tablecloths. As an American friend noted, she had never seen so many tablecloths for sale… and she is proper tablecloths are as standard as bakeries and cigarettes. A French table always has a tablecloth on it.

Don't you feel sorry for me?

What did you have for dinner last night?



Lunch in Provence













Photo Source Lunch in Provence

Summer Balls in Provence

Activities in Provence


photo source Calvaire

August Fireworks around Provence

Where to Stay in Provence??? At my friend Denise and Vlad's.

Provencal table clothes

Herbes de Provence

Cooking in Provence



33 responses to “Impromptu Dinner”

  1. rebeccanyc

    For dinner last night? I had an after work event so I had some nibbles there, came home to find that my husband had made the most amazing eggplant gratin ever. I went to bed a little too full I will admit! Today I ride my bike in penance.

  2. We ate fresh produce from sister Doreen’s garden: new potatoes, carrots, beans, peas and Swiss chard fried in a little olive oil, garlic and balsamic vinegar!

  3. Cynthia Rieth

    tortellini salad with fresh mozz, basil, tomatoes, artichoke hearts and kalamata olives, yummm…

  4. Rigatoni with grilled rosemary sausage and broccoli with some olive oil over it. No table cloth, not even a table! (Plus i salted it too much…:(

  5. Amy Kortuem

    I can’t believe you all whipped up that wonderful food from what you had in your refrigerators!!! My refrigerator is a disgrace: a half-eaten carton of cottage cheese, some old lettuce and tiny little hunk of cheese.
    Oh, but I did find two pieces of leftover pizza. Yeah, that was dinner…

  6. Well, yesterday was my b-day and we went to DC to eat lunch at Jaleo’s (a Spanish tapas restaurant) and I had THE BEST gazpacho.

  7. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    I made Tostados for dinner with flour tortilla, refried beans,lettuce, tomato, shredded jack cheese, and a dollop of sour cream on top. I ate half of one. Not full but I was content. I had a peach for desert.

  8. quinoa, black beans cooked in the crockpot, a saute of dried tomatoes,eggplant and red onion with fresh basil, purple cabbage slaw with leek and vegenaise. and a glass of a red wine blend form washington state. xoxo jody

  9. Diets are a battle of mind over food! I am losing mine. both my mind and the battle!! I want to be where you are, help!!

  10. Chris Wittmann

    Oh Corey I sure do! I could devour one of those baquettes in one sitting..preferably with butter and honey 🙂 Surrounded by so much beautiful food all the time is surely a test of the will power.
    We had a meeting to go to last night so I picked my husband up from work and I’m afraid it was a quick dash to a local burger joint and off to the meeting.
    But tonight it’s farm raised pasture-fed sirloin tips, fresh spinach and new potatoes. Maybe some sliced tomoatoes from the garden too. I’ll try and go easy on the spuds 🙂

  11. Violet Cadburry

    Supermarket brand fake baguette with Skippy cruchy peanut butter. Do the French eat peanut butter?

  12. ChicagoSheila

    Mixed greens salad with artichokes, avocado, broccoli, carrots, sprinkled with shaved parmesan, topped with a small chicken breast; bread, and watermelon snuck in.
    On real dishes, with real silverware, on a tablecloth from France.
    I am trying to lose some weight too…

  13. Wow – reading these comments makes my mouth water. I ate a salad of walnuts, apple and blue cheese (and lettuce) with a vegetarian cutlet. The rest of my fambly had chicken.

  14. DeeDee Clark

    I love tablecloths, and always have one on all my tables. We have a large turret in our dining room, which always contains a round table, plus the dining table which seats 10. At the moment, both have “travel” tablecloths. Our city, Gainesville, TEXAS, won the Rand McNally, USA Today BEST OF THE ROAD Most Patriot city of 2012. Gainesville has for years hosted Metal of Honor (military) winners every year. At no expense to the men, they are flown in from wherever they live, along with their spouse. They spend the weekend, talking to students at the schools, are honored in a parade, and a tree is planted in their honor. Our Police Cars all have the name of a Metal of Honor winner on the sides. Gainesville is the only city in the country to do this, and it is a city of approximately 15,000 people. You can view on You Tube the couple who traveled to 6 cities to check most patriotic. There were 4 other teams checking for most beautiful, most fun, best food, and friendliest.
    Sorry, I didn’t mean to write a “book.” I have several tablecloths I love and use which I bought when we were in France.

  15. Your night sounds wonderful! Last night my best friend took me out for a birthday dinner and we had grilled salmon, grilled zucchini and sauteed spinach along with a creme brulee – it was fabulous!

