Saturday Art Saves: One to One Hundred

'100' (from 0 to 100 years in 150 seconds) from Filmersblog on Vimeo.


Every Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may… Filmersblog

Filmersblog regarding his video he made,

"In October 2011 I started documenting people in the city of Amsterdam, approaching them in the street and asking them to say their age in front of the camera. My aim was to 'collect' a group of 100 people, from age 0 to 100. At first my collection grew fast but slowed down when it got down to the very young and very old. The young because of sensivity around filming or photographing children and the very old because they don't get out of the house much. I found my very old 'models' in care homes and it was a privilege to document these -often vulnerable- people for this project. I had particular problems finding a 99 year-old. (Apparently 100 year-olds enjoy notoriety, but a 99 year-old is a rare species…) And when I finally did find one, she refused to state her age. She simply denied being 99 years old! But finally, some 4 months after I recorded my first 'age', I was able to capture the 'missing link' and conclude this project. Enjoy.

(By the way: together these people have lived 5050 years…)"


14 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: One to One Hundred”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    An interesting project and a valuable result !!!
    Thank you Corey… I never imagined I could enjoy so much counting up to 100 in Dutch … !!!

  2. Chris Wittmann

    Fascinating…the nursing home where my husband works often has folks 100 years old and older. They had a 107 year old recently….must be the clean mountain air here!! Somehow I can’t imagine myself reaching that age, longevity does not run in my family!

  3. Very cool, I liked it a lot. Especially the babies, loved the babies.

  4. love seeing the final presentation of his project. lovely faces, each and every one of them.

  5. Beautiful!! Watched it twice, my dutch number recognition is improving. The faces each and every one of them are precious!
    A great and stirring of the soul why to start the weekend!

  6. i think this is PRICELESS!

  7. Family friend in Chico turns 105 this month — must remember to phone her! (Haven’t talked since Xmas, hope she’s OK).

  8. jennifer in SF

    This is beautiful. This morning I mentioned to FB that I wished we could see some art, or a film (like an Agnès Varda film) today to take us away, out of our thinking minds and daily chores, to inspire. This simple piece was just what we needed. Thank you so much for posting.

  9. WOW !!!!

  10. This is wonderful, Corey! Thanks for sharing it!

  11. Thank you.

  12. mary blanchard

    Thank you for sharing this Corey. I work in a nursing home and we have a resident that was a 100 last year….and they are still cognitive:)
    I remember my Mom saying that the years fly by the older we get …. and now that I am older I realize what she meant:)
    What a wonderful video Filmersblog made

  13. Salige Lavendel

    Oh, what a nice idea and project…makes one think about life and how fast we grow old. This artist should meet my own beloved grandmother who is soon 103 years old – and looks like the people in the age of 70!

  14. Thanks for sharing Corey! I was suppose to get Botox today and had a change of heart, and I’m glad I did. I need to honor the crinkle in my brow and be happy I’m here to celebrate it. Thanks again. Happy Sunday!

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