Route 66, Country Roads, Flying Home

Route 66

Our daughter finished up her six month internship in Mexico and headed for California to visit my family. Later her two childhood friends flew from France to join her.

They dreamed about this trip since high school, traveling across the USA.

Instead they took an old car we had, Chelsea drove, since the two friends don't drive, on a two week excurision.

The above photo is one of Chelsea's along the way… Her is what she briefly wrote so far:

"After driving 2950 miles, having to get the car fixed in a tiny town off route 66, getting pulled over in LA and running out of gas at the last minute… we made it back to San Francisco safe and sound."

And now the countdown, Chelsea returns home in less than a week! At last!



28 responses to “Route 66, Country Roads, Flying Home”

  1. I know you are aching to hold her, since I have had a daughter I truly know how that feels. The long awaited daughter returns– I am happy for you.

  2. Merisi in Vienna

    Exiting news! And what an experience, the internship, the road trip ….
    Big hug,

  3. Merisi in Vienna

    Spelling! Exciting news, of course (my ex-c-use: backing up my Macbook, it needs to go to the MacDoc, kaputt – that machine could not care less about deadlines!). 😉

  4. does it get easier? My son has gone on holiday with his father and will be away for a month and it was like a huge hole opened up inside me, this is the first time he has been away for so long. this is the beginning, once they get the travelling bug they are off. Maybe now I can too.
    I am happy for you,welcome home hugs are the best.

  5. Tongue in Cheek

    Easier, no. But happier that they are happy, yes.
    I will be happiest when I can have them back around the table again.

  6. every mother with children who live too far from home understands this perfectly. no one told us that this part of parenting would be so hard. we wanted happy, smart, successful kids; we also want them to be all that near-by!
    enjoy your days with your daughter!!

  7. Road trips are the best when you are in your 20s. I remember my brother and I driving across the U.S. in 5 days. We still talk about it.

  8. That’s it? One picture and no stories? Is this a “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” kind of thing? It will be fun to have her home. My offer to you is also extended to your two kids (any exploration on the east coast is heartily encouraged and the guest room is all set.) We had a French exchange student for 3 weeks last summer and it was great fun.

  9. I am sure she is just as excited to be home as you are to have her home. Yahoo!

  10. That picture looks like somewhere near the California -Arizona border. I am sorry they got pulled over in LA. But I hope they had a wonderful time anyway.
    Corey, I made your yogurt cake, using lemon flavored Liberte (Canadian yogurt). That thing should only be made when there are others around to eat it. Otherwise you keep carving little bits for a taste and soon you’ve eaten nearly the whole thing.

  11. La Contessa

    SHE JUST LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!THat went VERY FAST!!!!!!!!YOu must be so EXCITED!LIFE and time is zipping by!!!!!!!!

  12. How exciting for you to have her home again.
    But oh the memories and adventures are so wonderful for your children to experience. I often say when I can no longer travel, that right now I am making my memories. They will have such delightful memories.

  13. Laurie SF

    French Cowgirls chasing the wind through America’s Southwest.
    Note to Chelsea:
    Did you notice the vanishing point in the side mirror? That was the last gas station for the next two hundred miles. It’s the very reason why I love new Mexico..

  14. i love good news!and happy loving families make good news! yea for all of you!! xo jody

  15. Me too. Thank you.

  16. What an adventure for Chelsea. I’ve loved having my daughter home this summer. We laugh, we cry, we hold hands while we walk to the coffee shop. She’s off to school again in a week, but I think it’s good for our relationship to spend time away. She’ll be flying to Vienna in January.

  17. With the photo, exiting news might be more appropriate!

  18. So happy for you. I love a good road trip! That is until I became freaked out over the bedbug breakout!!! Yikes! My daughter married and moved 8 hours away and my son went off to college all within a month of each other. I have that ache to see both of them, but as you say, I am happy that they are happy.

  19. Chris Wittmann

    YOu must be so excited Corey! Your whole family sure does get around alot, that in itself is exciting! what is Chelsea studying??

  20. What is this with R66? It’s Illya’s dream to drive route 66 too!
    Happy for you, Corey, that Chelsea is arriving home soon 🙂

  21. Hooray for Chelsea and her amigas!!! What a grand adventure for them. Where’s Mr. Espresso, though?
    Farmboy Husband and I drove US66 westbound from St. Louis to California at the end of a long camping trip one Spring Break when we were in our early/mid-20s. We encountered a blizzard as we climbed into the mountains west of Albuquerque, so had to stop at a service station in Gallup, NM., for a new set of tires because ours were bald (almost no cash left at end of trip, so charged the tires, then figured out how to pay the bill once we got home — ain’t young love grand?!?). The blizzard persisted throughout the high country, past Flagstaff, although once we descended to Kingman, AZ., it was warmer. I had terrible flu by then, but recall seeing my first-ever episode of “Mission Impossible” on the small black-and-white motel-room TV (plot was kind of confusing, especially when one is hallucinating from fever!).

  22. Gotta love that girl and her wandering ways! Glad they arrived safe and sound in Willows. Sounds like a wonderful trip.

  23. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    What fun for Chelsea!! I have taken a few rode trips with my girlfriend and it was awesome. We rocked to the music, flirted with the guys, and took our sweet time crossing the states. Now we are hoping to go to the east coast sometime.
    Chelsea will be happy to be home to!

  24. Peggy Braswell

    ahhh road trips, so exciting.

  25. I’ve been there! So great!

  26. Stelle Courney

    I miss going on roadtrips whenever I see travel pics like that! It’s a good thing that everything went fine, especially given the fact that they had used quite an old and beat up car for the trip. It seems like they covered quite a lot of miles on that car! What kind is it? Well, whatever it was, it certainly served them well!

  27. Even the whisper of a ‘road trip’ sends all of us trying to wedge through the door at the same time (not a pretty sight)! The last one was to Santa Cruz (summered there every year as kids) for old times sake … still the same easy energy and ambience … ah what wonderful memories!
    Hope Chelsea keeps all that fun adventuring close to her heart as the years slip by. BTW, great photo perspective Chelsea!

  28. Auping Royal

    I really like the picture

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