All is Good When All is Good!

Chelsea's home and all is good.
I made banners to celebrate her arrival.
Mr. Espresso came by; happiness spilled over.
Pink espresso cup was happy again, blue fingernail polish and making faces are back.
Sacha arrives soon.

All is Good When All is Good!

All is Good When All is Good!

All is Good When All is Good!

All is Good When All is Good!

All is Good When All is Good!


16 responses to “All is Good When All is Good!”

  1. Chris Wittmann

    Everyone looks happy Corey, that’s the main thing!
    How long will she be home? It’s wonderful that young folks like Chelsea can do so much “globe hopping” and have those experiences that will last a lifetime. But it’s always so good to come home!

  2. BIENVENUE à notre bien jolie CHELSEA et son Martin

  3. Happy homecoming!

  4. I celebrate with you Chelsea’s home coming and look forward to wrapping my arms around MY first born Tristan at Christmas after a year-long absence!

  5. Brenda L. from TN.

    It’s good to see her home …safe and sound!
    And she looks happy to be home too!

  6. Happy photos. Lovely banner. Is it made of wallpaper?
    Lilla is home, too :-).

  7. I’m sure you made her welcome home special, Corey. She looks well rested for a globe trotter. Ah, to be young again. What favorite food has she missed? Is it on the menu for tomorrow?

  8. Franca Bollo

    God, she’s adorable.

  9. DeeDee Clark

    She looks GREAT, so healthy and mature. Seems like Mexico agreed with her!

  10. She looks so happy, I hope you have a fantastic reunion tonight with both your children.

  11. wonderful! happy for you all!

  12. Your banners are gorgeous, your daughter is gorgeous, your home is gorgeous (I really want to do a collage wall, will you come over and help? Please?)I want to come back!


    Beautiful, happy pictures. Daughters are so special and bring so much light into our lives. I should make my daughter banners too and find something special to celebrate!

  14. Peggy Braswell

    soo sweet + Enjoy!

  15. my heart sings.x

  16. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    It’s fun to see the collage wall in the background on the second photo above. Takes me back to when you were figuring out how to do it and sharing step by step details about the process. Likewise to see peeps of the kitchen (I think?) area there with the big terra cotta painted wardrobe.
    Sometime, would you take us on a tour of your house, starting with you greeting us at the front door and letting us in? I’d enjoy that.
    And of course, welcome back Chelsea. Back to very loving arms indeed.

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