Today I Will Dance (Eat Less, Move More … Friday) Do What You LOVE!


Come in, enjoy the moment, take a breath of all that you love and hold true. Stand strong, feel free, dance, or maybe laugh really out loud.

Today is the day that is going to surprise you, that is going to take you to a new tomorrow, yes today, it is for you, how will you take it by the hand and live it well.

Embrace each crumb and sip.


Cafe de france

Today, I am going to notice color, relate it to a word, let it show me something more than green, red, blue, yellow… today I am going to paint it deep within me like a rainbow of wonder and awe.

Red heart on fire strong and faithful.

Yellow golden halo above those I love and care for.

Green growth energy healing.





Absorb the flavors raspberry, chocolate, walnut… but also the flavors of life: rush, slowness, anger, peace, hope, anguish… feel them for what they are, and then let them go. 

I need to ask: What is this feeling, thought, (or flavor) telling me? What do I need to do about it? Why is it here? Does it need to set up residence inside of me, or can I give it a place to be that doesn't leave me in an ackward place?



Stand up to the moment at hand. 

I opened my bedroom window, I hear the children playing at school, happy giggly sounds, an ant crawls on the rose branch where dry rose petals tell me autumn is near, the church bells ring, French Husband is doing the dishes, a bird flys across the cloudless sky, a leave twirls on a spider's web, a door slams nearby…a whiff of garlic.



Take in the everyday, pronounce it worthy and true.



Random act of kindness,

Bold claims of love,

Tell the world hello,

Embrace the unembrace-able;

Whisper fear, Exclaim today you are amazing!



Take time 









It is okay, to claim not to be busy.

It is okay to stay in bed.

It is okay to take a bath in the middle of the day.

It is okay not to finish the race.

It is okay to say no.

It is okay to feel that which is uncomfortable.

It is okay to change.




The feast.

Water, air, and the whole nine million yard ahead.




Freely loving life, set it free.



I am on a roll, yes I am, this morning I woke up and realized it was a year ago I broke my wrist, had surgery, heard the doctors tell me it would take several months to be able to use my hand again, and felt incapable of the simplest things.. cutting my food, holding my camera, putting on my bra, driving, everything took longer to do… and I wasn't to happy about it.

But it pass.

A small burden.

My mother in law came to help me when my wrist was broken, and there was a major break through in our relationship. It made me wrist breaking a gift.

Ah the beauty of the silver lining.




Live it… the silver lining, the merry go round, the wonder, the doubt, the hope, the desire, today, this moment.



I ate more this week than I have in all the last five weeks put together and lost a pound.

God life is full of surprises, challenges and funny business.

I don't understand… it is as if my body said, "Oh diet…she is eating less… starvation happening? Beware! Hold on!" Then when I dined on the feast of happy birthday, and children back home, I lost weight. As if my body said, "Whew, starving wasn't the issue, letting it go."

Nice healthy body thank you for caring about me and haboring this soul of mine. For allowing my essences to live through you!



1935 A French Market Painting.

Same as it ever was...



Today I will dance because even though it is the same ole, same ole it is darn good and I except that as an extraordinary gift.

How was you week? 


37 responses to “Today I Will Dance (Eat Less, Move More … Friday) Do What You LOVE!”

  1. Oh, Corey, I love this post. Especially this fragment: “I opened my bedroom window, I hear the children playing at school, happy giggly sounds, an ant crawls on the rose branch where dry rose petals tell me autumn is near, the church bells ring, French Husband is doing the dishes, a bird flys across the cloudless sky, a leave twirls on a spider’s web, a door slams nearby…a whiff of garlic.”
    Dance! Dancing, apart from being fun and romantic, is a good exercise. Happy weekend.

  2. love how you use extraordinary prose to remind us that we do not take for granted one moment of life…
    wish you would consider having your blog and beautiful photographs and art selection published… wish that even more people could live your visions and be better for it.
    thank you for being you, corey

  3. Today, as I embark on a very big change in my life your beautiful words will resonate in me. Thank you for that gift Corey!

  4. Congratulations for enjoying the life God has given you and the gift of a lost pound!
    I lost .2 pounds this week which was a little disheartening. HOWEVER everything is fitting better! So who knows what is going on.
    This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Have a great week-end.

  5. Corey, you are amazing. You tap into my thoughts and explain my thinking – how do u do that? I am going to try sooo hard to live & appreciate today, cuz this is the life. xo

  6. AMEIN!!! This is the day. I practice to dance, rejoice, embrace the day. It’s a choice. You expressed it so beautifully. How different the world would be if we focused on such things.
    Blessings to you. . .

  7. Chris Wittmann

    Another AMEN from beautiful sunny New Hampshire! What a beautiful and uplifting post! Today is my bubby’s only day off, the chores are done and we are going to take a drive around beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee and stop at our favorite place for lunch and maybe do some yard sale stops…Labor Day is past, the tourists are fewer, and we have the Lakes Region to ourselves again until the leaf peepers arrive. I enjoy every moment of it!