  16. Yum, I love dinners with friends, potlucks are fabulous.
    I had leftover thai from a weekend with the inlaws. Hubby had butter chicken.

  17. Tongue in Cheek

    Unfortunately, they don’t. Though you can find small jars of it in the shops. Peanut butter on apples!!

  18. Tongue in Cheek

    OMG!!! Delicious!!

  19. Tongue in Cheek

    Happy Birthday (one day later)!!

  20. Black bean salad, tomatoes, and a peach. Salad is from here I love this gals recipes! Corey, what caught my eye in your post is, “no bugs!” How is that possible? Also, I love some of the links you provided. Thank you.

  21. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Wow, what a lot of amazing menus people list from last night! Yum!
    Our neighbor has flooded us with zucchini, so last night David sort of invented a zucchini pancake/fritter with zukes, onion, beet greens, basil, cilantro, a little leftover fresh corn cut off the cob, and bread crumbs and egg to hold it all together. The intent was to have something to use up a bunch of tzatziki (sp?) sauce, but the fritter-pancakes were so good on their own I didn’t use a lot of sauce.
    This morning: fried eggs with leftover fritter-cakes in lieu of sausage, etc.

  22. Fettucine Alfredo, steamed fresh flat Romano green beans, fresh peaches from the farmers’ market, small (sob!) slice of chocolate cake, tea.

  23. Thanks, Jody! I’d never heard of Vegenaise till now, so looked it up online. Has anyone here ever made their own? If so, did it turn out like this — or do you have a different recipe? I agree with the commenter who said s/he would add a little garlic and onion powder:

  24. Love phots of men walking down the lane carrying the food. Love the tablecloth!
    Shrimp tacos, and small multi colored bell peppers.

  25. I love pull together dinners – so much fun! Since it is 100+, my stove is collecting cobwebs. Grilled chicken, feta, basil, & tomatoe salad, and baguette. It is too hot today, so I am thinking of dining out!

  26. As I am on a diet, I am eating a nice fresh Chef Salad every night M-Th. Fri-Sun I eat regular meals but way less portions and with some restrictions – no sugar, no bread, nothing fried, no potatoes, no pasta, and the list goes on. So far so good!

  27. What a perfect way to celebrate summer. Tablecloths are wonderful, I bought one in Provence and enjoy using it for family dinners outdoors. I do often use tablecloths as I love the vintage ones. Dinner last night was a salad with lots of meyer lemon juice and a chicken breast grilled. I am trying to join you on this adventure of losing weight, but now my neighbor just dropped off a box of pastries – how inconsiderate! Smiling!

  28. When I lived in Costa Rica, the Costa Ricans would have a party and the menu was ALWAYS the same. Rice and Beans. Maybe a little pork, maybe a little chicken and sometimes maybe a little ice cream. We always had a fabulous time with a lot of laughter and dancing. I was extremely popular because I would bring brownies. Sometimes it’s not so much the food, but eating with the ones we love.
    Love you, Corey.

  29. Nancy from Mass

    We also had an impromptu dinner last night. My husbands cousin was driving up from Philly for a meeting and called on his way to surprise us. He showed up at the house with pizza and buffalo wings (for the boys). Lots of talking, laughing, catching up and the men sat and smoked a cigar under the stars.
    The food was basic, but tasty…all that mattered was the surprise visit!

  30. La Contessa

    I supose one has to IRON those tablecloths??????????
    Love how there is no plastic or paper!The AMerican household could really take note of this!I could be FRENCH from your description!I never use paper napkins………in fact someone just gave me a pack for my B-day!I politely said,”thank~you!”Thinking to myself what a gift!Then she said to me,”unless you use cloth.”I held my TONQUE IN MY CHEEK on that one!You see she has never been to my house for a meal!Your meal looked delicious by the way!

  31. I have been at our lake cabin for awhile, so I caught up with your blog today. I started a diet 10 months ago and have lost 42 pounds. You can do it! I always tell myself, “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”!

  32. Laurie SF

    Local halibut line caught just south of the Golden Gate, asparagus from Half Moon Bay, and one ACME bread baguette. After dinner, I suggested a town ball to my husband. He misunderstood and thought I wanted ‘dessert’ …his dessert. Fireworks to follow.
    Just added another item to my life list. Town Ball, Provence.

  33. I was in Provence (at the end of our summer vacation in France) last july and I already miss it! Come visit me at my blog to see some of my memories….

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