Eat Less, Move More… Chocolate is the answer

I have good news…. I lost one whole pound!

At last.


(photos of Morocco from my travels a few years ago.)

Last week was the end of Ramadan, a religious muslim tradition of fasting for thirty days.



Our neighbors who are muslim, brought over a platter of homemade delicacies of almond, chocolate, orange, fig, coconut to share with us as a way of celebrating the end of Ramadan. Our neighbor is an EXCELLENT cook and baker. During the last thirty days she has daily prepared the dinner feast that she and her family partake in after the sunsets. 

Everyday for thirty days I have gathered the wafts of my neighbor preparing the most delicious meals, like a exotic bouquet pleasing my senses.



The platter of cookies looked like jewels, beautifully prepared, each an intricate design bursting with flavor. They platter sat on our table tempting me. 

As the day grew hotter, I wilted, and my well power grew less and less.

"I know how those delicacies taste." I tried to reason with myself. But the other voice, the one who was weaken by the heat said, "And they come once a year."


 And the fast of Ramadan was over, and well hell I wanted to celebrate, and the heat was not helping me, so I took a wine glass, filled it full of water, then grabbed a china plate and plopped one of the chocolate delicacies on it… I ate and drank with the greatest of pleasures.

And lost one pound after nearly three weeks of not losing anything!

Chocolate is the answer, one a week! 

What about you any secrets about eating less and moving more?

Encourage one another!



38 responses to “Eat Less, Move More… Chocolate is the answer”

  1. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    It’s benn so dang HOT and HUMID here in So. Calif. that I just don’t even have an appetite. So light meals of salads (no bread/rolls) and lots of iced tea have helped to shed a few pounds this month. The only downside to drinking so much iced tea….gotta go to the bathroom hourly ๐Ÿ˜‰ Keep at it Corey!! Just takes time….

  2. Congrats.. I got to register no loss this week.. but no gain either.. woohoo! Keep it up, you inspire all of us to do the same. xo marlis

  3. Good for you!
    Temptation to eat is relentless and you are winning.

  4. Nicolette

    Good for you. Hang in there. I love your photos and I hope you don’t mind, but I copied the one of the reflection of the stain glass on the floor. I’m going to (try) implement it in my home. I think my dinning room, it faces the east. New windows, yea!

  5. Good for you!!!! I don’t know if I have lost anything this week as the gym is closed and that is where I weigh myself but two people have told me that I look like I’ve lost weight.

  6. Unsweetened chocolate bars have become very popular here. They carry a wide variety at Trader Joe’s, so they must have them where you are Corey. It’s surprising how I don’t miss the sugar, and that’s where most of the calories are. Congratulations on your pound, you are on your way.

  7. Cynthia Rieth

    Hersheys miniature chocolate bars – one a day at lunch and that’s my chocolate fix! That and of course not eating anything I make at my bakery ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Eat anything you want. Just cut down on the portion size. NEVER deny yourself. You will only crave what you yearn to have even more.

  9. Chris Wittmann

    The only way I’ve found to shed the weight Corey is to eat several small meals a day and make them consist of mostly lean protein with some fiber (vegetables mostly, or whole grains)
    Light on the fruit….it still contains natural sugar!
    Wine occasionally is fine, in fact it’s healthy
    My downfall is cookies with coffee, home baked breads and the wonderful sticky buns I discovered from the Mennonite family at our local farmer’s market.
    So I just will have to move more ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    The heat kills my appetite for anything heavy. I am learning to feel hungry! Instead of always rushing to feed that desire, I wait until it passes. It takes a lot of self control which I am not known for, food wise or money wise!!!
    That hunger feeling does pass, and then I am pleased I did not cave in to it. I start each morning with yogurt and granola. I will snack on nuts, if I need something crunchy. Humus, fresh veggies, and I love celery!!
    clothes are more comfortable then they were and my granddaughter came to visit yesterday and said, “Nan, are you loosing wt.? That was nice. Her wedding in in Nov.
    Hang in there Corey.

  11. I am so proud of your endurance. Congratulations on the one pound! Good job! I haven’t weighed myself, I must get more serious here.

  12. Karen@PasGrand-Chose

    Haha, a chocolate diet is definitely the kind of diet I can go with! Well done, Corey!
    Love your pics of beautiful Morocco.
    How hard must fasting be during these long days of summer? I am full of admiration for all those with the self-discipline to endure this long annual fast.

  13. I’ve done much better this week. I don’t know that I’ve lost any weight but I know I’ve been eating less. Moving more??? Well. That wasn’t so good this week.

  14. Carolyn Mallin

    Kudos on losing the pound. You’ll be happy to know that I found it for you. I gained it. Yep, up one pound this week. I’ll keep soldiering on though. I know that I need to move more. Walking is best for me but until it cools off some it isn’t going to happen. At least I’m eating a lot healthier.
    Keep up the good work, Corey.

  15. Amylia Grace

    Moderation not starvation is my motto! BTW, where were the gorgeous photos taken? I love the play of light through the glass, etc.