  8. Much better for just reading your wonderful post. I have a friend that says “notice what you notice”. Yes, you say it here in many ways for us to take notice of each and every little thing. Beautifully said. Now I am off to a wonderful Autumn celebration at the antique mall.

  9. Will you be my mommy? Your wisdom, grace and take on life is something I’m yearning to really grasp but it is so difficult through difficult times and overheating often comes into play during my times of fear and my need to escape .. Seeing beauty in a dusty dirty crime filled discussing city is hard for me… I have to cover my eyes to escape things I wish I wasn’t seeing… My ears to block the things I’d rather not be hearing.
    Thanks so much for your help… Cynthia

  10. Yes overheating and overeating
    .. My iPad always knows what is really going on

  11. My week was o.k. but I want some of what you’re having! I remember a dance in the dining room this summer and it makes me smile.
    I’m on board with you, you have the life that you sculpt. No, we have no power of some of the things that happen but we have the power to decide how we will react to it.
    These days yoga is my mantra. My teacher said: You don’t get into your body to do poses, you do poses to get into your body. Yoga like dancing is being in your body and a little less into your head!

  12. I fear the most color I’ll see today will be on your blog, and nowhere else. Unless one counts all the black-and-white type on my computer screen, from my translating, i.e.

  13. A quiet, much ado about nothing week. Just delighted with life exactly as life presents itself, unafraid to go to sleep and unafraid to wake up.

  14. A joyful post, indeed.

  15. everton terrace

    Wow, wonderful post. So many thoughts. First, today WAS full of surpries for me. It rained here in the desert and that is always a surprising (and most welcome) sight. I have company arriving today. We are busy preparing big meals and baked treats to share so I will be moving more AND eating more. Perhaps I will also lose a pound like you 🙂
    Some of your thoughts are resonating deep within me.
    Not finishing the race….that’s a big one that’s been on my mind as of late. I don’t HAVE to finish it, good point.
    As always, you’ve fed my soul this day, thanks Corey.

  16. so much to say-first cannot believe a year since the wrist…where does the time go… thankful for your healing and the silver lining-gifts beyond value…this post was magical in movement and tone-i could feel what it was you were expressing so BEAUTIFULLY – sometimes when i am at the sink doing dishes-planning a meal around what we have and cursing not stopping at the store or planning meals in advance i stop and realize the exact same thing-the fact to be able to prepare a meal for my dad and my sister is a gift one we- i- almost lost back in febuary-so i smile and say a prayer of thanks for all that is-my week was normal-no cold, no headaches…but AWFUL weather-no walks- rain and horrible humidity and temps too-eating was healthy clothes still feel the same-happy for your lost pound your insight and your outlooks-hang in there all! forward march…wishing everyone good eating and easy movements and HAPPY LIGHT DAYS until next friday-see the greatness in the ordinary-sometimes that is what totally rocks….

  17. Massilianana

    Such an inspiring post and my fave part is the same as Zosia’s. All these little things put together weave such a precious pattern, they are the substance our life is made of. Here are mine for today : summer is lingering on, the air is still so warm- golden ; having lunch outside with my work collegue and laughing like schoolgirls – pink and glittery; feeling tired wishing to get back home quick – white ; listening to my daughter being enthousiastic about her new teachers – bright orange ; listening to my son’s account of his second school wedding with his sweetheart ( I kid you not ! ) shimmering sky blue ; watching my youngest cat watch TV and try to catch a toothpaste tube ad or monkeys in a documentary – splash of yellow……Otherwise I know I did not lose any weigt. Got to buy batteries for my scale………

  18. Thank you for an inspiring and eloquent post. I have been listening to my body and feeding it only when it is hungry and being present in the moment to enjoy it. Four pounds lost so far.

  19. I love to grow flowers for the market. Could you tell me the name of the yellow and orange flowers in the bouquet held by the girl in front of the carousel?

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    Good for you four pounds!

  21. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi M
    We need to get together soon!
    Glad your daughter likes her teachers!

  22. Tongue in Cheek

    Good news about your father’s recovering health! You and your sister are wonderfully loving!

  23. Tongue in Cheek

    The smell of first rain after a dry season. I imagine in the desert it must be intoxicating!

  24. Tongue in Cheek

    Hey L
    I cannot get over the video you posted on FB . How FAR you ran between point A and B!! My goodness, if I ran that much I could eat whatever I wanted forever, but I would be too dead to eat anything after such a run!

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi KB
    If you cannot get outside, just up your window and take the color in! Or buy you some flowers for your desk x Hope your translation goes well.

