A Rose in Provence

A rose in Provence Corey Amaro

A rose in Provence, against an old wall. Ready to bloom.


Rose petals Corey Amaro


Playing around with my camera.

The tips of a rose petal.


Provence rose Corey Amaro

Playing around with Picmonkey layers.

This photo reminds me that I must be careful not to "photo-shop" too much, or the photos will look weird.

I'll just say it is a rose growing from a crack in the wall…artistic right?


Rose bloom Provence Corey Amaro


A midnight rose flooded with moonlight.


Rose against a stone facade Corey Amaro

We become our thoughts.

Do you believe that?


Night flower Corey Amaro

Standing tall, the flower thought, "I am beautiful, and strong."


10 responses to “A Rose in Provence”

  1. I loved the midnight rose, so red and perfect.
    I do believe we become our thoughts and actions.

  2. This day is a rose……..beautiful indeed.
    Thanks for all the love you share.
    Love Jeanne

  3. i do believe we become or are already a result of our thoughts-words too! love the roses-so special!

  4. Massilianana

    Exactly what I needed to be reminded of !
    You’re right too much photoshop produces strange pics but it is so tempting.
    I love garden roses (not the long stiff ones in flower shops) they are so beautiful and unique !

  5. Yes, I do believe that. Love the midnight rose. How fun to play!

  6. So true.. quite the monkey mind thoughts, keep it real and beautiful, even with the thorns. Grow toward the light.
    Beautiful post!

  7. I am 100% sure that we become our thoughts. I say that every time you make a statement, every time you hope for something or make a wish, it is a prayer to the Gods.

  8. Franca Bollo

    I believe our thoughts affect our emotions and our emotions affect our moods. But we become our thoughts? Not entirely … thank the gods. I would be a murderess several times over.

  9. I found your blog today and it is beautiful! I look forward to reading more!

  10. The rose photo is gorgeous, like an ancient oil painting.

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