Every Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.
Those who inspire art to flow where it may… Kwestia Smaku.
Bruschetta with roasted pumpkin, white cheese and rocket salad
with ginger syrup – orange.
Kwestia Smaku is a Polish food blogger. Her blog has thousands of recipes with stunning images, and sneak peeks into her family life.
Kwestia prepares the food for her blog, her husband photographs it, and family and friends eat it. I want to be part of her family and friends, so I do not have to just lick the screen.
Pears baked with cinnamon and coconut liqueur
Kwestia blends flavors that reading about them make my tastebuds do a happy wiggle. |
Kwestia gives informative recipes, step by step how tos, plus much more. Tips about shopping, combination of flavors, seasonal recipes, French Danish recipes, Yes she even mixes flavors from other countries! I love her way of sharing menus and categories, easy to find.
For example a list of ingredients for Mushroom Sauce:
Ingredients 2 – 4 servings:
• Average bowl of mushrooms (such as porcini, podgrzybków), about 1/2 kg • 1 small onion • 2 cloves garlic • 50 g butter • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 5 tablespoons of beer or white wine ( I used wheat beer) – optional • 125 ml cream cream 30% (from the carton) • salt and freshly ground black pepper • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley additives, such as bread, potatoes, dumplings, buckwheat, buckwheat pancakes, dumplings …
Kwestia's blog has meat, fish, bread, cheese, desserts, fruits, vegetable dishes… a well rounded mix.
Photos of food, especially Kwestia's photos make me want to lick the screen! I have added a few of the hundreds of delicious wholesome recipes of Kwestia's in hope that you too will follow Kwestia into her kitchen instead of licking your screen.
Bon Appetit!
Kwestia writes that she has great satisfaction from cooking, tasting, eating and the friendship that comes from it. Creating, styling is part of the enjoyment, her entire family seems to take part in it. Doesn't food makes parties and get together better!
Kwestia goes on to say that she is "…passionate about her kitchen … a wealth of flavors, which she loves to share with her husband's photos. Kwestia love the search and continues to find new and more inspiring recipes with her never ending experimentation in the kitchen. The markets restaurants, other chefs, and places she visits allows her to find new products and ideas to share.

Photo Source Kwestia Smaku
Ingredients 2 servings:
• 2 tablespoons butter • 1/2 large onion, chopped into cubes • 230 g carrots, peeled and chopped into slices • 1 large parsley, chopped into slices • 1 tablespoon finely grated ginger • 1/2 teaspoon grated orange • 300 ml vegetable stock • 60 ml liquid cream 18% • Salt and pepper

Kwestia says, "My kitchen combines a variety of styles, flavors, cooking techniques, spices and methods. Polish cuisine and modern European cuisine, especially Italian cuisine, these themes I like to call my … fusion cuisine.

Kwestia thanks her mother, who taught her how to cook, instilled in her a, "culinary bug." It is and will remain her role model. From an early age she was involved in the preparation of meals for her family, which spiced her desire and talent. Cooking for Kwestia has become a hobby, as it was for her mother, grandfather and sister …
The above photo is a Kwestia's family on a picnic, the beginning of any great meals shared.
Peggy wrote, "To read Kwestia Smaku in the English version, copy the website's url and paste into google search, it will give you a result with the option of translation. Then bookmark the translated page."
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