  26. Tongue in Cheek

    “…a little less in your head.” I needed to hear that.
    Now dance,

  27. Tongue in Cheek

    Wishing you a happy place in the midst of the city. You are a creative soul, and your desire will lead you, trust it.


    Hi Corey, That is so strange as I was reading your blog I wondered how your wrist was doing, and, loo and behold a little furter down the page you mentioned it! Hard to believe it has been a year and glad to hear it has healed well. I broke my wrist at the end of March (I was 5 mins from boarding a plane to Malta and slipped on orange pieces somone had dropped on the floor)! It has been a long haul since then, it didn’t heal properly, and have since developed something called Complex Repetitive Pain Syndrom, which has left me with a hand swollen to twice it’s size, very stiff and hard to use my fingers in particular and constant chronic pain! Apparently it could take 18 months to get better or, woo betide, it could be permanent. I am looking on the bright side! Good news you have lost another 1lb, although I bet you don’t really need to loose any, you look great as you are. My week involved 4 visits to pysio, but now it’s the weekend and I can relax and enjoy sometime with friends.

  29. Kristin McNamara Freeman

    Your post today was most delicious. I read through twice savoring every morsel; today my first meal was the reading of your blog. So much to learn in the phrases and thoughts you so beautifully shared with us. The pictures apropos the text kept me fully engaged with the journey you crafted and shared. Thanks as ever for giving my day here in the Rockey Mountains a most beautiful blog beginning.
    Peace and blessings….Kristin

  30. Thanks for your wonderful thoughts reminding us all to live with our hearts, minds, and hands open to all the world has to offer – to gather the beauty as we taste, see, touch, hear, smell all the wonder around us – to give ourselves permission to be where we are in this moment – and to be open to the gifts we receive even in the difficult challenging moments. Thank you for feeding my mind, my spirit, my heart today.

  31. peggy braswell

    Life is what we make it + enjoy each God given moment. What a beautiful post!

  32. It’s called “living in the present moment.” Be aware of all the things around us at this very moment. I have a long commute to work and it is difficult to stay focused and awake. I started noticing all the colors and makes of cars and the different license plates. Then when I’m almost at work, the sun rises over the mountains and I see the most beautiful sunrises EVER! Yesterday the cloud linings were pinkish-it transformed me into a space of beauty and love. That’s when I thank God for His beautiful creation around me.

  33. La Contessa

    I cannot believe the first photo ENTREE LES ARTISTAS……..spelling!!I have a sign like that in my home!Boy are you in the same place Iam at the moment with thoughts,etc………and was it your birthday the other day??Sorry, some how I missed whos BIRTHDAY it was !The pics were HYSTERICAL pounding that machine so SORRY!HAPPY BE-LATED!
    How was my day yesterday?Good went to the openning night of the SF OPERA season with a girlfriend I call THE BARONESS!We ate like Royality and then slipped into the Opera house by the side door!The beauty of the building there just makes you feel good!And of course, all were dressed well, almost all……..tis SAN FRAN!

  34. Your beautiful post lifted my heart. Thank you. It has been a rough week. They happen. When they do happen, I remind myself that there is a lesson to be learned and to just go with it. I am not good with that concept, but I know patience is a lesson to be learned. Wishing you and yours a beautiful weekend.

  35. Great post !
    I’m trying to live more every day. One of the things I did was park the car and start working to work (about 100 minutes round trip). It is good for the body, but also for my mind – I say hello to all I pass and get lots of kisses from their dogs. Guess the pups detect I’m a dog lover 🙂
    I lost 2 pounds but they were the 2 I gained last week. So I’m back to the old “high” weight. OK with me- as long as I don’t keep gaining!
    My week was rough. One of my neighbors was very mad at me because I feed the wild birds and they are leaving poop on his cars. He was REALLY mad. I try desperately to treat every neighbor courteously and do nice things for them, so he really hurt me and made me feel rotten. I took down the offending feeder, but then I felt rotten seeing the birds looking for food they’ve come to expect for the last 6 years.
    I need to let go of the emotions I feel over his remarks and the way he spoke to me. But I am not there yet. Hopefully next week.

  36. oh Corey, I forgot to add – I remember the whole story of the broken wrist and your Mother in Law’s visit – I had just begun reading your blog. I also remember the end of that trip and was sooo happy for you when you had that terrific breath through.
    Has she returned for another visit since then??? I recall she even helped out with the brocante.

  37. laura i understand exactly how you feel – i have a few of those types of neighbors and i fight back trying to defend myself and then i feel awful-is he sure it is only the birds at the feeder-if it is them at all does he have proof or is he just drawing a conclusion based on having seen the feeder- are there bushes or trees on his property- i find it ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE that birds at the feeder are the only ones leaving their marks- any way your PRIVATE PROPERTY to do as you see fit unless there is some sort of ordinance etc prohibiting such actions-i know easier said than done try to ignore him and do as you see fit!

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