  16. Cousin Linda

    Several years ago I was distressed at always gaining weight in the summer when I thought I was eating so healthily. I was eating lots and lots of fruit from a wonderful Greek produce market in my neighborhood. Then the realization set in that I was consumming way too much sugar with all that lucious, fresh fruit. So, now it’s less fruit, veggies, nonfat yogurt, whole/multi grain breads and brown rice. Found a lovely brown Jasmine rice at Trader Joe’s — shorter grain and moister than the brown Basmati I had been eating.

  17. Brenda L. from TN.

    I agree with Ilse…eat ANYTHING you want ….just smaller portions. And drink water with everything! I recently lost 32 lbs in just 3 mos. by doing this. My problem is WILL-POWER! I have gained some back….it’s that darn ice cream!! Why won’t it leave me alone!!???

  18. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Brenda
    That is what I am doing Eating Less.
    Though it was hard to not have ten.

  19. This is the Julia Child approach — very wise. The size of American food portions is appalling (I noticed how much smaller the pastries in France were than their counterparts in North America).

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Cousin Linda!!!!
    Brown jasmine rice sounds delicious!

  21. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Carolyn
    I am sorry my pound found you.
    But I don’t want it back ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Tongue in Cheek

    I agree with you Karen!! And the sun doesn’t set until late. No water would be torture!

  23. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank God we don’t have sticky buns or I would become a sticky bun!

  24. Tongue in Cheek

    You are a baker!!! Oh wow what control you must have.

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    France has a variety of chocolate, unsweetened and otherwise. When I have chocolate I usually eat dark unsweetened chocolate which has sea salt. But not recently that is. Candy, sweets for that matter aren’t as tempting as something salty.

  26. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh that would look nice at your place, tell Mat!!!

  27. And never forget that 1 pound equals at least 2.2 kilos!!! Psychologically it is worth remembering;)

  28. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    And you didn’t even take a photograph of them???

  29. I had pizza and most of a plank of fudge and lost 2 lbs, lol. Didn’t lose an ounce when I was trying. My tip: eat lots of veggies and fruit, and don’t forget the protein.
    ME cookies are so delicious, what a treat.

  30. ummmmmm – it’s 2.2 lbs = 1 kg ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Tongue in Cheek

    I know. Yann ate them too quickly.

  32. Well, I started my diet today. I have 6 unwanted pounds. I know my weakness… vegan scones & almond butter & crackers. So… more water, veggies & fruit. Walking 2 or 3 times a day, for at least an hour total. And I guess be patient & persistent! Oh, and I’ll keep a photo of my thinner self nearby to remind myself why I’m doing this. ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep it up Corey and anyone else here dieting.

  33. i checked in yesterday but am fighting a summer cold ugh….so i delayed commenting-SO HAPPY FOR YOU COREY AND FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS LOST- MAINTAINED OR MAYBE JUST CHANGED SOME HABIT BEHAVIOR FOR THE BETTER progress is the name of the game—- that being said i am the same-i did not have as much fruit on hand this week so i was picking more on less healthy items. i am happy to have stayed the same-i too ate 1pc of chili infused really dark chocolate DELISH-hoping for a decrease in the humidity here to do more outdoors it has been really bad-KEEP AT IT EVERYONE-until next week-stay healthy-eat well- move more -have chocolate-as needed!!!

  34. Peggy Braswell

    I think the “lb/kg fairy” came to visit me during the evening hours and gave me your lb/kg. enjoy your weekend.

  35. Oh, I’m not the only trying to slim down a bit, huh? Come on Corey – we can do it! Wish I had those French yogurts to help me out when I want a delicious snack.
    Here is what I am doing: walking a whole lot more. I already try to eat well (even though I have a horrible love affair with all things bready), my biggest problem is lack of exercise. On every one of my trips to Europe I realized how my weight dropped in spite of the amazing foods because I walk so much.
    So this week I left the car at home and walked to work. Both ways – about 50 minutes each way. Lots of hills too! I wear exercise clothes and wash up and change clothes at work (I can’t stand being sweaty at the office!). So I have added 100 minutes of walking to my day.
    Unfortunately, most of the week I ate more treats than appropriate because I justified my actions – I can eat this because I’ve walked. I doubt I gained weight but this will not help me lose weight, which is my goal.
    Next week’s goals: keep walking and not eat the treats!
    Water is also a big part of my day – I feel awful without it.


    Every other day cot out carbs, even healthy ones. Also eat half of everything until you start to loose a couple of pounds. Fiber and protein is something also to remember.


    Whether it’s gardening, hiking kayaking, or even browsing through Canadian Tire I’ve got to move everyday!!!!! Sometimes a little….sometimes more. There is no rule…just move. With this and a happy Weight Watchers motivator, I’ve bid adieu to 17 pounds this summer. Moving makes all the difference. I’m aiming for 100 pounds. This is fun AND hardships, no sacrifices. I wish I’d done this years ago!!!

  38. Dance Corey Dance! Turn up the radio, ipod, whatever and shimmy those hips. You can do this any time at home. I do it while waiting for the potatoes to cook! Even better when you get husband to join in with some “dad” dancing! You will laugh out loud I am sure and that cannot be a bad thing!! I’ve made up my own aerobic moves! Janx

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