At my FAVORITE brocante, which is once a year and ten thousand miles long, give or take 9,980….
French Husband is my hero! He has carried every purchase, ten thousand miles!!!
Stories Collected While Living in France
At my FAVORITE brocante, which is once a year and ten thousand miles long, give or take 9,980….
French Husband is my hero! He has carried every purchase, ten thousand miles!!!
Love the basket! Did you take it to carry the new found treasures or buy it at the brocante? I have a “thing” for French wicker baskets…lol! You need one of our vintage metal shopping carts with liner for your trips to the brocante 😉
*applause” to the not so common man!
What a hunk o’ hunk o’ burning love he is for you, carrying all that that far! That’s …he’s…awesome.
I am going to fly to France, hide out in your bushes, wait for your husband to drop a hair, a bead of sweat, or spit and take his DNA and have this man cloned !
Really Corey it has gotten to the point where I would appreciate at least one story where he acted like a real shit…if just to stop the impulse I have to put a pillow over my husbands head while he’s sleeping !!
I dare say my own hubby would gladly do the same, in fact he does, though it seems I can carry more than he can 🙂
Love the basket too, and am newly infatuated with old French wooden fruit crates…sigh…some of them are awesome 🙂
Cheryl is right, I have a great old metal shopping basket on wheels that I take to town on my walks when I need to ship packages that are too heavy to carry.
corey- C-A-N-N-O-T WAIT FOR THE DEETS on all treasures found…some for you and some for us (i hope)
The basket must have had heavy finds in it. Maybe those Fatima iron door knockers? Corey, every photo you take of FH, you can see in his eyes how very much he loves you-even with no smile.
I just fill up my wheelie-suitcase whenever I have to shlep a heavy load to the post office, e.g., a bunch of books to send, or my annual holiday calendars (amazing how much several dozen of ’em can weigh!).
Bravo! and I immediately thought that there should be some grapes piled up in that basket, this being France and French Husband being French :-). Something like this
You and I have wonderful “sponsors.” POA will do wonders to keep a sponsor happy, and helping. Lots of praise and respect! Works every time.
Nothing like the husband carrying stuff to make a woman feel all…womanly! Sigh…
Maybe our hero needs his weenis rubbed after all that!
SO true. I carried some, but he carried most, I din’t complain.
Your two know how to do a Sunday. He looks like he could use a yoghurt cake with chocolate shreds.
Barter and trade. Give and take. Praise and respect. All of the above.
Hi Zosia
We bought the grape harvesting basket at the brocante today, and since it didn’t fit in the sacks we had, Yann carried it.
Heavy it was, it had two urns inside of it!!
Alot for you I hope and three or four things for me.
Hello Carol,
I read your comment as I was coming home with Yann in the car. I laughed so hard I nearly choked.
Trust me … no marriage is perfect! And certainly not mine.
You might want to kiss your husband and put a pillow on mine if you take his DNA.
Marriage is about love and forgiveness, letting go and letting be.
On my blog I share the good things to help me keep focused.
Thank you for the good laugh.
We bought the grape harvesting basket today. We do have carts.
It’s Brocante harvest! Lucky you!!
I must make it to that brocante next August. Miss you!!!!!!!!
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Is this the brocante that got rained out last year? I can tell you got some good shopping in.
Hunka, hunka, love! I am refering to the basket. 😉 What a wonderful way to spend a day together. Looking forward to the revealing of the purchases.
At first sight, I came to think FH was playing the “jarlotier” (grape basket holder???) in the vine rows…
Then I read your story and realized he was walking back from the “find rows”… BUT I was not too far (When reading your comment to Cheryl).
Hubba hubba… nice basket…FH is nice looking too:) You must be torn between taking pictures and snapping up tresures.
In regard to Cheryl’s comment. We “ladies” do not mind pulling one of those carts but I know my husband wouldn’t be caught dead pulling one. He would prefer “French Husband’s” method!
What a grand photo of FH. You are blessed!as is he!
I truly liked your basket..:)
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